2001-01-16 / t9 N ...-?`•. �%% 0 co. l %% O� 1. .l, = � �.• 4;42�F`= VOL. DEPTS. BERLIN FOUR VOL FIRE /‘: , O 1'� .;R►;.,.: /7" Berlin, East Berlin, Kensington, South Kensington 4;1,4\1\ ,- ;1� '1'�. S E P� `gym 11�; \_=1 . ORAlt° .%.%%%%%%%t Four Department Officers 1-16-01 Kensington Firehouse Due to two fire calls that came in back to back,the regular scheduled meeting did not start at 7 PM. The meeting was called to order at 7:58 PM by Chairman Simons. The minutes were approved as printed. A motion was made by Chief Lewandowski that we suspend with the agenda and move into the Apparatus Committee Report. This was seconded by Chief Folcik. A lengthy discussion was held on the original draft proposed prior to this meeting. Many ideas were put on the table to put together some specification for the final draft. The standardization for apparatus was heavily discussed including the cost of repairs to Engines 2—7— 8— 12 will be computed to go along with the above discussion and report. Chief Wnuk along with Ret. Chief Jorsey will obtain actual trade-in values on the four engines that are considered for replacement. This committee will meet again on 1-24-01 at 7 PM at the • Kensington Firehouse. TRAINING COMMITTEE No report Chief Folcik reported that on 2-12-01 there will be a training session at SKFD on Blood Borne Passage at 7 PM. Any firefighter that needs this training is welcome to attend. LIFE STAR RESPONSE It was brought to the attention of a couple of responses for Life Star as to how many engines were needed. There was a slight mix-up of companies responding. Who was responsible was not the concern. After discussing the incidents,a better understanding was made by all Chiefs. RADIOS Asst. Chief Rogan reported on the surveys that are being made of all radios and the two antennas at two companies. He also asked for approval of the purchase of a laptop computer. Funds to come out of the $ 200,000 radios account. A motion was made by Asst. Chief Rogan and seconded by Chief Folcik to purchase the laptop computer out of the$ 200,000 account. A motion was made by Chief Lewandowski and seconded by Chief Wnuk to table the election of officers until the next meeting. Motion passed unanimously. The proposed budget cuts by the Town Manager were reviewed with only a few remarks made. It was decided to wait for what other further cuts might be made before any positive stand could be taken. A discussion was held on how each company processes its probation members and what type of helmets they wear at the fire scene. It was determined that at the meeting one member from each company is needed to serve on the in-house audit committee. A lengthy discussion was held on the Incentive Program. Differences of opinion were brought out and nothing was finalized. Some of these opinions will be brought up at the next meeting of the Incentive Program. A motion by Asst. Chief Rogan and seconded by Chief Folcik to adjourn the meeting at 10:35 PM. Respectfully submitted, rA“,_ Ret. Chief Edward F. Haber Secretary Officers Present: Berlin East Berlin Kensington South Kensington J. Simons M. Wnuk M. Lewandowski S. Folcik M. Rogan Ret. Chief Jorsey Absent: East Berlin Kensington South Kensington K. Morton F. Magisano D. Jorsey II I I I