2003-02-11 o�e�Rfi `o4; TOWN OF BERLIN r pFOR ���rNG �.�1r,, Conservation CommissiotEC- 4E 0 4P4t4 ''.;'I' c Town Hall • Berlin, CT 06037 A lit 40 h 100) �'�PORAS \10 TOWN OF BERLIN .L�\,s ov CE CONSERVATION COMMISSION ;_;t1 I' TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2003 Members Present: Michael DeLorenzo, Chairman Richard A. Glidden Michele Spacek Peter F. Regan Richard Schmidt Guy Hoffman Steven Sokolowski Christina Berger Juliet Benjamin, Secretary Members Excused: Wallace F. Ebner Guest: James Mahoney, Economic Development Director 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman DeLorenzo called the meeting to order @ 6:35 P.M. Commissioners agreed to change the order of the agenda to have the presentation of the Proposed Plan of Conservation and Development at the beginning of the meeting. NOTE: Commissioner Spacek made a MOTION to go into Executive Session at the end of the meeting for the purpose of real estate negotiations. SECONDED by Commissioner Berger & UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED. 2. AUDIENCE OF CITIZENS - Presentation of the Proposed Plan of Conservation and Development: Economic Development Director James Mahoney and Chairman DeLorenzo jointly explained the Plan of Conservation and Development using slides and written material. Chairman DeLorenzo addressed the Commission as a member of the Plan of Conservation and Development Committee. He explained that the update of the POC&D is mandated by the State to be completed every ten years. The last plan was filed in 1992. Chairman DeLorenzo stated that the POC&D Committee felt it important not only to formulate the plan, but also to implement it. Along with members of the POC&D Committee, consultants with specific expertise were also used to put together different portions of the plan. Chairman DeLorenzo noted that the reason the plan is being presented to various commissions is not only to solicit suggestions and comments, but also to make the commissions aware of their responsibilities in implementation of their portion of the plan. Conservation Commission Minutes-2/11/2003 -Page 2 Chairman DeLorenzo noted that the POC&D Committee began work in the spring of 2000 and Dennis Kern has served as Chairman. The makeup of the committee included a representative of the Town Council, Planning & Zoning, Economic Development, Conservation Commission and three citizens. Their mission was to formulate a plan to balance land uses, integrate the principles of the Strategic Plan Process and create a workable action plan for 21st Century development. Dir. Mahoney and Chairman DeLorenzo both agreed that the biggest weakness in previous Plan of Development Plans was in the lack of implementation. The new plan has been developed to be a hands-on document and to be used on a daily basis. Dir. Mahoney again stressed that this plan is to be an action plan, not a paper plan. Six Commissions will carry key responsibilities in implementing their portions, which will be structured with deadlines. The progress of these portions will be tracked and available on the Town Website. Dir. Mahoney noted that the POC&D Committee was fortunate to have the Town Council Survey of Residents Top Planning Issues for reference. That survey showed that preserving open space along streams & rivers was a top priority with the public. Other priorities were, protecting underground water, support efforts to clean the Mattabassett River, preserve Berlin's farms, development of a Town Center as a community focal point, P & Z review of non- residential architectural quality and acquisition of more open space. The survey also showed that residents were willing to pay to maintain character of the town by purchasing more open space, supporting economic development efforts to increase the tax base, a new Town Center, Community Center, Senior Center and farmland preservation. Dir. Mahoney outlined the Town Councils role in making the plan a success and functions of others such as the Town Manager, Planning & Zoning, and other commissions. He explained that the goal of the plan is to balance development and conservation without losing the character of the community. Six goals that power the plan were outlined. Livability, Community Assets and Open Space, Economic Development, Housing, Public Services and the Town Center, the heart of Berlin. A prime open space strategy, earmarked Berlin Heritage Lands was discussed. This would be a connected network of lands in public ownership or protected by private organizations or through easements. This would include Town Parks, State land; Water Company lands, private owned open lands with public access and the Metacomet and Mattabessett Trails. The key critical element would be to link these various lands. The POC&D Committee, at its last meeting, met with some area farmers to discuss preservation of these farms, which town residents had identified in the council survey as a key item to be preserved. The economic development portion lists thirteen targeted areas for development that could possibly generate a future tax base for the community. Dir. Mahoney noted that the desire is to create an office type environment. He Conservation Commission Minutes-2/11/2003 -Page 3 stated that the Town does not have a lot of Brownfield's sites or areas that would require environmental clean up. Dir. Mahoney noted that he needs comments from the Conservation Commission by March 20th, containing any additions, modifications or deletions. He stated that he hoped the Commission would be offering positive comments toward the plan. Dir. Mahoney then asked for questions from the Commissioners. Commissioner Hoffman stated that he would like to have an updated map of all current open spaces. Commissioner Glidden asked how much of the plan depends on State or Federal money? Dir. Mahoney discussed this and stated that the Town would be actively pursuing any State or Federal Grants that are available. The Town already has approval for a $500,000 grant for the Town Center. Chairman DeLorenzo asked that Commissioners reserve any formal comments on the plan for the next Conservation Commission meeting. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES, TUESDAY JANUARY 14, 2003: Commissioner Glidden MOVED to accept the Minutes of Tuesday, January 14, 2003 as written. SECONDED by Commissioner Berger & UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED. 4. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Chairman - Commissioner Glidden stated that he felt Chairman DeLorenzo had done an excellent job and has served the Commission well as Chairman over the last year. Commissioner Glidden nominated Michael DeLorenzo as Chairman. There were no other nominations for Chairman and the Commissioners unanimously approved the nomination. Vice-Chairman - Present Vice-Chairman Schmidt nominated Michele Spacek as Vice-Chairman. Commissioner Glidden seconded the nomination. There were no other nominations for Vice-Chairman and the Commissioners unanimously approved the nomination. Ms. Spacek stated that she would be pleased to serve as Vice-Chairman in the absence of the Chairman. 5. NEW BUSINESS: Commissioner Berger expressed an opinion that if the Commission is going to discuss a new subdivision plan it should be listed on the Agenda to allow the developer a chance to participate in the meeting and answer questions. Chairman DeLorenzo explained that the subdivision plan has already been submitted to the Planning & Zoning Commission and, they as a matter of courtesy, have sent a copy of the plan for the Conservation Commission to comment on. The comments of this commission are strictly suggestions, which the Planning & Zoning Commission can choose to implement or disregard. Chairman DeLorenzo agreed to ask Town Manager Therrien and Town Clerk Wall if each individual project needs to be listed on the agenda. After discussion, Commissioner Hoffman made a MOTION to add an agenda item under New Business - Review of Proposed Projects submitted by the Development Services Dept. for Commission Conservation Commission Minutes-2/11/2003 -Page 4 Comments/Recommendations. SECONDED by Commissioner Glidden 86 UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED. 6. OLD BUSINESS: A. USE OF TOWN LANDS - 1. Webster Park/Walking Trails 2. Bradley Property, Chamberlain Highway 3. Sanitary Septic Survey for Watershed Association- Mr. Paul Woodward is still reviewing results of sampling. Everything is too frozen at this time to take any further samples. 4. Woodlawn Well Site - B. OPEN SPACE ACQUISITION - Nothing new to report on this item. C. PLAN OF CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT UPDATE - See Audience of Citizens. D. BROCHURE/CONSERVATION COMMISSION - BERLIN LAND • TRUST - Commissioner Spacek and Commissioner Berger agreed to write the Open Space Brochure. They understand that the Land Trust may assist in underwriting the cost of printing the brochures and refining the project. E. LAND CARE VOLUNTEER PROGRAM - Nothing to report on this item. F. MERIDEN POWER PLANT - Nothing new to report on this item, work is still suspended at the power plant. G. REVIEW OF ACTION ITEMS - 7. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: No Dumping Signs - Signs have been installed. Acquisition of Open Space Property - Commission discussed the acquisition from the City of New Britain, of a 4-acre parcel bordered by High Road and Chamberlain Highway. DEP Evaluation of Municipal Open Space Parcels - Commissioner Sokolowski noted that he researched and found that the Department of Environmental Protection will evaluate municipal open space if requested. He will obtain a copy of a report completed for another municipality as a reference document. Review of Proposed Developments: Copies of Conservation Commission comments made on the following three projects have been sent to Bruce Driska, Acting Planner and forwarded to the Planning 86 Zoning Commission. Commissioners discussed how they could get answers to their questions as asked on the individual comment forms for the subdivisions. They questioned whether their comments should be directed to the Inland, Wetland 86 Watercourses Commission instead of the Planning 8s Zoning Commission. Chairman DeLorenzo will look into this. Review of New Proposed Development - Silver Lake/Worthington Point Road - 18 Condominium Units - 3 Buildings - Lot 59A - Owner, Red Gate Homes LLC, West Simsbury - Commissioners Conservation Commission Minutes-2/11/2003 -Page 5 concerned that they would not like any invasive species of plants added along the shore of the lake. Commissioner Berger noted that only native species should be used and recommended that natural cover be left as much as possible. Commissioner Spacek will put together formal comments from the Commission. The Commissioners expressed concern that Silver Lake is "Berlin's Lake", one of the town's best natural resources and should be protected. They recommended that the buildings be set back from the lake as much as possible and natural resource cover should be left visually and environmentally in place as much as possible. The Commission recommended creation of a conservation easement along the water edge as a solution to concerns about destruction of shoreline vegetation, 30' in from edge of water. This would also reduce the visual impact for users of the lake. PA490 Lands - Commissioner Berger noted that she has spoken with property owners in her area whose property assessment has gone up 300% with the new evaluations. Most are not actively farmed lands and not under the PA490 Act, but were assessed at a lower rate. She believes this large increase in valuation will force some of the property owners to sell to a developer because they cannot afford the increased taxes. Thereby serving to have the Town force these property owners into developing their land instead of leaving it open and undeveloped. She recommended that the Town consider the value of these properties as Open Space, not as developable property. She believes there are over 30 properties that need to be recognized in the Plan of Conservation and Development as PA490 properties. POCB&D Comments - Chairman DeLorenzo reminded Commissioners to put together their suggestions, modifications and comments regarding the Plan of Conservation & Development for formalization at the next meeting. 8. CORRESPONDENCE: Commission reviewed correspondence received since the January meeting. 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Commissioner Hoffman MOVED to enter into Executive Session @9:30 P.M. for the purpose of discussing real estate negotiations. SECONDED by Commissioner Schmidt & UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED. Commissioner Schmidt MOVED to exit Executive Session @9:49 P.M., SECONDED by Commissioner Hoffman & UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman DeLorenzo MOVED to adjourn the meeting @ 9:50 P.M. SECONDED by Commissioner Schmidt & UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED. Respectfully submitted, Juliet K. Benjamin, Secretary