1957/08/19Minates of the Meeting August 19, 1957 The meeting opened at ?=30 P.M. w*.h the first and second selectmen present. U~utes of the previous meeting were accepted as a~aended. Itam I Mr. ~raha~ read a letter fr~a Mrs. Edward Delane~, Chairman of the Board of ~ion, inviting a representative of the Board of Selectmen to attend a meeting at the High School on Mon~, August 26th, the p~rpose of which is to organize a Cca~m~ity ~__~ ary ~udy C,--~ttee. Mr. ~raham ~oved, Mr. Oistare seconded that Mrs. Delaney's letter Be ackn~~, and notify that a representative would Be present following the weekl~ ~eeting of the Motion carried. Item II Mr. ~raham read a cc~,~ication from Edward H. May, Jr. and Prescott Bush, ~ the Public La~ 660 in conjunction with the proposed Mattabassett Sewer Authority, in response to his letters, a copy of which was perused by those present. Mr. ~raham further reported that he ~ d received a telegram frem Senator PurteLl with regard to same. X%em III ~r. ~rah~m reported that he has allowed the City of New Brit~u, umber ~rgency ~easures, to ~-.~tall temporary Water line from Harts Ponds to +~e 0ity of New Britain reservoir along Reservoir Road. Mr. ~aham explained that Mr. George W. Wood stated that ~he T~wn of Berlin wo,_~ be held harmless and that the City of ~ew Britain' would assuae fulX responsibility. Mr. Graham in chec~r~ with the Town Counsel, found that the insurance coverage carried by the City of ~ew Britain was adequate. Item IV . Mr. ~raham read a copy cf a letter directed to Mr. L. Ed~ardeOn, Chairman ~ ~e Board of FinanCe, from th~ Board of Edacation, notifying that a s~ · money be set aside in the 1957-58 budget for the purpose cf acquiring tw~ acres north of the Hubbard School f~r an addition; Letter was placed on file. Itea V Mr. ~raham signed a State Permit ~n the request of the Park .& Recreation Cca~issicn, to allc~ this grip to plant a fl~er bed on the n~rth corner ~ Farming~on Ave. and WcrtH_~r~on Ridge. Item VI Mr. ~aham reported that becamse of the objection of Mr~ Edward Loiselle of ~----~Street, ~ain property ~..er on the south s~de, the widening of said street wouli be deferred until a later date. Mr. ~rs_h__~._ suggested that the Police C~mission stud~ the probl~a to determine the feasibility of limiting parking to one side of the street on~. Mr. Graham moved~ Mr. ¢istare seconded, that the widening of School St. be tabled. Motion carried. Itea VII Mr. ~ reported that he has hired Mr. Otto Eessler, Wilbur C~oss Hi,way, Berlin, to work with the Town Crew. Also that he has hired Mr. Robert Ball, student, as #3 man on the engineer~_~ crew for one month, at which time he is to return to school. Selectmen concurred on the actic~ of the firet Selectman. -2- Item VIII Mr. '~rah~ rea~ a letter from Project Development Associates, of. ~----'~e R.L relative to Urban renewal. Letter was placed on file for future reference. Iten IX Mr. ~aham reported that he h~s had an application frm the Young GOP for ~r~tssion to install a sidewalk from ~orthington Ridge into the Community ~ouse on Worthington R~ge,- at no cost %o the Town. Mr. ~raham moved, Mr. Cistare seconded that request be granted, Mo~ion carried. Voters to be made Sat. August 17, 1~57 frc~ 9:O0 A.M. to 6~00 P.M. IteaX