1957/07/15 Town cf Berlin Office of the Sele~ The meeting opened a~ ?~30 P.M. with the three Selec~nen present. pre, ions mest~ng were accepted as written. Mrs. Mahan, Mr. Wallace a~d Mr. 0ovini of the ~ress were presmt. It~a I Bids for supplying the T~rn with welding equilmaent to be used at the Mnnicipal ~---~, were opemsd ~hts evening as foll~s: Davis & Z~g~ont Inc. Meriden sul~itted a price of $131.65 Adleeon Wefts Co., Iuc. Bartford, Com~ sul~mitted a price ~uold Auto Parts Co., Inc. Arc~ St. New BritA~-~ Corm sure.fred a of ~. ~ m~ ~. C~ se~ ~t ~ese ~ ~ fo~ ~ ~ ~ ~~c to ~ ~ec~ ~ e~h ~ ~e i~v~ b~ ~ ~ce~ ~ ~eir ~e ~~ that ~ ~ ~~ be m~or~ to a~ ~e c~r~ to t~ a~~ ~ bid~er. Burnham S~. Installation w~uld be completed at a cost of ap~ox~ely $6000. Cost of +_~e squash pipe was apprexi~stel~ $~O00. zmking a total of ~12,O00. Road Job 858 cubic yards of rock waS blasted at $8.00 per cu~c yard. Mr. Davis, upon instruction fr~m the First Selee~- inspe~ bridges and eulvert8 in the Toll Gate Road and Orchard Road area and gave a verbal report as to ~hich of the bridges ~-~pected needed attenti.~ The Selectmen requested a written repm-t to be sub~tted by Jul~ 29th pertaining to the ~ti~n ¢ the bridge~ inspected and his reco~ne~da%ic~s. Item ~I Mr. ~rahem reported that he has been not~fied'by the Town Counsel that Lfensdab Strect---""~ now considered a T~wn Road, and steps should be taken to request ~he Board Finance for funds to construct this street. It was estimated that ~ oons~ruolion cf %his s~ree~ ~igh~ cos$ ~O,OOO t~i~g eyeing into consideration, to which Mr. Davis said that he ~hough~ this was high. v'~e~es~ $50,000. to ccnstraCto Ite~ 1V It was agreed not to hold a ~ rmal Select~ans meeting on July 22nd beoanse of vacations. Item V Mr. ~raham informed that the engineering fc~ the surface Water drainage ~o--~-~-ct on School St. and Kensington Road were reac~ for bid. Mr. ~raham moved, Mr. Cistare seconded that the Town Engineer Be authorized to advertise for bids to complete said dra~-ge projects which would be o~ by the ~te~ T~ Mr. ~raham reported that as an advertising venture A~gelo T~asso Inc. was paving in each of %he surround_~g %oens using a ~-~ mix, ~d recc~n~ +_.B__-t T~asso be asked to resurface ~chool 3tree~ upon the installation cf the storm water drain, to which ~he other Selecta~a concurred, Mr. ~ to ccntact T_~.~_~so. Mr. ~raham informed that the Town had sufficient pipe to complete these two projects. Irem VII Mr. Graham said that he ~hou~xt it was time to purnhase the Engineering Dept. a trans~te and other necessary equi~nent, to which t~e other seleotmea agreed. Mr. 0tahara said that ~r. Davis has agreed to sell to the to~n his o~n equipmen~ for the Mr. Davis explained in de~ail the type, cb_~_~eris~ics etc. of this equil~ent for the benefi% of the Selec~aen. Mr. 0rah~ moved, Mr. ¢istare seconded that a transite, 100~ tape and 15' rod be purchased fr~a Mr. Davis for the su~ of $%00. Irma_ VIII Mr. Dehan asked if Mr. Davis coald not meet with ~h~ Selectmen in the m~ar future to discuss the drainage pri~rity list. It was agreed ~o have Mr. Davismeet with the Seleet~a on ~ 29th for this purpose. Item IX Mr. ~raham reported that he has had Mr. Denn~ construct and install ~' each of the Teen Parks. I+~ X Mr. Dehan reported that it has been broaght to his a~ten~ion ~ She De~ ~ Been removed from the plaque at t~ Worthington Ridge monumen~ by vandals. Mr. Oraham to investigate. I+~e~.__.~_~ Mr.' 0raha~ reported that s~% signs are Being painte~ By Mr. Rich. Meeting adjourned at 9~00 P.~