2006-06-19 RECE!VFD FCR FILMS Z0�6 ,lUN 21 P 8: 18 cI CLE tK' OFFICE TOWN OF BERLIN RL'14. CT. COMMISSION FOR THE AdING K� S Minutes of Monday, June 19, 2006 * Berlin Senior Center * 7:00 P.M. 1. Call to Order: Chairwoman Gombotz called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. 2. Roll Call: Members in Attendance: Barbara Gombotz, Chairwoman Sue Buckley Paul MacDonald Thomas Murphy Juliet Benjamin, Secretary Absent: Connie Marshall Staff in Attendance: Antoinette Pajor, Community Services Director JoAnn Budzinski, Senior Center Director 3. Approval of Minutes - May 15, 2006: Commissioner Buckley made a motion to accept the Minutes of Monday, May 15, 2006, as written. Seconded by Commissioner MacDonald. Minutes approved. 4. Audience of Citizens: None 5. Community Services Director Report -Antoinette Pajor: Community Services Dir. Antoinette Pajor discussed the recently completed signup for Medicare Part D and various items relating to that subject. More information is contained in Dir. Pajor's report attached to these minutes. After discussion, Commissioner Murphy made a motion from the Commission to express appreciation to Dir. Pajor for the extraordinary job she did in providing guidance to seniors in choosing a satisfactory plan from all the options available. The motion was seconded by Commissioner MacDonald 8s unanimously approved. Minutes of the Commission For The Aging—June 19,2006-Page 2 6. Senior Center Director's Report: Senior Center Director JoAnn Budzinski read her report outlining activities held at the Senior Center since the last meeting. Copy attached. 7. Spring Social - Report on Preparation/Food/Etc. - S. Buckley: Commissioners were in agreement that the Spring Social was a success and enjoyed by all. Commissioner Buckley reported on the number of sandwiches and supplies that were required for the Spring Social. She has put together a planning list that is to be kept on file for reference when planning future Socials. Community Service Dir. Pajor discussed the expenses from the Spring Social noting that an amount of$89.42 was left in the budget. It was agreed that this amount is to be used to supply cookies to the seniors at a future bingo event. Commissioners discussed the Fall Social and decided to set the date for Thursday, October 26, 2006, before Halloween. Finalization of food choices will be completed at the September meeting. 8. Planning & Zoning Meeting Report 6/8/06 - T. Murphy: Commissioner Murphy noted that he had attended the June 8th Planning 86 Zoning Commission Meeting and had a chance to voice the Commission for the Aging's concerns about the change in space in bathrooms at the proposed senior housing at the former Kensington Grammar School. Commissioners had questioned the proposal to reduce the square footage of individual units and eliminate efficiency apartments. The architect for the project, who was accompanied by the new builder, gave his presentation. There were two motions taken, a vote of compromise that 10% of the units could be adjusted to the smaller size as proposed or one in every ten units. This would impact only a small portion of the project, as there are fifty-seven units total. 9. Senior Housing - Housing Authority Report - B. Gombotz: Chairwoman Gombotz stated that she and Florence Lyons attended the May 17th meeting of the Berlin Housing Authority. Mrs. Lyons spoke very sincerely about the lack of subsidized affordable senior housing available in Berlin. She also stated that seniors need housing located close to the center of town, with easy accessibility to transportation. Ms. Lyons was encouraged to take her concerns, and those of her friends, to a Town Council meeting so that the Town Council would be informed of these concerns. Commissioners were in agreement to put together for the next meeting a list of senior concerns, such as space requirements for elderly, affordability of housing, transportation requirements, etc. Minutes of the Commission For The Aging–June 19,2006-Page 3 Commissioner Murphy noted that a very small amount of funding is allocated to the Senior Center for programs. He suggested that the Commission look toward having more funding advocated by an increase in a budget request to answer the need for more senior programs. Dir. Pajor 86 Senior Center Dir. Budzinski noted that new or expanded programs may require additional staffing. Any programs held during evening hours would require a custodial person. Commissioner Buckley noted that other local Senior Centers now have programs for active adults in the 55 to 70-age range and she would like to see Berlin become part of that trend. The Elderhostel Program was discussed and suggested as a program to encourage younger, active seniors. The Commission is looking for suggestions for expanding to a broader audience. 10. Old Business: None. 11. New Business: None. 12. Motion to Adjourn: Commissioner MacDonald moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:25 P.M. Seconded by Commissioner Buckley 8s unanimously approved. Respectfully submitted, Juliet K. Benjamin, Secretary June 19,2006 Community Services Director's Report for the Commission for the Aging • Spring Social—Your expenses for the Spring Social totaled$166.61 ($39.66 for sandwich makings; $26.95 for the cake;and$100 for the entertainment). You had$256.03 left from the Fall Social and now,after the Spring Social expenses of$166.61,have$89.42 left. • Medicare Part D—We are still"cleaning up"enrollment issues for some seniors with the Medicare Part D Program. This will continue for a few more months and then we will wait to see what plans are being offered for 2007. Open enrollment will be from November 15 to December 31,2006 for an effective date of January 1,2007. We have already heard that the State is thinking of limiting each company to two • State of CT Department of Transportation Grant Application—We have received the notice of award for the grant Van transportation will begin July 18,2006 and we will have additional hours of senior and disabled transportation on Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday. We are preparing a special sheet to put into July's Newsletter to introduce the additional time to the community. Calls for rides must be made a minimum of 48 hours in advance(no exceptions)and we are contracting with the Bristol Community Organization for the van and the driver. Minutes of the Commission For The Aging–June 19,2006-Page 4 • Renter's Rebate Program—Tina and I began to take applications on Thursday,June 8th and will be taking them until September 15t. Senior Center Director's Report Monday, June 19, 2006 On May 25, we held a free skin cancer screening. The program was sponsored by the Central Connecticut Health District (of which we are a member) and we had 11 seniors take advantage of this program. Nine seniors met here at the senior center on Friday, the 9th of June and the senior bus took them for a tour of the Berlin Historical Society. It was a small group but they thoroughly enjoyed the tour, especially the exhibit on the 4 volunteer fire departments in town. Monday, June 12th the setback group (44 card players) held their annual banquet here at the senior center. They enjoyed a catered buffet from Nick's Deli and completed their 18 week of tournament play. The tournament will resume in September. On Friday, June 16th Haven Health Center of Rocky Hill sponsored a home safety program here at the senior center. After the presentation they served ice cream to the 25 seniors who attended. Today, the 19th of June we held our annual strawberry shortcake festival. 84 seniors attended and were entertained by the Rocky Hill Review, a group of 12 seniors from Rocky Hill who performed a variety of songs and skits. And after the show, everyone enjoyed a dish of strawberry shortcake! And in July we will be hosting our own ice cream social and also our yearly Red Cross blood drive. In August we will hold our annual picnic.