2019-05-14 specialSpecial Meeting TOWN OF BERLIN BOARD OF FINANCE MEETING May 14, 2019 "Doc" McIntosh Room 7:00 P.M. A. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Lomaglio called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. ROLLCALL ATTENDANCE: Members Present: Sal Bordonaro, Kevin Guite; Mark Holmes, Sam Lomaglio, Gerald Paradis, John Richards Staff Present: Kevin Delaney — Finance Director Jack Healy — To�vn Manaaer D. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. E. APPROVAL OF PRIOR MINUTES: March 27. 2019 April 9; 2019 Mr. Paradis moved to approve the March 27, 2019 meeting minutes, �vith the follo�ving correction: replace "General Fund Balance" with "General Fund Fund Balance" throuQhout the document. Seconded by Mr. Bordonaro. Vote beinQ 6-0. (MOTION CARRIED) Mr. Paradis moved to approve the April 9; 2019 meetina minutes. Seconded by Mr. Bordonaro. Vote beinQ 6-0. (MOTION CARRIED) F. OLD BUSINESS 1 1. Discuss Health Insurance Fund reserve level Mr. Chris Monroe; Senior Vice President of USI Insurance Services appeared to discuss Berlin's health insurance reserves. The To�vn is self-insured and contracts �vith Blue CrossBlue Shield to serve as plan administrator. The To�vn pays for actual claims incurred for all covered members up to $150;000, after �vhich point claims are paid by Berlin�s stop-loss coverage. Mr. Monroe e�plained that t�vo distinct reserves are necessary in this situation: "Incurred But Not Reported" ("IBNR") and "Claim Fluctuation." The IBNR reserve is required to hold on Berlin's balance sheet as a liability. It �vould be utilized if Berlin's relationship �vith Blue CrossBlue Shield �vas terminated but claims �vithin the service period �vould continue to be filed for payment. Blue CrossBlue Shield provides annual guidance to �vhat that reserve should be. The "Claim Fluctuation" reserve is meant to hold money on hand for those events that are not foreseen but become payable. The general rule is to set aside 1-2 months of claims for the "Claim Fluctuation�� reserve. Berlin's stop-loss policy costs $�00,000 per }�ear. There are currently t�velve members that have reached 50% of the stop-loss threshold of $1 �0;000; ten members have chronic issues. Mr. Monroe tracks the To�vn's loss e�perience history and stop-loss cost / benefit. 2. Discuss having a Board of Finance member sign bond documents Finance Director Delaney discussed this issue with Bond Counsel Joe Fasi �vho stated that Berlin already has more signatory parties than most of his other clients. Berlin requires three out of the four follo�vinQ parties: Mayor, Treasurer; To�vn ManaQer or Finance Director. Bond Counsel Fasi also relayed that he is a�vare of only one event in which a client had a Board of Finance member sign a bond document. G. NEW BUSINESS 1. Move to appropriate �9,000 to the salar-y and fringe benefits accounts in the Special Grants and Donations Fund for the Senior Center funded by a grant from the Community Foundation of Greater Ne��� Britain Capacity Building Grant. Mr. Paradis moved to appropriate $9,000 to the salary and frinae benefits accounts in the Special Grants and Donations Fund for the Senior Center fiinded by a arant from the Community Foundation of Greater New Britain Capacity Buildina Grant. V Seconded b}° Mr. Bordonaro. Vote being 6-0. (MOTION CARRIED) 2. Move to appropriate a donation of 59,760 from the Myrna Pauloz Senior Center ponation Account to the Furniture Account, Computer Account, and Programs and Activities Account ���ithin the Senior Center. � Mr. Paradis moved to appropriate a donation of $9;760 from the Myrna Pauloz Senior Center Donation Account to the Furniture Account, Computer Account; and Programs and Activities Account �vithin the Senior Center. Seconded bv Mr. Bordonaro. Vote being 6-0. (MOTION CARRIED) 3. Move to appro��e the transfer of �22,930 from Vehicle Reserve Account to Other Funds Account for the purchase of ne�v administrative sofhvare for the Fire Departments. Mr. Paradis moved to approve the transfer of $22;930 from Vehicle Reserve Account to Other Funds Account for the purchase of ne��� administrative soft�vare for the Fire Departments. Seconded by Mr. Bordonaro. Fire Chief Jeff Pajor stated that the Vehicle Reserve Account holds funds generated from sale of outdated apparatus. The software manages state / federal reportin� and trainina. Fire Administrator Jim Simons added that the cost to maintain the current server and system �vould be reduced by going to a cloud-based system, which is in line ���ith the Town's business continuity movement. Those votina in favor: Mr. Bordonaro. Mr. Guite. Mr. Holmes, Mr. LomaQlio. Mr. Paradis Those votinQ a�ainst: Mr. Richards Vote beina �-1. (MOTION CARRIED) 4. Mo��e to transfer 5237,�00, as detailed on the accompanying spreadsheet, to cover higher than budgeted e�penditures in identified accounts. Mr. Paradis moved to transfer $237,�00, as detailed on the accompanyina spreadsheet; to cover hiaher than budgeted e�penditures in identified accounts. Seconded by Mr. Bordonaro. Finance Director Delaney elplained that these transfers are routine to�vard fiscal year-end. He does elpect the need to request additional transfers for overaaes in the Town Clerk's Office and Animal Control due to temporary staffing. y Vote being 6-0. (MOTION CARRIED) �. Revie�� Financial Status report. • Receipts — ahead of budget 101.4%. This is due to additional ECS funding from the State of Connecticut that �vas not reflected in the To«�n's budget. Also, interest revenue is above budget and the Ta� Office is �vorking year-round to ma�imize collections. • Elpenditures are slightly higher than budget. • Pension Fund — no ne�v retirements have been announced. One employee is planning to retire by November and another is tentatively targeting December. • Capital Projects — o High Road bridge is mostly complete. o Burnham Street bridge renovation has begun —completion is estimated in October. o Security vestibules —�vork is currently being done at Willard Elementary. The remaining 3 schools �vill be completed during summer. o Jail cells are being built. o To�vn Hall door project is in-process. 6. Discuss Open.gov sofhvare as potential option for Berlin The Board of Finance members deferred further etiploration of this soft�vare until an IT Director is in place. 7. Discuss & Appro��e Fiscal Year 2020 Proposed Budget The Board of Finance discussed the need for all bodies of the To�vn government to operate openly, engaae in honest discussions and trust one another. Although the General Government budaet failed as "too hiah," it had already been reduced t�vice — first by Board of Finance and then by To�vn Council. �Board of Finance discussed the need to educate voters on what is in the proposed budaet and what the To�vn needs in order to operate. The need to routinely purchase capital items and avoid bonding �vas also discussed. Board of Education: After revie�ving the Board of Education actuals throuQh April; Board of Finance asked if the proposed transfer of $497,000 into Contracted Services �vas meant to fund prepayment of ESS for fiscal year 2019-2020. Finance Director Delaney �vill ask Superintendent Benigni and Business Manager Jeff Cuano for elarification and �vill invite Mr. Cugno to attend the June Board of Finance meeting.� Board of Finance also stated that encumbrances are not reflected in the Board of Education financial report. It �vas also noted that some salary encumbrances did not appear on the To�vn- side financials; althouah Finance Director Delaney said the encumbrances are in place, just not sho�vn on the report. Board of Finance stressed that encumbrances must be reflected throughout the To«Tn. Chairman Lomaalio asked for Board of Finance members' proposals for the Board of Education budaet. y Mr. Guite -$1;200,000 increase over prior year's budaet. 4 Mr. Bordonaro -$900;000 increase over prior year's budget. Mr. Holmes —$1,�00;000 increase over prior year's budget (including ESS as an operational e�pense.) Mr. Paradis -$1;300,000 increase over prior year's budget. Mr. Richards -$1;300,000 increase over prior year's budget. Mr. LomaQlio -$1,400,000 increase over prior year's budget. The Board of Finance members discussed the Board of Education's need for additional funding to remodel ttvo classrooms at McGee Middle School prior to the fall; the lack of capital items in the budaet provided by Board of Education and the Board of Education's apparent intent to prepay the ESS contracted elpense. Mr. Holmes moved to add $�00;000 to the failed Board of Education budget total (prior total: $44,477,844). Seconded by Mr. Paradis. Those votinQ in favor: Mr. Holmes; Mr. Lomaglio; Mr. Paradis; Mr. Richards Those votina aQainst: Mr. Bordonaro. Mr. Guite Vote beina 4-2. (MOTION CARRIED) General Government: Finance Director Delaney asked the Board to entertain a motion to remedy an administrative error in the proposed budget. Mr. Holmes moved to increase the Town Cler� Department Head Salary by $2;67� and reduce the Town Clerk Clerical Salary by $2,67�. Seconded by Mr. Guite. Vote beina 6-0. (MOTION CARRIED) Mr. Richards moved to reduce the State Teacher Pension Fund contribution to zero. Seconded by Mr. Holmes. The Board members discussed the fact that the State budget is not yet finalized and the proposed repayment figure is not yet certain. Vote being 6-0. (MOTIO\T CARRIED). � Mr. Paradis moved to reduce the IT Consultant line item to zero. Seconded bv Mr. Holmes Mr. Paradis stated that with the To�vn Manager's resignation; this is likely not the best time to hire a consultant to make recommendations for a temporary To�vn Manager to consider. Those voting in favor: Mr. Guite; Mr. Holmes, Mr. Lomaglio, Mr. Paradis Those voting against: Mr. Bordonaro, Mr. Richards Vote being 4-2. (MOTION CARRIED) Mr. Paradis moved to reduce the To�vn Manager Salary line item to $40,000. Seconded bv Mr. Holmes Mr. Paradis stated that the To�vn will likely operate with an internal Actina To«m Manager receiving a stipend. The search for a permanent replacement �vill likely take months and he feels a reduction of the salary line is appropriate. Finance Director Delaney stated that search firm bids ran�e from $20,000 to $40,000. Those votina in favor: Mr. Guite; Mr. Holmes; Mr. Lomaglio; Mr. Paradis; Mr. Richards Those votinQ aaainst: Mr. Bordonaro Vote beina �-l. (MOTION CARRIED) Mr. Holmes moved to reduce the VNA Consultant line item to zero. Seconded bv Mr. Paradis. Mr. Holmes stated that the same rationale for elimination of the IT consultant applies to the VNA consultant. To ask an Acting To�vn Manaaer to consider the VNA recommendations is unrealistic. Mr. Bordonaro commented that elimination of the consultant translates to no improved targets for the VNA to be measured against. Vote beina 6-0. (MOTION CARRIED) Mr. Holmes moved to reduce the VNA revenue by $�40,000. Seconded by Mr. Paradis. � Mr. Holmes stated that the revenue �vas added to offset the cost of the consultant. Mr. Richards countered that he; Mr. Bordonaro; To�tm Mana�er Healy and VNA Director Russo felt higher revenue ��Tas achievable. V Those votina in favor: Mr. Guite; Mr. Holmes; Mr. Lomaglio; Mr. Paradis Those votina aQainst: Mr. Bordonaro. Mr. Richards Vote being 4-2. (MOTION CARRIED) Mr. Holmes stated he intended to move to add critical capital needs back into the budget. Additionally; he stated that the Golf Ordinance requires that Timberlin revenue match its elpenses and rates are set from the draft budget. Items �vere subsequently removed from that draft budget but golfers are; in effect; paying for those items nonetheless. Mr. Holmes invited Fleet Manager Jim Simons to comment on the need for routine replacement of police cruisers. Fleet Manaaer Simons stated that all Police vehicles currentl}T in use are safe and road �vorthy but delaying the purchase of ne�v cruisers still effects the To�vn. A Police Officer spends the majoritv of his/her shift in the cruiser. and it makes sense for those vehicles to be the newest and most efficient of the Town's fleet. All retired cruisers are reused throughout the Town; and the lonaer the cruisers are utilized by Police; the longer the administrative users must rely on an aaing fleet of retired cruisers. Fleet Manager Simons prefers that the To�vn invest in new cruisers than be in a position to invest in a replacement administrative vehicle. Mr. Holmes moved to add 2 police patrol cars totalinQ $7�;000 back into the budget. The motion was not seconded. y Mr. Holmes moved to add $2�,000 to the Senior Center capital list. Seconded by Mr. Guite. Town Manaaer Healy e�plained that the original budget contemplated repair of faulty flooring (which causes seniors to trip and fall), upgrades to the aaing kitchen cabinets and air handlinQ (�vithout �vhich the Senior Center may lose its food license and ability to serve meals) and y removal of the leakina greenhouse (to be replaced �vith outdoor porch area). Those votina in favor: Mr. Bordonaro; Mr. Guite; Mr. Holmes, Mr. Lomaglio Those votina a�ainst: Mr. Paradis. Mr. Richards Vote beina 4-2. (MOTION CARRIED) Mr. Holmes moved to add $ 9�,000 for school phone uparades. Seconded by Mr. Richards. To�vn Manager Healy stated that the $9�;000 is a budgetary figure; not an actual quote. Mr. Richards observed that several safety and security-related items are being discussed, he feels that the aQing fleet of vans that transport special needs students represents a critical safety need and should also be considered. Vote being 6-0. (MOTION CARRIED) Mr. Bordonaro asked about the electricity target savinas. Finance Director Delaney replied that the full-year of bills is just complete and any refunds from the vendor (for less-than-guaranteed savinas) �vill be in the ne�t fiscal year. Mr. Holmes moved to add $1;000;000 to Fund Balance (reducing Assianed Fund Balance). Seconded by Mr. Paradis. Finance Director Delaney stated that the ratinas aaencies �vant to see about a 16% balance, last year Berlin's unassigned Fund Balance �vas l4%.y Those votina in favor: Mr. Holmes Those votina aaainst: Mr. Bordonaro. Mr. Guite. Mr. Lomaalia Mr. Paradis. Mr. Richards Vote being 1-�. (MOTION DEFEATED) a. Mo��e to send the Board of Education budget of S4=t,977,84=� to the Town Council. Mr. Paradis moved to send the Board of Education budaet of $4'�.977.844 to the To�vn Council. y Seconded by Mr. Holmes. This budaet reflects the addition of $�00,000 to the budaet that �vas passed by Town Council and rejected by voters as being too lo�v. (3.2% year-over-year increase.) Those votina in favor: Mr. Holmes; Mr. LomaQlio, Mr. Paradis, Mr. Richards Those votinQ aaainst: Mr. Bordonaro. Mr. Guite Vote beina 4-2. (MOTION CARRIED) b. Mo��e to send the General Government budget of 54�,=t3=�,070 to the To���n Council. �� Mr. Paradis moved to send the General Government budget of $4�;434;070 to the To�vn Council. Seconded by Mr. Holmes. This budget reflects a net reduction of $178;840 to the budget passed by To�vn Council and rejected by voters as being too high. Vote being 6-0. (MOTION CARRIED) Finance Director Delaney stated that the combined budget results in a 1.�2 mill increase; bringing the mill rate to 34.02. The impact on a$2�0;000 home �vould be an increase of $266. (The failed budaet represented an increase of $233 per $2�0;000 home.). The Budget Referendum will be held on May 28; 2019. The Board of Finance �vill meet on May 29; 2019 to set the mill rate (if the budaets pass) or discuss the referendum results and ne�t steps (if the budaets fail). � 7. Comments from Board of Finance members. G. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Holmes moved to adjourn at 9:23 p.m. Seconded by Mr. Paradis. Vote beina 6-0. (MOTION CARRIED) Submitted by, Dana Boraes RECEiVE� FGr2� ���ORD BERLled T���� ::���� 20 { 9��Y 2 I Pr� 4� I I ,�,%r���°� � 9 BERLI��?, CT., '-