1986-06-16 THE MATTABASSETT DISTRICT - JUN W 6 i 1 'Ea I 'i JUl 28 PM 2. 22 The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Dtrpctors ;of: the Mattabassett District was held Monday, June1r,6, `1,986t the Administration Building, Cromwell , ConnecticcArit,Cirom the City of New Britain were Directors Jame F. Josty iaius J. Kremski , David I . Pollowitz, Arthur Simonian, Silvio A. Silverio and Vincent Vilchinskas. Present from the Town of Berlin were Directors Livio J. Dottor and Horace B. Van Dorn. Present from the Town of Cromwell were Directors Joseph N. Cambareri and Peter Cole. Present were William W. Weber, Counsel ; Gregory Abrahamian , Executive Director; Christian Bratina, Plant Superintendent ; Allen R. Goulart , Metcalf & Eddy Inc, ; Hanford Langstroth, Metcalf & Eddy Inc. Absent were the following: Allen R. Smith and Frank M. Harvey . Chairman Kremski called the meeting to order at 7: 30 p.m. A roll call was taken; a quorum was present . Minutes - May 19 , 1986 Also present at the May 19, 1986 meeting was Allen R. Goulart (Metcalf & Eddy Inc. ) Mr. Silverio moved, seconded by Mr. Cole andthe following was passed unanimously without any negative vote recorded. RESOLVED, That the minutes of the May 19, 1986 meeting be accepted as corrected. Treasurer ' s Report Mr. Abrahamian reviewed the Treasurer ' s Report . Mr. Dottor moved, seconded by Mr. Vilchinskas and the following was passed unanimously without any negative vote recorded. RESOLVED, That the Treasurer' s Report dated May 14, 1986 to June 11, 1986 be accepted and placed on file for audit . The May Appropriations Schedule was reviewed by Mr. Abrahamian. Several accounts were questioned regarding their over- expenditures. It was explained that the District ' s setup of 1 Treasurer' s Report continued the belt filter press and the piping for the chlorine lines caused a higher overtime payment ; Chief Operator' s account was higher because of the overlap of paying the former Chief Operator' s vacation settlement and also paying the newly appointed Chief Operator; Miscellaneous account was higher because of the belt press rental ; Chemicals account included paying for polymer which reduces the need for ferric & lime; and General Supplies was overexpended because of the modifications of the electrical , plumbing and steel supplies to improve operations. Mr. Cambareri moved, seconded by Mr . Van Dorn and the following was passed unanimously without any negative vote recorded. RESOLVED, That the May Appropriations Schedule be accepted as presented. Bills To Be Authorized for Payment The regular monthly list and supplement list as printed were reviewed. Mr. Silverio moved, Mr. Vilchinskas seconded, and the following was passed unanimously without any negative vote recorded. RESOLVED, That the bills in the amount of $74 ,201 . 17 be approved. Capital Project bills in the amount of $400,095. 49 also be approved. Payrolls for the period May 17, 1986 through June 7, 1986 in the amount of $49,541. 19 be approved. Project Report Mr. Langstroth reviewed the construction project report . Approximately 16. 7% of the work has been completed in 35. 1% of the allocated time. Most obvious area where progress has been made was in the Operations Building. ':Steel has been erected and the roof decking is being installed. Non-metallic sludge collection equipment has been installed and tested in Tank No. 3. The work has not been accepted because of improper installation. Of the milestone items - one new lime slaker has been installed. The second slaker will be installed when appropriate spare parts have been delivered. Installation problems in Tank No. 3 have prevented the Contractor from proceeding to the next tank of the non-metallic sludge collection equipment . 2 Project Report continued' The decision on the Belt Filter protest , which favors the District , was issued on March 28 , 1986 . A request for reconsideration was filed by the Contractor. The EPA has denied this request . Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. is awaiting the Contractor' s submittal on this equipment . The initial submittal on the ' incineration has been reviewed and returned to the Contractor . The review is conditioned upon satisfactory performance of the pilot plant facility which will probably start up in June. Crouse is deliquent in getting details on this pilot plant . An upcoming change order, amounting to approximately $80,000, is still being negotiated with the Contractor. A meeting was held with Crouse on June 12, 1986 to discuss schedules and lack of progress. Regarding the Grant Amendment DEP advised that $250,000 of their share of the continuation grant will be allocated to the Mattabassett District . DEP has requested that this amendment be processed by EPA. Mr. Jost moved, seconded by Mr. Cambareri and the following was passed unanimously without any negative vote recorded. RESOLVED, That the Status Report for the period of May 9, 1986 to June 6 , 1986 be accepted and placed on file. Finance Committee Report Mr. Abrahamian explained each year, to remove any negative balances, transfers are made from the District ' s approved budget with excess balances to accounts that are overdrawn. The following resolution would give the Executive Director authority to transfer the accounts. Mr. Van Dorn moved, seconded by Mr. Cole and the following was passed unanimously without any negative vote. RESOLVED, That the Executive Director be hereby authorized to transfer surplus funds from under expended accounts to accounts with a negative balance at the conclusion of the 7/1/85 -6/30/86 fiscal year. Engineering Committee Report - No Report . Personnel Committee Report - No Report . 3 Insurance Committee Report Mr. Pollowitz explained the following resolution which will give the District insurance coverage with the W. L. Hatch Company. Mr. Pollowitz moved, seconded by Mr . Dottor and the following was passed unanimously without any negative vote recorded. RESOLVED, That the insurance coverage for: a) Package Policy b) Commercial Umbrella c) Workers Compensation d) Boilers and Machinery be placed with the W. L. Hatch Company for the period, July 1, 1986 - June 30, 1987. Publicity Committee Report - No Report . Real Estate Committee Report - No Report . Safety and Energy Conservation Committee Report Safety training and emergency procedures were stressed this month. All operations personnel were given an hands-on review on the emergency generator; the use of the chlorine emergency kit ; and the proper procedure to change the gas pressure reducing cartridge on the chlorine gas pressure reducing valve. All personnel were shown how to operate the newly installed lime slaker. Safety signs were posted around the machine regarding automatic startup and eye protection. Safety procedures were also prepared. Further testing will continue on the polymers for the press and primaries. The District is inviting all polymer representatives to run their own tests to make sure the District has the most cost-effective polymer. Mr. Vilchinskas moved, seconded by Mr. Dottor and the following was passed unanimously without any negative vote recorded. RESOLVED, Accept the Safety and Energy Conservation Report and place it on file. 4 Counsel ' s Report . Attorney Weber attended meetings and consulted with Mr. Abrahamian on various questions that have arisen in regard to the contract with Crouse and Crouse' s performance to date . He also attended meetings with the State on issues regarding the boundary line agreement . Any Other Pertinent Business Chemical Bids Extensive defoamer tests were conducted on May 29, 1986 with defoamer products from three (3) vendors . The test represented a similar influent in order to be consistent and represent a true comparison. Our results indicated that the most cost-effective product was furnished by Applied Specialties. Mr. Vilchinskas moved, seconded by Mr. Cambareri and the following was passed unanimously without any negative vote recorded. DEFOAMER: RESOLVED, That the Mattabassett District enter into contract with Applied Specialties, Inc. for the purchase of defoamer MWM51, at the purchase price of $2. 50 per pound delivered by truck. The District also has received several bids for chlorine. Jones Chemical had the lowest bid. Mr. Dottor moved, seconded by Mr. Vilchinskas and the following was passed unanimously without any negative vote recorded. CHLORINE: RESOLVED, That the Mattabassett District enter into contract with Jones Chemical , Inc. for the purchase price of $212. 99 per ton delivered by railcar. Mr. Bratina explained what determines the effectiveness of a defoamer. a) set flow rate of the defoamer into the plant effluent and. b) make visual observation of the foam, adjust the flow rate until all the foam is gone, c) figure out the dosage rate, d) calculate the dosage per million gallons of the effluent and then dollars per gallons, e) select the lowest cost based on dollars per million gallons of flow. 5 Any Other Pertinent Business continued The District has written an agreement for treatment and disposal of waste from Middletown and Metropolitan District Commission. In this agreement , the cost sharing is based on their plant participation and their reserved capacity of 22 mgd. Mr. Van Dorn moved, seconded by Mr. Jost and the following was passed unanimously without any negative vote recorded. RESOLVED, That the Chairman of the Board of Directors be hereby authorized to execute the Service Agreements with the City of Middletown and Metropolitan District Commission for the treatment /disposal of waste originating within the areas as defined. Mr. Abrahamian reported that an organized group of citizens on Timber Hill Road in Cromwell petitioned complaining to Commissioner Stanley P_acI First Selectman Mary Amenta, Gov. William O'Neill , and others about the odors that are emitted from the incinerator when the wind blows from south to north from the Mattabassett District Treatment Plant . Two meetings were held with the spokesman of the group, Mr. Richard Keithan. Two violations were served on the District from Air Compliance. The District is trying to work with the neighbors and Air Compliance by informing them of the attempts to improve the situation such as removing the rain cap on the incinerator stack. Also modifications are being done to the incineration and the exhaust duct to help minimize odors. Mr. Vilchinskas moved, seconded by Mr. Dottor and the following was passed unanimously without any negative vote recorded. RESOLVED, That the meeting adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8 :45 D.M. 6