1961/11/06Minutes of the Meeting November 6, 1961 TOWN OF BERLIN OFFICE'~OF THE SELECTMEN The meeting opened at 7:S0 p.m. with Selectmen Powers and Lanzoni present. Mr. Kerin was on vacation and unable to attend. Mr. Covini was present for the Press. Item I Minutes of the meeting of October ~0, 1961, were accepted as written. Item II Mr. Powers moved, Mr. Lanzoni seconded, awarding gas, oil, grease and anti-freeze bid to Texaco, in toto. This firm was low bidder on all items except grease, Sun Oil Company being low bidder on this item. Mr. Maber has previously stated that grease from this firm has proved unsatisfactory and the next lowest bidder was Texaco, who were awarded the bid. Item III Mr. Powers read letter, dated October ~0, 1961, from the Kensington Fire District regarding land at the intersection of Alling Street and High Road, stating they will have a right of way over this land for two years, or until 1963. Mr. Kissane advised that Mrs. Alling would like this small strip of land adjoining her property. Mr. Kissane state~ that many years ago there was a fork in the road. Then the road was rebuilt and the small island taken out and the intersection made. At that time Mr. Bacon showed the corner end, for all practicle purposes, had been abandoned. This was approved by the Planning Commission in 1985 or 1984. About a year ago, through her attorney, Knox Howard, Lauretta Alling asked that we abandon the land to allow her to straighten out her property. As there are water pipes going through the land we asked the Kensington Fire District first and they state in their letter that they will move the pipe within two years. If the Board of Selectmen agree to abandon the land then it will have to be taken to a Tow-n meeting. It was agreed that the value of the land would be negligible but Mr. Powers will check as to its value. The matter will be put on the agenda for the nex~ Town meeting. Item IV Mr. Powers advised bids had been opened for work on Willi-ms Street and Mattabassett Street. 0nly one bid was received, from Horbal Brothers for $2,682.00. Since this figure was very close to the estimate p~pared by the Engineering Department, bid was awarded to Horbal Brothers. Bid was opened on work on Robbins Road, one only received from Horbal Brothers. Since this bid amounted to $12,984.80, plus approximately $4,000.00 which would have to be paid to the'Kensington Fire District to properly complete the job, bid was not awarded. Mr. Powers moved, Mr. Lanzoni concurred, to delay awa?ding of bid for Robbins Road until Selectmen and Engineering Department have reviewed financial status of Drainage account. New bids will be called for on this work, possibly in the spring. Horbal Brothers will be notified of this action. The meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m. Arthur B. Powers Harold T. Kerin Joseph P. Lanzoni