1961/01/031. Regulsr Meeting Berlin Town Plsnnfng Commission Jsnusry 3, 1961 st 8 P.M.Members present: Nunzio Rosso, Henry W fnterbottom, Therese Creddock, Robert Bennerup, end George Gsrrity. Also, Jemes F. Ktsssne, Jr., Town Engineer, snd Msrgaret Gooby. 2. Mr. George Garrtty wss welcomed ss s new member of the Commission. 3. Rolling Hills - Mr. Robt. Johnson of Johnson & Johnson appesred to d fscuss the status of this proposed subdivision. He ststed thet no ~rogress hes been msde, since our last meeting, with the Mcorelsnd Hill Group. e questioned this Co~mIs- sion hsd been in contsct with the Fire Msrshsl, Police Commission, snd First Selectmsn to obtsfn their opinions on this proposed subdivision. Mr. Rosso replied that this Commission hsd taken no action to dste but ststed thst we would write s letter to esoh of them fmmedfstely ssk~.ng for their views. '~. Johnson ststed thet he had discussed this subdivision with both the Fire ~ershel end the Police Commissioner end quoted them ss s eying thet they do not llke the ides of dead end reeds thst cermet eventuelly be connected to other rosds. To comply with this, %t wss Mr. Johnson's suggestion thst South Slope Rd. as shown in Schemes A & B (see Dec. 20 Minutes) be extended and dead-end st the boundery of the Albert Estste. This would then meke it possible to connect West L~ne with South Slope Rd. should the lend in between ever be developed. J. Kissane will drew thls extension in in red on the Commission's cop~es of msps for Schemes A end B. iWhen esked if Johnson & Johnson hsd a preference between the three schemes - the originsl, Scheme A, and Scheme B, Mr. Johnson ststed thst t hey prefer either Scheme A or B to the orfglnsl lsyout. ~. The Minutes of the December 20 Meeting were approved as wr~.tten on motion of H. Wtnterbottom, seconded by T. Crsddock. 5. Dec. 20 Min. Item 7 - Meeting to discuss Senitery Code - Jim Kissane reported that the meeting tentetively set for Thursdey, Dec. 22 wes not held, but expects ithet it will be held soon. ~6. Dec. 20 Min. - Item l0 - Pickett property - J. Kfssane reported thst there is a question regsrdfng the title of this piece of property end until this hes been streightened out no further sctlon osn be t~ken. 7. Dec. 20 Min. - Item 13 - Eerl Street - nothing new. 8. Dec. 20 Min - Item l~ - Pacyne Property - nothing new - note the property pro- Iposed to be subdivided is on Beckley Reed. 19. A copy of e letter from the First Selectmsn to Webster Squsre Reslty, and, else letters from the Town Engineer to the New Brttetn Ges Light Co., Connecticut Light & Power, end Mr. Grent Skinner (Town Highwey Dept) regerdfng Webster Squsre Reed and sdvfstng them because the necessery squesh pipe hss not been fnstelled end beceuse construction work for Rte. 72 By-Pass hss reeched e point where lend is being filled adJecent to Webster Squ~re Rd. thet it might be necesssry to cut e ~chsnnel thru the road to ellevtete the possible flooding. To cerry out this pro- 'Ject the town-owned portion of Webster Squsre Reed will be closed to treffic effective st 2 P.M on Jsnusry 5, 1961. !10. Regfonsl Plsnnfng -/Mrs. Crsddock reported on a converset[on she hsd hsd with ~the Stete Development Dept. regsrdlng the steps to be tsken in estsbltshlng Regfonel Plenning Agencies. She will contsct Mr. Fred Meyer of the New Britsln Redevelopment Commission to obtefn New Britain's thoghts on being s pert of e ,Regfonsl Plenning Agency. Ill. J. Kissene presented the following msp "Redevelopment - Oekwood Fdrm Sect.__ I12. Revised Subdivision Regulettons - mfneogrephed copies were distributed to eech member. A Speciel Meeting will be held Jsnusry 10, 1961 to discuss snd to meke eny chsnges thst ere felt necessery before e Public Heering is held. It was the opinion of the Commission thet we schedule meetings with town subdi- vision developers end the Berlin Chdmber of Commerce to discuss this revised Regulstion with them before presenting the~ to s Public Hearing. Also, thst we ask Bob Brown to review them. Mrs. Crsddock will spesk to Mr. Brown. 13. Elect~on of officers - Mr. Bennerup mede e motion,seconded by Mr. Gdrrtty nomi- neting Nunz~o Rosso ss Chsirmen. No other nomfnettons were mede. The Secretery cest one bellot electing Mr. Rosso Cheirmsn for the ensuing year. Mr. Bennerup mede e motion, seconded by Mr. Gsrrity, nominsting Therese Crsddock ss Secretsry. No other nominstions were mede. The Secretsry cest one bsllot electing Mrs. Crsddock ss Secretsry for the ensuing yeer. 14. Meeting sdJourned st 10 P.M. Respectfully s~bmi~d, . Theresa D. Craddock, Secretery