1961/02/13 AGENDA Board of Selectmen Meeting Monday, February 13, 1961 /1. w 2. '/3. Approve minutes of last wee~s meeting. Mr. Edward Haber Hold Harmless Agreement - re Sherwood Park. Letter fro~ L. W. Francis, Headmaster, St. James School - dated February 3, 1961 - re voting place for Berlin district. Petition re snow removal from Main Street businessmen. Discuss the need for reinforcement of Tax Collector's office. Bid fro~ Modern Electronics - re sale of land behind their pr Ol~erty. Rel~c~t on Redevelopment. Any ot~er business. Hinutes of the Meeting February 13, 1961 TOWN OF BERLIN OFFICE OF THE SELECTHEN The meeting opened at 7550 p.m. wi.th the three Selectmen present. Mrs. Mahan was present for the Press. Item I The minutes of the meeting of February 6, 1961, were accepted as written. Item II Mr. Powers reviewed the previous meeting with Mr. Haber and advised that though the Board is aware that he has put in a great deal of overtime there are others on salary and it was more or less felt that the Board preferred to give Mr. Haber time off. in discussing the matter with Town Counsel, he advises we could either pay Mr. Haber or allow him time off, but warned that our decision might set a precedent. Mr. Haber related that in the past he had been given time off for any time put in over 40 hours. In the event of an emergency, such as .the serious storm in 19§8, he was paid for his work, over forty hours, from the Snow Removal Fund, the same as if he had been put on as extra help. This year is the first time he has run up against so much trouble. At that time, of course, it was straight time since no one received time and one-half. Mr. Powers explained that the difference between Mr. Baber's and Mr. Skinner's salary is that Mr. Skinner's includes all emergencies where the Highway Department is involved, which includes snow removal. Mr. Kerin asked Mr. Haber if he would be willing to wait until the snow season is over and then the Board would work something out. Mr. Haber agreed to this and presented the Board with an itemized accounting of his overtime hours spent on snow removal. Mr. Kerin moved, the Board concurred, that providing it was all right with Mr. Haber, to go along for the rest of the season and at the end of the season we determine how much overtime Mr. Haber has and decide ~hat financial remuneration compared to vacation or time off. The Board commended Mr. H~ber for his faithfulness to his duty and felt he has ~'~ done an excellent Job as a dedicated employee. ~'~item III Board members signed Hold Harmless Agreement for Sherwood Park. Item IV Mr. Powers read letter, dated February 5, 1961, frcm L. W. Francis, HeaAmaster, Saint James School, in which he offered use of the school as a voting place for the Berlin district. Since permission to use the High School for voting purposes is anticipated, Mr. Powers will write and thank Mr. Francis for his kind offer but decline use of his facilities. item V Mr. Powers read petition, presented to him by Anthon~ DiMugno, and signed by Main Street merchants, requesting ~hat snow be removed in~ediately from Main Street. The Board unanimously agreed that Mr. Powers write letter to all petitioners, stating that the Board fully intends to plow M in Street just as soon as all our citizens are taken care of and provided safety, as has been done in the past. Item VI The Board discussed the need for reinforcing the Tax Colleetor's office. Mr. Powers advised Mr. Cabelus has found that the floor is sagging and separating from the wall. ~t is Mr. Babelus' opinion tha~ it could be repaired for less than $200.00. Mr. Powers will get au esti~'~ate on cost of repairs and then put it out to bid. ~tem Vii Bid from Modern Electronis for adjacent land was opened. Bid was for $200.00. After examining land map with Mr. Kissane and receiving appraisal value from Mr. Carter, this bid w~s rejected as bering too iow. Bidder will be advised that one lot mentioned in his bid is not foreale and will also be advised of assessed value of land. He will be asked to submit a new bid. Item VIII Mr. ~'owers advised that 8rate Statute must be followed to set mR Redevelopment Committee and it must be approved at a Town Meeting. Attorney Dawson will prepare proper forms for some time in March. item IX Mr. Whiteappeared before the Board wi~h regard to setting date for meeting of a Committee from the Board of ~ducation, the rark and Recreation Committee and the ~-~electmen. Meeting was set for Monday, February 27, 1961 at ?:30 p.m. and will be the irst item on the Seleotmen's Agenda. Confirmation of this date will be forthcoming from the Board of mducation. Mr. Powers advised that Snow Removal ~Ccount, through the first t~o weeks in February, is over ,17,0OO.00. The Board of Finance has been polled to determine their feeling if the Selectmen go before the Town Meeting on February 20, 1961 to get conset to transfer ~8,000.O0 to this account. Julius Naldi of 398 Ailing Street appeared before the Board with regard Jo ~he water problem there. Mr. Naldi advised that curbing installed did not solve the problem and offered a portion of his land if the To~ is interested in straightening out the road at this point. Mr. Powers advised that Mr. Kissane will look the area over again when the smowis gone and determine what measures can be taken to solve the problem. Mr. Naldi was asked to contact the Board again in the spring. Board members decided there was no need to change the Vendors Ordinance. Board members agreed there was no need to change the Public Right of Way Ordinance. Board members agreed there was no need to change the Sliding Ordinance. Board members agreed that on'recommendation of Safety Committee, Sidewalk Ordinance be tabled. The Board was u~animous in its feeling that since Safety Committe has asked for this action that it be taken. The meeting adjourned at 9~30 p.m. CC t A. B. Powers J. P. Lanzomi H. T. Xerin T~WN OF BERLIN OFFICE OF THE SU~,ECTN~N iii. nut:es of the i/eeting February ~, 1961 The meeting opened at 7tOO p.m. with Selectmen P~ers and Lanzoni present. rin was unable to attend the meeting for business reasons. Item i The Selectmen met with John Dennehy, Joseph Gurskus and ]~aroel Greoo of the Park & Recreation Committee; Mr. Goodrich, John White, Kenneth Place, Elizabeth Br~wn and Dr. Fitzsimmons of the Board of Education. Mr. Powers advised the joint meeting was called at the request of the Park & Recreation Committee to get straightened out, as the Selectmen also wish, the problems which exist between the Board of Education and the Park & Recreation Committee as to use of the public school fields and playgrounds. It is not certain what past policy has been and, also, it would be greatly beneficial to the t~w,.s recreation program if the Committee had use of the playgrounds of the schools. It is a matter of who, or which group, is responsible for maintenance of the areas. ]~r. Dennehy advised that the problem is that of the Nigh School field. The other two a~shape. The Park & Recreation Committee did not use the Nigh School Field but it was used by the Newell League and they came to the Park & Recreation Committee often for mewing and repairs and the Park & Recreation Committee did not have the man power to take care of it. Mr. Powers added that often too, parents have complained about the condition of the---~hool field. Several times he instructed Recreation Committee was approached, they rea~izea they naa no 3uris~ the field. The other fields that the Park & Recreation used did not cause any problems and things ran rather smoothly. The question has also arisen about the field in East Berlin. There has been, a request to turn the t~ eld over to the Board of Education, ~r. Dennehy stated the Park & Recreation Committee would be in full agreement ~rith t]mis bu~ wishes to get the policy question settled before the Board does take it over. Along with this comes the Pabst property and as slon~ as there is a possibility that it might be developed the Park & Recreation Committee w~uld like a policy set up for its maint ena~ce. ~' ~r. Place advised that the policy is that, second to school use, the Park & ,,ecrea~iOn Committee comes first. As far as maintenance, there is no written policy on that. It would be a matter cf finding out from the Board that we would agree to keep the fields in decent condition. Mr. Powers stated that the ~igh School field is not a bad field. The main ' ment v~s who would pay the man to go in to clean it. ~ adv~,,sed that dis res · ion ~ne ag ..... ~+~,,~ 1,.,~ meet~nz with the Board of ~cuca~: at the Park & ~ecrea~lon ~ statement was made that it was a problem of m~.~ power. ~s Brown stated that it is the janitor who takes care of them all the time. ~r. Powers stated that at that time the Board of Education did not feel that ~r. Toledoa ~ould maintain the fields all summer while they were being used by the Town. 'We, the Park & Recreation Committee w~uld maintain it but if we did maintain it We would not want to pay the man, so no decision ever came fr~m that. Thus we had an unstable policy. Mr. Denneh[ stated the Park & Recreation would be willing to take care of all out door facilities all year round, but it would have to be included in their budget. The only roblem is for us to get a policy written up. ~ went on to say that the ~eople in the section around the Pabst propert~would li~e a play ground in that area. The Park & Recreation Committee intends to put something in temporarily. They will not put too m~ch in until it is know~ where the school will go. Perhaps a basketball stanchion and a few swings. Then also, the property in East Berlin. ~iss. B~ewn questioned as to whether the park & Recreation Committee would be willing to pay '50% of the cost of maintenance, i~r. powers felt perhaps this would be a good idea. ]~r. Denneh~. stated the ccmp~tnta came pr~---~ily from the Newell League. If the mowi~were take'n care of, then the Park & Recreation Committee man would §o in and take care of the infield and the mound. N~ss Brown stated all should be done that can be done to take care of the children ~ring t~'e summer. -2- Hr. Place questioned as to when the Recreation pro,ram starts. Mr. Denn~ advised arou~ the first of June. The High School field is in good ~ion----~en but ~ets worse as %he summer progresses. Mr. Denneh~ felt that this was the time to bring up the Pabst area. Mr. Place felt that the play§round facilities would go in with the building of ~ so--elf, when and if built. Mr. Powers advised the Town has put in a partial driveway there. Dr. Fitzsimmons felt that as far as the High School is concerned, perhaps it could be on a ~'50 basis. Mr. Denneh[ f~lt that if the same a~rangement is made for the new area, the Park & Eec~reation Committee w~uld like to know about it to include it in their b~dget. Mr. White stated that perhaps the Board of Education would like to maintain the whole--his, of course, would be somethi~ for the entire Board to d&cide. Mr. Place felt we wouldn't bother about the Pabst property until a school goes in there. l~r. Gurskis questioned then, if the Park & Recreation Committee needed just the approVal '~f the Selectmen until a school is built, and was advised that until the property is turned over to the Board of Education that would be proper. Mr. Gurskis further questioned what the policy has been at the Percival School. ~r. Dennehy advised that the School Department maintains it but that there is a difference there since all the playing is done on grass. Mr. G~rskis felt that perhaps that would be the case on the Pabst property. Mr. White felt then there was really no problem, just a need for clarification "~-~~h~v advised that another problem has come up about using elementa~ schools for the ~eighborhood basketball program. At present it is held only at the High School since the Willard and Percival Schools each have just one basket in their all purpose ro°~Dr. Fitzsimmons felt that to summarize the problems then, the main concern is the msi'nten~nce or--thee High School diamond as well as baskets for the elementary schools. Mr. Dennehy also questioned if there might be some room aveilable to store ble~hers which are owned'by the Park & Recreation but used for years at the High School. Mr. Fletcher, who had just arrived, felt that in the new addition to the Nigh there is ~u area which might be available. ~'~°°~r. White requested that the Park & Recreation Co, tree make written requests to the--~f Education on the problems discussed this evening. Mr. Gurskis questioned as to policy of smoking at Park & Recreation Committee sponso'~ed dances. He especially questioned this with regard to 7th and 8th graders. Mr. Gurskis-felt that as educators teaching the affects of alcohol and tobacco a firm ~'olicy "s~ou~l be set. ~iss Brown stated this matter will also be taken up with the entire Board of Educatisn. Item II The minutes of the meeting of February 20, 1961, ware accepted as written. Item III Tire bids were opened at this time. Bids were received from~ Wallabout Tire Co., Kensington, Conn. $2,639.20 Warmac Garage, East Berlin, Conn. 2,853.00 Aircraft Tire Mart, East Hartford $,101.00 $ & R Serwice Center, Berlin, Conn. $,lll. O0 Commercial Tire Co., New Britain, Conn. $,255.00 Bid was tentatively awarded to Wallabout Tire, apparent 1~ bidder. Item IV On ~r. Powers motion, bond authorizing Treasurer to borrow $100,000.O0, in anticipation of taxes, was signed. Item V Mr. powers advised that the Fire Departments at their last joint meeting discussed the possibility ~ the Town plowing their driveways. They have been doin~ it for themselves but the expense has become excessive this year. ~r. Powers m~ed that we plow the Fire Department driveways First during each '~now storm. The service they render to the Town is such that the Town should plow them out. Mr.' Skinner and the Fire Departments will be notified of this decision. Item VI Mr. powers advised that the only stipulation on the Road Priority List is that no ~wo in any one section be done u~less needs in the other sections are taken Care C~. ~'~ Item VII Mr. C. E. $calise, Ron~l Drive, was appointed to the Industrial Development ~qommission, replaci~ Fred Henrickson who resigned because of business reasons. The meeting adjourned at 911~ p.m. Mr. Powers Mr. lerin Mr. Lanzoni (Portion on meeting with Board of Education and Park & Recreation Committee forwarded to Mr. Dennehy)