1988-05-26 FIRE BOARD MffTING May 26, /988 Meeting called to onden at 7:04 P.M. 6y chairman Don Lindgren. ALnutea (nom the pneviou/l meeting wene nead, 4inding no ennonv on ommLAALonA, a motion bg Yoe Gonneault, /leconded by Yoe frowns. to accept the minutea a/l Heade. Motion pa/l/led unanimou/lBei. Balanced o/ all accounts. wene Head by Ron LLndgnen. Connenpondence: Kevin /laid to /lag hello to evengone (//ant'ond Mach). Letters 1fnom Mayon %etena pentaining to aatendence at boand meeting/l. MontA.Lci f iniciaL nepont Cnom Gang Clinton l Banning, Comm. May /0 ct. May 24, /988 meet inch.. County //o/le Line. O(ficeni Input: Chie, flab en neponted on the pnognevi o? Eng. /0 ne(un6iAhing. Ed a/lhed LC the f=ine Boand would waivers the bidding pnogned/l. A motion by Nonni Mantinelle .seconded by Yoe Gounn /lint to have its. Cng. /0 ne(unbLahed BocaBBj. (BeLL Detroit in Rocky //LLL) Motion pa/l/led unanimoui.L . Chie( Haben brie/Ly /lpohe on OSHA vii.i_t to the BenBin FLne Station on Macy23. Ed /laid 091A will be back /lome time next week to complete Ln.?pection o( the BenBin fine Station. Much diiicu/lnion ,oLLowed. DLAcuaALon on OM - /500 and OSTIA meeting Ln New //aven which wail attended by Chile, Haben, Chile/ Yon/ley, Chile( Scheer, and A.1.At Chie,'/l llaben and L indgnen. Old Bu/lined/l: Chet neponfed on the inners city radio netwonh /lry/ltem. A nepont o( pnogned/l. New Bu/lined/l: 1im Simon nepoated on Ladders 3. //e /laid engineenil. (nom Thieboult wene Nene to iniipect the Ladders anuck. They /laid they would nepain and cenai.4i the Badden 'on $25, 900.00. 1im adhed the ?tine boand to aa.h ?on und/l o( $31,000.00, ao he could /lend the Badden to Canada (on nepain, and Ening Lt back. Afters a dii.cuAAion, it wa/l decided to adh. Con $40,000.00 La cane .ome oaten pnwbJemA wene Pun?. A motion by Chet llaben, and /leconded by Nonni Manainelli that the fine Boand a/lh ?on $40,000.00. Motion pahAed unanimouiLcy. 1im /laid he planned to /lend hia two olden mechanic/l with the Badden tnuch. A motion by Nonni Manaine.Lle, .seconded by Yoe GounneauLt that 1im .send Aim. two olden mechanics.. Motion pa/l/led unanimou/lBcg. l age 2 f Lne Boand lel eet Liv, 5/26/88 BLLLi: ZndnuatnLa.L Sacti $ 75. 94 /4.00 „ „ „ 158.70 49.70 „ „ „ 33.00 1/0.22 a " 22.30 46.00 25. /4 „ „ „ 42.50 „ „ „ /09.50 /2.00 96.32 „ „ „ /7.00 " " " 30. 44 Muton .La 13.62 N.C. /kaac. oc f i.ne Chi.efa 30.00 CUP 257.30 55. 97 632.80 /52.59 340.60 CNG 627. 46 696. /3 192. 17 Cha, Lea Scheen 367.00 " 16.00 Ron L in4nen 16.00 Ron L indy/Len nu*.Leage Yan, f e6, Man. /06.89 flannincyton Co. 145.00 flt d County Schoo.L S. K. 200.00 fludaon OLL 192.59 fludavn OLL 400.72 qv/Lien.' Kni t Co. 11.00 " 152.00 Page 3 f i.ne Qoand beet i.ng, 5/26/88 Gowen. Knight $3365. 74 Intennat iona.L Aaac. f Lite Chile ja Chile( Lewandowahi 60.00 finehouae Aag.L5ine 6ers.Lin 3/. 97 Tom l oweaa i1)LLeag,e (Lae achoo. 9. 45 f Lite Chile/'a Meeting Cam t Hantjfond Chet Haben /5.00 Ed. Haben /5.00 One Dart' Con(enence La New Haven Chet Haben /0.00 Ed. Haben 10.00 Inneg.u.Lana Due'. 3 men Ben.Lin 30.00 Total BLLLa $8995.75 A mot ion by Nonni /'ant ineL.L L, Seconded by Yoe Gou nneau.Lt to pay a.L.L b ala. I)ot i_on paaaed unan iunoua.Li. A motion waa made by Yoe hioni, aeconded by Nonni. AantLne.LLe to ad ounn the meeting. at 9':002./!). lf)ot Lon pied unanimoua.Li. 11)enbena pneaent werse: Chet Haben, Ron Lindg,nen, Yoe Gounnau.Lt, 1im Simony Nonni lr)ant ine.L.Le, Cd. Haben, Bob Bnown, Yoe f i_oni. Reapect idly SubmLtted Cheaters 7. Haben Acting. Recording. Secnetany