1961/12/18Minutes of the Meeting December 18, 1961 T0~N OF BERLIN OFFICE OF THE SELECTMEN A joint meeting was held ~th the Board of Education at 7:00 p.m., to discuss the telephone situation. Present: Selectmen Powers, Lanzoni and Kerin. Dr. Bountress, Mr. Fletcher, Dr. Fitzsimmons, Mrs. Bigelow, Mr. Garrity and Mr. Cosgrove. Mr. Powers explained the Board of Finance was not present since Mr. Doranhad been away and did not receive letter notifying him of this meeting until this morning. Mr. Doran suggested that Selectmen and Board of Education meet and discuss the matter and then go to the Board of Finance. Mr. Cosgrove explained the telephone problem the difference being that the Town Hail phones were all in one building whereas the School phones were in five different buildings. The possibility exists that this may eventually spread throu~omt Town in the near future as new schools are built. Both syst~s a~-e operated by switchboard. The Town switchboard is manned 2A hours since Police and Fire calls are received there. The School switchboard is manned from eight in the morning uz~il five in the afternoon. ~hen this closes down it is not even possible to get through to Mr. Dorsey's office. It is also impossible to get two Schools connected after school hours since an outside line is needed for this. The Board of Education has decided that they must make a ch-nge and the suggestion was made that perhaps a centralized Town-wide system could be installed. This system would take the cost of telephones out of the Board of Education budget completely. This would also relieve one full time employee who mans the switchboard plus her relief or a saving of substantial sum. The Town Hall has a problem of getting an outside line. If we go to a To~-wide system, it would be advantageous to both the Town and the Board of Education since the Town already has a full time e~loyee man~ing their ~vitchboard. . Mr. Powers stated he had discussed this situation with Mr. Cosgrove about a year ago. At that rite Mr. Cosgrove advised that installing this system would require a room. In other words, a place to put the system. Mr. Cosgrove stated that if we do go in for a system like this, he personally felt the switchboard should be in the Town Hall but it could be anywhere in the Town. Mr. Powers questioned cost-wise how it would effect both the Town and the School Board. Mr. Eerin stated that the telephone company had sold the present system to the Board of Education with the understanding that it would require only a part-time operator who could also perform other clerical work. Mr. Fletcher explained that the Board of Education was interested in knowing if theBoard of Selectmenare interested in a Town-wide system and think it has merit to give it furtherstudy or the Board of Education would take care of its own. -2- mr. Kerin suggested putting a time check on our Dispatcher to see if he could handle the added work load. Mr. Powers questioned whether the new system would allow direct ~ialing out. Mr. Cosgrove explained there are two systems available. The Selectmen would have to increase their budget from approximately two to four thousand dollars a year, plus approximately one thousand dollars for installation. Space must be provided for the system. There is a l0 year termination charge. As the Town grows, a new system becomes more necessary. Mr. Kerin questioned~if the Selectmen should decide to study this, could a representative of the telephone company conduct the studyY ~r. Cosgrove explained the telephone company would make a study. Since we are looking for increased efficiency, this system should be under one budget. ~ Mr. Kerin questioned if there would be a way of controling out of town calls. ~r. Cosgrove was certain that certain phones could be restricted. Mr. Powers stated he could understand the advantages, but it must also be understood that there is a cost problem. Mr. Dorsey explained that the operator for the Board of Education was restricted to the ~=~ switchboard and could do very little other work other than simple copy typewriting. She would be relieved to do other work as would be the girl who relieves her. There would be a saving of approximately 1 and one- quarter man power. He also felt we could have a direct line to Hartford. Dr. Fitzsimmons questioned that, assuming something like this were done, how long would it take for a survey and determining of a system. Mr. Cosgrove explained that one system would take ~bout four ~onths. The decision would lay ~ith the Town. If they v~nt somet~ng to prove for the growth of the Town. Mr. Powers suggested someone from the telephone company coming in to figure out the cost. Two things are essential. Finding a space and the financial aspects. The Board of Selectmen authorized the Board of Education to have a representative from the telephone contact them with regard to making a survey. Mr. Powers read letter from Grant Skinner in which ~e highly recommended Donald Prue as Assistant Highway Superintendent. Permant appointment of Mr. Prue was unanimous. Mr. Powers advised the Board it may be necessary to go to the Board of Finance for mone money for a qualified mechanic to help Mr. Haber. Mr. Powers will check with surrounding towns to see what their pay scale is. Board members unanimously accepted recommendation of Grant Skinner for an across the board increase per hours of $.05 for all Highway employees. Arnold Pomerenke was granted an increase of 10~ per hour. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. cc: A. B. Powers J. P. Lanzoni H. T. Kerin Minutes of the Meeting December 28, 1951 The meeting opened at 7:30 p.m. with the three Selectmen present. Mrs. Mahanwas present for the Press. The Board unanimously appointed &ldo Castiglioni, 133 Savage Hill Road, to a five year term on the Planning Commission, replacing Th~esa Craddock, whose term had expired.