1957/12/23ut~es of ~he Meeting December 23, 1957 TO~N OF BERLIN OFFICE OF TH~ S~LEGTMEN The meeting .opened at 7:30 P.M. with the first and third selectmen present. Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as written. Mrs. Mahan and Mr. ~allace of the press were present. Item I Bids for Carpenter labor to make offices at the south end of the To~"~l! were opened this evening, as authorized in Item V of the December 16~h meeting. Perry and Riggott submitted a total price of $2100, labor only. Mr. ~raham moved, Mr. Lanzoni seconded that bid be forwarded £o Mr. Kinciad, Architect, for approval. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:50 P.M.