1997-05-06 O�e�RU N coti tiF BERLIN SENIOR CENTER rte: ^ TOWN OF BERLIN E �m 33 COLONIAL DRIVE • KENSINGTON, CT 06037 4)PORAlty May 6, 1997 COMMISSION OFFICE OF FOR THE AGING - THE DIRECTOR A. 1. The March 17, 1997 meeting of the Commission For The Aging was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by Chairlady Lorraine Clark. Members Present: Betty Baldyga, Lorraine Clark-Chairlady, Rev. Hugh B. Penney; Excused: Marilyn Meigs, Norman Johnson, Director Ellen Rukowicz and Assistant Director JoAnn Budzinski; 2. Minutes of the November meeting -Correction to the minutes. C. New Business #3. Commissioner Mary Wilcox: It was stated that Commissioners accept Mary Wilcox resignation, when in fact she had not formally submitted a written resignation. A written resignation will be formally requested and submitted to the Town of Berlin. A motion was thereby made to accept the November minutes. Motion made by Betty Baldyga and seconded by Rev. Hugh B. Penney. All in favor-Motion carried. 3. Audience of Citizens- Leo Melowicz was our Audience of Citizens for the March meeting. He reported that the luncheons have been well attended with many new faces._ ? B. OLD BUSINESS --1 1. Luncheon with the Berlin Seniors: A scheduled date was for April 17th,1.997 at 12:00 `u noon. All to attend must contact Leo Melowicz or the Senior Center by Wednesday, April 10, �= 1997 to confirm reservation. --- 2. Senior Center used for Shelter: It has been requested that the Berlin Senior Center be used as a Shelter during inclement winter weather. Not enough information had been obtained for the Commissioners to discuss. Futher information will be requested by the Commissioners. 3. New Appointment to Commissioners: Norman Johnson to be notified by Chairlady Lorraine Clark that the meetings will remain on the third Thursday of the month. 4. Senior Bus change: There will be no new bus purchased for the Berlin Senior Center. A new proposal is presently being discussed. The Town of Berlin is presently researching the idea of hiring an outside company to drive the Berlin buses which would entail driving and taking appointments. Chairlady Lorraine Clark to contact the Town Manager to request additional information on how this would affect the Seniors, etc. • 5. Budget: No additional funds were received for the line dancing. No extra clerical help was approved, although 6 hours per week was approved. The computer has been received by the Berlin Senior Center. 6. Election of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson: the following action was taken: A motion was made by Rev. Hugh B. Penney to re-elect Chairlady Lorraine Clark to the coming year and Second by Betty Baldyga. ALL IN FAVOR. A motion was made by Rev. Hugh B. Penney to re-elect Vice Chairlady Betty Baldyga to the coming year and Second by Chairlady Lorraine Clark. ALL IN FAVOR. C. NEW BUSINESS 1. Halloween Harvest Fling: Ideas were being sorted for fund raising for this event. Suggested was a tag sale where the tables were rented. The cost per table would be$10.00. The Commissioners would sell food such as donuts, coffee in the a.m. and hot dogs in the p.m. An ad would be posted in the Herald and Berlin lines. A tentative dated would be June 21, 1997 from 9:00-3:00. Betty Baldyga will speak with Ms. Dennis at the high school regarding the food for the Harvest Fling (as she did for the previous Harvest Fling, would was very well received). and Chairlady Lorraine Clark to look into a Barber Shop quartet. Further discussion at the May meeting. The anticipated date would be October 23, 1997 from 3:00- 5:00 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. by Chairlady Lorraine Clark. Respectfully submitted, 477-ata._ By: Debbie D. Fiumara Secretary