1989-04-27 FIRE BOARD MEETING April 27, 1989 The meeting was called to order at 7: 05 P.M. by Chairman Ron Lindgren. Jim D'Errico opened bid for South Kensington' s Fire Truck. Figures are listed below: Boardman-Gowan Knight $143,220. 00 Less Trade-In 1 5, 20 $0. 00 38, 0. 00 Delivery is 180 working days after receipt of order. Pierce $136 , 000. 00 Delivery is 220 working days after receipt of order. $136 , 000. 00 Receipt of order before 5/9/89 -2, 375. 00 1968 Dodge Engine -2, 000. 00 Pierce final amount $131 ,625. 00 Bruce Trevethan asked Jim D'Errico what his position was on the transfer of funds for the Berlin Fire. Department ' s engine for extra work during the reboding process. Jim' s reply was that he was well aware of what was going on with Berlin Fire Department ' s engine , contrary to the Chairman of the Finance Boards opinion. Ron Lindgren also asked about the $400, 000. 00 in our budget for , a fire truck in the 1989-90 budget year. Discussion followed. NFPA 1500 meeting at Holiday Inn, Cromwell May 31 , 1989. Jim D'Errico will attend this meeting. Motion was made by Charlie Scheer and -seconded by 'Norm Martinelli to accept the minutes of the previous meeting as read. Motion passed unanimously. Correspondence : Letter from Mayor Peters pertaining to future purchases. Letter from Mayor Peters pertaining to over expenditure - Engine #10. Planning Commission agenda April 11 & 25, 1989. Budget Summary from Gary Clinton. Budget change form approval for transfer from account 248 to account 233 for Engine #10. Letter from Gary Clinton pertaining to 1988/89 and 1989/90 r fiscal year transaction. �? Gowans Knight - Spring specials. County Hoselirime - March meeting. Firematic Supply Co. pertaining to Green Cross registry for `'' Jaws of Life. � - n co• ryr-. w�v Vim,) Fire Board Meeting 4/27/89 Page 2 Old Business: Ron reported that the bids for South Kensington Fire Department ' s truck will go through regular channels. OSHA regulations were discussed. Physicals for firemen were discussed extensively. June 26 , 1989 was a date given for all fire departments to start to come into compliance with OSHA. New Business: Ed Haber brought up the fact that Berlin Fire Department ' s compressor was broken down. Motion was made by Norm Martinelli and seconded by Charlie Scheer to buy a compressor for Berlin Fire Department. Motion passed unanimously. Motion was made by Charlie Scheer and seconded by Norm Martinelli to buy 72 pair of safety glasses for fighting fires in wooded areas and also to buy 48 hard hats. Motion passed unanimously. Bills: East Berlin Fire Dept. - Training $ 50. 00 ' East Berlin Fire Dept. - Training 85. 00 East Berlin Fire Dept. - Truck Supplies 11. 94 E. B. F. D. - Membership - CT. . Firemans Historical Society 25. 00 E.B. F.D. - CT. Fire Chiefs meeting - D. Jorsey-Southington 21. 00 E. B.F. D. - CT. Fire Chiefs meeting-G. Skene-Southington 21. 00 E. B.F.D. - " " -G. Skene-Berlin 21 . 00 E.B. F.D. - " —D. Jorsey-Berlin 21. 00 E. B. F.D. - " " -R. Larson-Berlin 21. 00 E. B. F.D. - " " - Bruno Romegialli- Berlin 21. 00 Berlin Fire Dept. -CT. Fire Chiefs meeting-Chet Haber Berlin 21 . 00 Berlin Fire Dept. -CT. Fire Chiefs meeting-Chet Haber Hartford 13. 00 Berlin Fire Dept. -CT. Fire Chiefs meeting-Chet Haber Southington21 . 00 Berlin Fire Dept. - Truck Supplies 42. 72 Berlin Fire Dept. - International Fire Chiefs - Ed Haber - Portland, Maine 426. 80 Berlin Fire Dept. - International Fire Chiefs - Ed Haber - Maine - Mileage 106. 35 Motorola 620. 00 International Society of Fire Service Inst. 34. 50 Faxon Engineering 30. 10 Industrial Safety Supply 113. 04 Industrial Safety Supply 129. 18 Industrial safety Supply 10.48 Fire Board Meeting 4/27/89 Page 3 . Bills-continued: $ 187. 95 Industrial Safety Supply J�7.95 Industrial Safety Supply " 13. 10 Industrial Safety Supply 5 21 . 9 15 Industrial Safety Supply 11. 07 Industrial Safety Supply71. 78 Industrial Safety Supply25. 50 Industrial Safety Supply International Association of Fire Chiefs 105. 00 Alexander Battery 577.489 Conn. Natural Gas 247.63 Conn. Natural Gas7 77. 2 6 1 , Conn. Natural Gas 277.97 Conn. Light & Power 5527. 57 5 Conn. Light & Power Conn. Light & Power17. 28 117.367. 19 Conn. Light & Power 13 84 Conn. Light & Power 67. 9 Conn. Light & Power 7. 52 26 Conn. Light & Power 267. 82 Peterson Oil 179. 9734 0 Peterson Oil 11 . 52 Peterson Oil 391. 392 Recck Oil 35. 89 Water Control Commission 89. 205 Water Control Commission 13. 50 Motorola 755. 75 5 4 Statewide Radio 45 Statewide Radio , 13. 005 Ron Lindgren . 127. 80 Ron Lindgren . _ New England Fire Chiefs , , 7. 8020. 00 Conn. Fire Inst. Association 537. 00 Shipman 37. 00 O. B. Maxwell . . . " " " ' " " . Total $8,467.67 Motion was made by Chet Haber and seconded by Joe Fiori to pay all bills. Motion passed unanimously. Motion was made by Chet Haber and seconded by Joe Fiori to adjourn the meeting at 8: 55 P. M. Motion passed unanimously. N Fire Board Meeting 4/27/89 Page 4 Members present: Ron Lindgren, Joe Fiori, Chet Haber, Norm Martinelli, Charlie Scheer, Bruce Trevethan, Officers present: Ed Haber, Jim D'Errico, purchasing agent. Respectfully Submitted, Bruce Trevethan Recording Secretary BAT/slt „ SJ C z m C7 --t rn Y - ' (i • "”` i I \ 7