1988-03-24 FIRE BOARD MEETING - March 24, 1988 The meeting was called to order at 7: 05 P. M. by Chairman Ron Lindgren. Motion was made by Chet Haber and seconded by Joe Gorneault to accept the minutes of the previous meeting as read. Motion passed unanimously. Balances of all accounts were read by Ron Lindgren. Correspondence : Letter from Mayor Peters pertaining to smoking policy at the Town Hall. Monthly balance sheet from Gary Clinton. County Hose Line (February) . Letter from Chief Haber pertaining to hazardous material neutralizers. Planning Commission agendas, March 8, 1988 and March 22 , 1988. Letter from Ida Ragazzi to the Kiwanis Club pertaining to exercise machine and volunteers exemption in taxes - $1000. 00. Planning Commission February 23, 1988. Letter from Mayor Peters pertaining to minutes of all boards and commissions. Ron read letter to Chief Lewandowski in reference to the swap of Engline 13 to replace Engine l4. Ron read letter written to all chiefs pertaining to surplus equipment. Letter from Mayor Peters pertaining to OSHA. Ron read letter to Mayor Peters pertaining to Mayor receiving minutes of meetings and meeting with Executive Board, Fire Board and Chiefs to discuss several items. Ron read a letter to Civil Preparedness Director pertaining to surplus equipment. Ron read a letter to Chief Lewandowski pertaining to mal- practice and liability insurance . Ron read the proposed budget for 1988-89. Officers Input : Chet Haber spoke about ladder testing. Discussion followed. Old Business: Ron showed the frames for eye glasses for Scott Air Packs. Discussion followed. New Business: Request from Kensington Fire Department to replace an ax handle. Ron discussed the use of examination gloves to help keep the firemen from getting a disease. Discussion followed. Chet Haber asked about disposal of examination gloves and other contaminated materials. Discussion followed. Fire Board Meeting 3/24/88 Page 2 Bills; George Skene - E.B.F.D. - Mileage 26. 0$ 26. 04 Dave Jorsey - E. B. F.D. - Mileage - Milford 2 Dave Jorsey - E. B.F.D. - Conn. Fire Chiefs - Milford, CT14. 00 George Skene - E. B.F.D. - Conn. Fire Chiefs - Milford, CT14. 00 East Berlin Fire Dept . - Film Developing 19 . 12 E. B. F.D. - E. M.T. Training - Tom McCarthy, Gene Bovee 100. 00 Chet Haber - B. F.D. - Chief' s meeting, Milford 17. 22 Firehouse Magazine - Berlin Fire Dept. 31. 97 Conn. Firemen' s Historical Society - B. F D 25. 00 Ed Haber - Conn. Fire Chiefs, Milford, CT. 14. 00 Chet Haber - Conn Fire Chiefs, Milford, CT. 14. 00 Soderburg 3,951. 00 811 . 00 Soderburg Magson 3 , 732 . 50 32 . 0 Industrial Safety Supply . 00 316 Industrial Safety Supply 240. 71229 Industrial Safety Supply 12 71 12 Industrial Safety Supply Industrial Safety Supply 1 .5603. 0 Industrial Safety Supply 12. 25 32. 25 Industrial Safety Supply Conn. Light & Power 309 . 564 Conn. Light & Power Conn. Light & Power 665. 5151 64 Conn. Light & Power Conn. Light & Power 31 . 00 246 . 36 Conn. Light & Power 15. 00 Conn. Natural Gas 1,324 39 Conn. Natural Gas 852. 32 Conn. Natural Gas 8 . 3 Nutmeg Leppert 94 Taplin Pump 833. 8515. 00 Chief Fire Ex. 68. 10 Alexander Battery 17. 10 Kensington Fire District 07 . 52 G. E. Pioneer Radio 00 80. 00 22 . 00 222 NAPA 2 Acme Auto Hudson Oil 360 8. 00 4 Hudson Oil 0 Total $15,661. 25 Motion was made by Joe Gorneault and seconded by Chet Haber to pay all bills. Motion passed unanimously. Fire Board Meeting 3/24/88 Page 3 Motion was made by Chet Haber and seconded by Joe Gorneault to adjourn the meeting at 9: 05 P. M. Motion passed unanimously. Members present: Ron Lindgren, Joe Gorneault , Bob Brown, Chet Haber, & Bruce Trevethan Respectfully Submitted, Bruce Trevethan Recording Secretary BT/slt