2003-05-13 " TOWN OF BERLIN RECEIVED FCR FILI'!G 2 Conservation Commission o J ? Town Hall • Berlin, CT 06037 1003 MAY I b P 12: 31 5 E 0 TOWN OF BERLIN �'--pORAlt?" TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE CONSERVATION COMMISSION BERLIN. CT. TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2003 TOWN CLERK Members Present: Michael DeLorenzo, Chairman Michele Spacek Richard A. Glidden Peter F. Regan Wallace F. Ebner Christina Berger Steven Sokolowski Juliet Benjamin, Secretary Members Excused: Richard Schmidt Guy Hoffman 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman DeLorenzo called the meeting to order @ 6:30 P.M. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 2003: Commissioner Spacek noted a typing error on page 2, Item .C, last sentence, change the word toe to the. Commissioner Glidden then MOVED to accept the Minutes of Tuesday, April 8, 2003 as written. SECONDED by Commissioner Sokolowski & UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED. 3. AUDIENCE OF CITIZENS: Scoutmaster Jim Byrd addressed the Commission regarding Walking Trails in Webster Park. He stated that he had walked around the Webster Park property last Saturday and felt that the biggest hurdle would be providing access to the Park through the marshlands. He felt that a bridge over the brook would be required, especially during the wet spring season. Commissioner Spacek offered the possibility that the walking trails be open only seasonally, such as during the summer and fall. Scoutmaster Byrd stated that he thought there were some fine areas for walking trails in the park and a lot of wildlife. He saw several wild turkeys and footprints of large size deer. Commissioner Berger suggested he contact the Connecticut Park & Forest Association, located in Middlefield for consulting and assistance. Chairman DeLorenzo suggested that Mr. Byrd could contact one of the local engineers, Bart Bovee or Rod Hewitt and ask whether they would donate some time to designing a plan for the trails and bridging the wet areas. Commissioner Glidden stated that he felt strongly about this walking trail project and offered Mr. Byrd any assistance he might need. 4. NEW BUSINESS: Review of New Projects - Commissioner Spacek made a MOTION to add to the agenda the Review a 2 Lot Subdivision of Jeffrey Karroll on Elton Rd. & Orchard Rd. and a Site Plan for an addition at Bethany Covenant Church on Mill St. SECONDED by Commissioner Glidden & UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED. Conservation Commission Minutes-5/13/2003 -Page 2 2 Lot Subdivision of Jeffrey Karro11 on Elton Rd. 85 Orchard Rd. - After reviewing the submitted site plan, Commissioners were in agreement that the plan did not contain enough information and did not clearly show or describe the exact dimensions of the two lots. The plan seemed to show only one large lot. Chairman DeLorenzo will check with the Development Services Office for more information. Addition (ai Bethany Covenant Church, Mill St. - Conservation Commission member Wallace Ebner, who is also the Bethany Covenant Church Chairperson, described the addition and improvements that are planned to the property. He stated that the Town of Berlin Inland Wetlands & Watercourses has already reviewed the plan for the addition. He noted that all drainage would be directed to the existing retention pond on the property. Commissioners agreed that they did not have any adverse comments on the plan and the addition would be a positive thing for the area. 5. OLD BUSINESS: A. Use of Town Lands 1. Webster Park/Walking Trails - This item discussed under Audience of Citizens. 2. Bradley Property, Chamberlain Highway- Nothing new to report on this item. 3. Sanitary Septic Survey/Watershed Association - Commissioner Hoffman has not reported anything further on this item. 4. Metacomet-Monadnock-Mattabesett Trail Study - Draft Concept Paper - Commissioner Spacek had attended this meeting and a representative from the National Park Service explained how they want to extend the Blue Blaze Trail, which goes through Berlin, down as far as Guilford. They also want to extend the trail up into Massachusetts. Commissioner Spacek felt that the extension in Connecticut is still in the draft stage, but that the Massachusetts portion is further along. She noted that the effort is to connect the trail by way of easements across properties, not by the taking of any properties. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 28th and Commissioner Glidden expressed an interest in attending the meeting to learn more about the project. B. OPEN SPACE ACQUISITION - Commissioners discussed the Sinewicz property on Lower Lane, approximately 90 acres, which just went on the market for sale this week for 2.5 million. Commissioner Regan noted that he was very familiar with the property and would encourage the Town to look at purchasing it for open space or combined usage. He explained that he felt the property was a bit of heaven and it would be unfortunate if it was sold to a developer and 90 or 100 homes were built on the site. He once again stated that he would encourage the Town Council to look into any possibilities of purchasing this property. Commissioners also discussed the Thine Mountain property on Norton Road. The Town Council was not interested in pursuing acquisition of a Conservation Commission Minutes-5/13/2003 -Page 3 this property. Commissioners expressed hope that the Land Trust might be interested in acquiring this property. Commissioners discussed putting together a draft letter to the Town Council regarding bonding for purchase of open space parcels. Chairman DeLorenzo will work on this draft letter for the next meeting. C. 100' WETLAND REGULATORY AREA - Chairman DeLorenzo noted that he has not received any new information on this item from either Commissioner Schmidt or Commissioner Hoffman. D. LAND CARE VOLUNTEER PROGRAM - Commissioner Glidden noted that he would be contacting Commissioners Hoffman and Regan on this item. E. MERIDEN POWER PLANT - Nothing new on this item. F. REVIEW ACTION ITEMS - Nothing new on this item. 6. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: Commissioner Berger noted that she had attended the Plan of Conservation & Development public hearing and there were a lot of good comments from the audience. She noted that she had presented her information about PA490 Open Space and discussed some comments that were made by property owners regarding the proposed changes to the zoning regulations. Commissioner Berger stated that she would be interested in going to a Park and Recreation Commission meeting and discussing the sign that is to be installed in Bicentennial Park. Commissioners were in support of her representing the Conservation Commission at the Park & Recreation meeting and requesting that a list of park rules be made a part of the sign. Commissioner Berger will also ask the Park & Recreation Commission to include the Conservation Commission in any plans of this type for other parks and areas. This would give the Conservation Commission a chance to review and give input to park signs, etc. 7. CORRESPONDENCE: 1. Information from the DEP regarding Storm drain Marker Kits and their availability. Secretary Benjamin will check with Town Engineer Ferraro on how many kits he requested from the DEP. 2. Notice of Town of Berlin Inland Wetland Actions taken at their April 8th meeting. 3. DEP Firearms Course Schedule. 4. Land Trust Meeting ® Peck Library on June 3rd, Guest speaker about Lawn Care & its Environmental Impact. 8. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Glidden MOVED to adjourn the meeting @ 8:15 P.M. SECONDED by Commissioner Sokolowski & UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED. Respectfully submitted, Juliet K. Benjamin, Secretary �a era,