1986-02-18 THE .MATTABASSETT DISTRICT - FEBRUARY 18 , 1986 The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of the Mattabassett District was held Tuesday, February 18, 1986, at the Administration Building, Cromwell , Connecticut . Present from the City of New Britain were Directors Julius J. Kremski, Arthur Simonian, Silvio A. Silverio and Vincent Vilchinskas. Present from the Town of Berlin were Directors Livio J. Dottor, and Horace B. Van Dorn. Present from the Town of Cromwell was Director Joseph N. Cambareri. Present were William W. Weber, Counsel ; Gregory Abrahamian, Executive Director; Christian Bratina, Plant Superintendent ; Hanford Langstroth, Metcalf & Eddy , Inc. ; George A. Post , Jr. , Connecticut Bank & Trust . Absent were the following: Frank M. Harvey , James F. Jost , David I. Pollowitz, Peter Cole and Late was: Allen R. Smith. Chairman Kremski called the meeting to order at 7 :30 p.m. A roll call was taken ; a quorum was present . Minutes - January 21, 1986 Mr. Vilchinskas moved, seconded by Mr. Dottor, and the following was passed unanimously without any negative vote recorded. RESOLVED, That the minutes of the January 21, 1986 meeting be accepted as presented. Minutes - Special Meeting - February 3, 1986 The minutes of the special meeting were corrected to show adjournment of the meeting. RESOLVED, That the meeting adjourn. Mr. Dottor moved, seconded by Mr. Vilchinskas and the following was passed unanimously without any negative vote recorded. RESOLVED, That the minutes of the February 3 , 1986 meeting be accepted as corrected. Mr. Allen R. Smith arrived at 7: 31 p.m. Treasurer' s Report Mr. Abrahamian reviewed the Treasurer' s Report . Mr. Simonian moved, seconded by Mr. Silverio and the following was passed unanimously without any negative voteg recorded+$ WW1; T . AKA-; -2- Minutes - February 18, 1986 Treasurer' s Report continued RESOLVED, That the Treasurer's Report dated January 16 , 1986 to February 10, 1986 be accepted and placed on file for audit . Bills To Be Authorized for Payment The regular monthly bills and supplement list as printed were reviewed. Mr. Cambareri moved, seconded by Mr. Van Dorn, and the following was passed unanimously without any negative vote recorded. RESOLVED, That the bills in the amount of $84 ,920. 97 be approved. Item #43 in the amount of $72.17 was deleted. Capital Project bills in the amount of $270,537.80 also be approved. Payrolls for the period January 18, 1986. through February 8, 1986 in the amount of $48 ,101. 75 be approved. Project Report/Bills Mr. Langstroth discussed the project report prepared by Metcalf & Eddy. It indicated that the Contractor has completed approximately 9. 3% of his work in 24. 3% of the time that has been allotted. Mr. Langstroth reported since last month there has been little progress made on construction because of lack of any major concrete pours. There has been no change in the construction on the Aeration Tanks, Sludge Storage Building and the Operation Building. Structural and mechanical demolition work is continuing on the Sludge Disposal Building and the Pipe Tunnel . On the Primary Tanks demolition and removal of existing collector is completed in Tank No. 4. On February 3, 1986 , Metcalf & Eddy had a meeting with Crouse Combustion Systems to discuss the lack of progress with regard to shopdrawing submittals. Crouse advised that their new schedule will focus on the shopdrawing situation. No major concrete pours will be made until April. Demolition and rehab work in the Sludge Disposal Building will continue through winter months. The District held a hearing on February 3, 1986 to hear arguments related to Crouse' s protest on the sludge incineration system rejection. An area of compromise was discussed wherein Crouse will pilot their system. A future meeting with the District , Metcalf & Eddy and Crouse will be arranged to discuss the details of the pilot program and the corporate guarantee bond. Metcalf & Eddy prepared a letter to Crouse asking them to explain what details the Pilot Program would cover, and to address the concerns they have expressed in various correspondence to Crouse. -3- Minutes - February 18, 1986 Project Report/Bills continued Mr. Langstroth was approached with questions , concerns and suggestions from the Board regarding Crouse' s pilot program and bonding company. Alternate proposals and schedule paths with dates should be looked into. Mr. Dottor moved, seconded by Mr. Smith and the following was passed unanimously without any negative vote recorded. RESOLVED, That the Status Report for the period of January 10, 1986 through February 7, 1986 be accepted and placed on file. Finance Committee Report Mr. Simonian reported that the proposed budget will be mailed to the Directors this week. Mr. Cambareri moved, seconded by Mr. Silverio and the following was passed unanimously without any negative vote recorded. RESOLVED, That the Finance Committee Report be accepted and placed on file. Engineering Committee Report Mr. Van Dorn reported that the Engineering Committee held a meeting on February 10 , 1986 to discuss the Engineering Services Agreement with Cardinal Engineering Associates. Mr. Van Dorn moved, seconded by Mr. Silverio and the following was passed unanimously without any negative vote recorded. RESOLVED, That the Engineering Agreement with Cardinal Engineering Associates, dated October 4 , 1982, be hereby amended by Amendment No. 11 dated December 19, 1985. The total cost of this amendment shall be $6,100 pending approval from DEP and EPA. This amendment shall cover Construction Contract Administration and Resident Engineering Services in conjunction with the Permanent Ash Disposal Site. Personnel Committee Report Mr. Silverio reported that the Personnel Committee met to discuss the service agreement with Donald Powers (Labor Relations) for the period February 1, 1986 to January 31, 1987. It was decided not to renew the agreement until negotiations for a new union contract is required. Insurance Committee Report - No Report . -4- Minutes - February 18, 1986 Publicity Committee Report No Report . Real Estate Committee, Report - No Report. Safety and Energy Conservation Committee Report Mr. Bratina reported that a number of people have periodic skin rashes on their hands and necks. The District is trying to identify the source by working with several polymer representatives. Mr. Bratina attended the. New England Water Pollution Control Assoc. annual meeting in Boston. There was a large exhibition hall and he spoke with many professionals regarding filter belt presses, filter cloths, incinerators and polymer problems. Mr. Vilchinskas moved, seconded by Mr. Harvey and the following was passed unanimously without any negative vote recorded. RESOLVED, Accept the Safety and Energy Conservation Committee Report and placed on file. Counsel ' s Report Attorney Weber reported on his involvement for the last month with Crouse' s issues. He attended the informal hearing on February 3, 1986 on the protest action of Crouse Combustion Systems, Inc. over the rejection of the sludge incineration system. He summarized the meeting by stating that "Crouse withdrew their protest without prejudice but requested that the record be preserved" . Attorney Weber suggested to Metcalf & Eddy to keep the bonding company well advised of every notice they send with a delay to Crouse. Mr. Abrahamian reported that the District will be having an interim federal audit the first week of March. It will be held to see if the change orders were properly authorized; the resolutions in contact ; reviewing the progress payments; visit the construction site; review the grant ; and review engineering agreements the District has with Greiner, Metcalf & Eddy , and Cardinal . Mr. Van Dorn moved, seconded by Mr. Cambareri and the following was passed unanimously without any negative vote recorded. RESOLVED, That the Counsel ' s Report be accepted and placed on file. -5- Minutes - February 18, 1986 Any Other Pertinent Business George A. Post , Jr. (Conn. Bank & Trust ) explained the tax reform bill HR3838. He explained the impact of HR3838 as it pertains to short/long term borrowing of funds for the expansion project . In order to comply with the guidelines of the resolution it was decided to request Metcalf & Eddy to revise the project cash flow with the latest construction schedule submitted by Crouse Combustion Systems. Mr. Abrahamian explained the need to purchase a PC computer with related software (word process and financial ) to readily assess the District ' s position with regard to financial status and office procedures. RESOLVED, That the Executive Director be hereby authorized to enter into a service agreement with Scully and Wolf to furnish computer equipment , related software and training for a total cost not to exceed $7,000.00. Mr. Cambareri moved, seconded by Mr. Simonian and the following was passed unanimously without any negative vote recorded. RESOLVED, That the amount of $7,000.00 be transferred from the Capital Non-Recurring Account to the General Fund Budget , and such amount shall be appropriated to account 301 (Capital Outlay) for the purchase of computer equipment , related software, and training from Scully and Wolf . Mr. Cambareri moved, seconded by Mr. Smith and the following was passed unanimously without any negative vote recorded. RESOLVED, That the meeting adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.