1988-08-15 THE MATTABASSETT DISTRICT - August 15 , 1988 The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of the Mattabassett District was held Monday , August 15 , 1988 , at the Administration Building , Cromwell , Connecticut . Present from the City of New Britain were Directors Frank M. Harvey , Julius J. Kremski , David I . Pollowitz , Arthur Simonian , and Silvio A. Silverio . Present from the Town of Berlin were Directors Livio J. Dottor , and Horace B. Van Dorn. Present were William W. Weber , Counsel ; Gregory Abrahamian , Executive Director ; Christian Bratina , Plant Superintendent. Absent were the following : Joseph N. Cambareri , Peter Cole , James F. Jost , Vincent Vilchinskas , and Allen R. Smith. Chairman Kremski called the meeting to order at 7 :40 p.m. A roll call was taken ; a quorum was present. Minutes - July 18 , 1988 Mr. Dottor moved , seconded by Mr. Silverio , and the following was passed unanimously without any negative vote recorded . RESOLVED, That the minutes of the July 18 , 1988 meeting be accepted as presented . Mr . Harvey moved , seconded by Mr . Van Dorn and the following was passed unanimously without any negative vote recorded . RESOLVED, That the Treasurer ' s Report dated July 13 , 1988 to August 10 , 1988 be accepted and placed on file for audit . The July Appropriations Schedule was reviewed . Mr. Van Dorn moved , seconded by Mr . Harvey and the following was passed unanimously without any negative vote recorded . RESOLVED, That the July Appropriations Schedule be accepted as presented . Bills To Be Authorized For Payment The regular monthly list and supplemental list of bills as printed was reviewed . c;sa Mr . Van Dorn moved , Mr . Harvey seconded , and the following-vs-4 L c) passed unanimously without any negative vote recorded . rn RESOLVED, That the bills in the amount of $190 , 894 .66 be c-) rn approved . Capital Project bills in the amount of $961 , 942 .53 also be approved . Payrolls for the Period -- -n July 16 , 1988 through August 6 , 1988 in the amount of N $63 , 162 .32 be approved . CD (1) Minutes — August 15 , 1988 Project Report Christian Bratina reviewed the status report from Metcalf & Eddy . Sixty—six percent of the dollar amount of construction is completed . Completion date for the secondary is now projected to be May 1989. The incinerator is scheduled to start up in August 1989 . Preparation work is being done for the installation of the incinerator . The contractor is also waiting for a permit to construct from the DEP for air compliance that was filed for in March or April . At that time they were told it would take three or four months for approval . The Operation Building work is going very slow. Overall construction is about four months behind and the rate of increase in construction time is not nearly as great as projected . The Sludge Disposal Building is behind because of problems here but also because of slow deliveries from outside vendors. Mr . Silverio moved , seconded by Mr. Harvey and the following was passed unanimously without any negative vote recorded . RESOLVED, That the Status Report for the period of July 9 , 1988 to August 5 , 1988 be accepted and placed on file . Finance Committee — No Report Engineering Committee Report The Engineering Committee reviewed the site plan for the Super 8 Motel east of Interstate 91 and Industrial Park Road and rejected it because of many areas of concern , namely : excessive fill over trunk sewer , potential expense to maintain trunk sewer due to filling , etc . The applicant was notified that the site plan as submitted was not approved and a ieuesigr to incorporate the District ' s concerns would be considered at a later date . Mr . Abrahamian will be meeting with their engineers later this week. The Task Order #14 is in the amount of $3 .8 million dollars with Greiner for construction inspection , special services, basic services to the construction site project , reviewing shop drawings and minor design , and operations manual. An amendment was given to the committee to increase the $3.8 to $5 . 1 million because the contractor went bankrupt and the project is going to extend another year. This amount will have to be increased even more because the construction has been extended to August 1989 , which is more than the year this first increase was to cover . The State will not consider a grant amendment to fund additional engineering fees until such time as the time extension is resolved and completed . Mr. Van Dorn moved , seconded by Mr . Harvey and the following was passed unanimously without any negative vote recorded . RESOLVED, That the Engineering Committee Report be accepted and placed on file . (2) Minutes — August 15 , 1988 Personnel Committee Report Mr . Silverio reported that the union personnel (operations and maintenance) voted to reject the District ' s offer to reopen the Labor Agreement . After an extensive wage study of various wastewater treatment plants the District revised the current wage plan by increasing the hourly rate to an average of 7% and 5% for the following year . In addition , the District was deleting the national day of mourning as a paid holiday and obtaining contract language regarding retirement , probationary employees and the right to hire new employees above the first step of the pay plan. (The labor agreement which is in force until next July states that any new employee hired starts at the first step . ) Mr. Pollowitz moved , seconded by Mr. Harvey and the following was passes unanimously without any negative vote recorded . RESOLVED, That the Personnel Committee Report be accepted and placed on file . Insurance Committee — No Report Publicity Committee — No Report Real Estate Committee — No Report Safety and Energy Conservation Committee Report Mr. Bratina highlighted the report . There was one injury reported this month. The Manhole rescue kit is operational and in use . Additional eyewash fountains are being installed . Defoamer will be stored in tanks instead of drums which will be easier to handle. The revised Standard Operating Procedures books are now in use. Mr . Dottor moved , seconded by Mr. Van Dorn and the following was passed unanimously without any negative vote recorded . RESOLVED, That the Safety and Energy Conservation Report be accepted and placed on file . Counsel ' s Report Prepared guarantees (payment) for the Principals of The New England Treatment Company . Received correspondence with the Durham/Middlefield Agreement submitted to the towns to be (3) Minutes = August 15i 1988 Counsel' s Report — continued reviewed at their town meetings. Prepared a proposed license agreement . Reviewed the Project Contract with regard to the extension agreement . Reviewed the bond company obligations and the contractor obligations. Reviewed the engineers agreement and obligations . Filed an appearance on the District ' s behalf in the suit by the State of Connecticut that the District exceeds the maximum concentration of pollutants in violation of the permit. The law suit seeks an injunction of $10 ,000 a day fine and reimbursement for clean up. Mr. Van Dorn moved , seconded by Mr. Simonian and the following was passed unanimously without any negative vote recorded . RESOLVED, That the Counsel ' s report be accepted and placed on file . Any Other Pertinent Business — None Mr. Simonian moved , seconded by Mr. Pollowitz and the following was passed unanimously without any negative vote recorded . RESOLVED, That the meeting adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9 : 00 p .m. The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Mattabassett District will be held on September 12 , 1988 . 4