2019-05-09 PLAYING FIELD COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, May 9,2019 Berlin Community Center 6:15PM A. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Brenden Luddy called the meeting to order at 6:15PM. Members present were: Chairman Councilor Brenden Luddy Councilor Charles Paonessa Members absent were: Councilor Peter Rosso Also Present: Jennifer Ochoa, Director of Community, Recreation&Parks Services Don Dellaquila, Parks and Recreation Commission Vice Chairman Steve Hinchliffe, Parks and Recreation Commission member B. NEW BUSINESS a. Scalise Field Update Director Ochoa reported that Bid 2019-13 for the Scalise Artificial Turf Field Replacement was awarded to Field Turf USA, Inc.for$974,396 which includes a$50,000 contingency.The Town is finalizing the contract and hope to have that signed off by next week.The plan is still to begin construction on June 6, 2019. Chairman Luddy asked if there was any other work planned to be done around Scalise Field. Director Ochoa informed the Committee that the Town went out to bid for some work on the bleachers to make them ADA compliant by adding handrails,etc.The bid opening is scheduled for Monday, May 13th b. Field Conditions Director Ochoa gave an overview on the conditions of the field. Between the rain in November 2018 and April 2019,the fields are extremely wet and soft.She has started keeping track of what days the fields are closed. Director Ochoa shared some pictures of some of the fields in bad shape due to both rain and overuse.She discussed how she has received complaints both that the Town is not closing fields enough and that the Town is closing them too much.When it is decided to close a field,the field is walked by someone from the Parks and Grounds Department and the Town also reaches out to surrounding towns to gather insight on what their plan is. Commissioner Dellaquila made a suggestion to Director Ochoa about creating a write up for the Town website stating the condition of fields,the process to close them,etc.Commissioner Hinchliffe commented that Berlin Youth Soccer is struggling to schedule all their games and practices in due to the field closures, but that he understands why the Town is closing fields. It was also discussed what a great job the Parks and Grounds Department is doing maintaining the fields this spring. c. Soccer Field Research Update Director Ochoa reported that herself,Steve Wood (Parks and Grounds Foreman)and Jim Mahoney(Economic Development)met to discuss land options for future soccer fields.Some of 1 the properties already had plans drawn up and those were reviewed. Irrigation options were also discussed for each property. Director Ochoa and Mr.Wood also had a meeting with a representative from Kaestle Boos to discuss the costs associated with creating brand new fields on a piece of land.The estimated cost per square foot was higher than was anticipated. After these two meetings Director Ochoa and Mr.Wood decided to create a 10-year field maintenance plan.A report that would look at every single field in town,the improvements it could use and what those improvements may cost. Councilor Paonessa made a suggestion that the Committee look into possibly reaching out to an owner of a plot of land and discuss an option of creating fields and then leasing them to the Town.The Committee as a whole is going to look into this option. C. ADJOURNMENT Councilor Paonessa motioned to adjourn at 6:42 PM. Chairman Luddy seconded. Motion carried (2-0). Submitted, Jennifer Ochoa Director of Community, Recreation& Park Services and Clerk of this Meeting RECEIVED FOR RECORD BERLIN TOWN C .ERK 2019 MAY 14 PM 4: 27 k. ` 11-i aQa BERLIR.CT. 2