1998-06-18 1 RECEIVED FOUR FIL..It1C 98JU 24 PM 2= 4I • r JUNE 18, 1998 The regular meeting of the Conservation Commission was called to order at 6:35 p.m. by Chairman Richard Schmidt. PRESENT - Chairman Richard Schmidt, Commissioners Christina Berger, David Kall, Michele Spacek, and new alternate member Craig Wallace. ABSENT - Commissioners Guy Hoffman and Joseph Roberts. Vice Chairman DeLorenzo was seated at 6:38 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Glidden made a motion to accept the minutes of 5/12/98 as written. Seconded by Commissioner Berger. All in favor. Motion carried. AUDIENCE OF CITIZENS None. OLD BUSINESS A. Use of Town Lands Vice Chairman DeLorenzo reported that the Herald newspaper had been present for the posting of the Conservation Area signs at the Wigwam Road entrance to Ragged Mountain. Two signs were removed by persons unknown and found in the trash barrel the next day. Vice Chairman DeLorenzo said that he would move some signs higher and the BCC will continue to post more signs on Town owned open space. Commissioners Spacek and DeLorenzo attended the first Open Space Committee Meeting on May 21, 1998. Some issues that were discussed included the role of the Berlin Land Trust, liability concerns, and the need to classify and categorize Berlin's open space land. -2- Commissioner Berger moved to purchase a publication entitled"Cost of Community Services for Southern New England" for$16.00 plus tax. Seconded by Commissioner Glidden. All in favor. Motion carried. B. Paper Goods Property Commissioner Spacek reported that she had a signage proposal and would get a price. Commissioner Glidden reported that he had located a suitable rock for the sign. A few BCC members would study the site for possible placement. Chairman Schmidt reported that the dam was found to be physically sound but needs minor work. Estimates for repairs had been at$50,000 to $80,000. The Marjorie Moore Fund,the State, and Town funds could be used. C. Fund to Purchase Open Space Vice Chairman DeLorenzo stated that currently the fund had several thousand dollars. Ideas on how to increase funding were discussed. D. Timberlin Expansion Nothing new to report at this time. E. Review Action Items Chairman Schmidt reported that the DEP is waiting on a settlement; part of which addresses the Stan Chem Fish Ladder. NEW BUSINESS Chairman Schmidt reported that Bonnie Therrien, Town Manager, had invited the BCC to a meeting Meriden relative to a proposed development on the Meriden side of Routes 5 and 15. Unfortunately the invitation was not taken as the meeting took place earlier today. No feedback has been received thus far. Chairman Schmidt stated that the BCC had been invited to a meeting held on 6/2/98 by Bob Peters of the Charter Revision Commission regarding any comments the BCC might have. No one attended the meeting. This promoted a discussion about possible revision to the charter on behalf of the BCC. It was noted that time was of the essence regarding this issue. Commissioner Glidden exited the meeting at 8:15 p.m. -3- Vice Chairman DeLorenzo moved that the BCC draft a change to the Planning and Zoning charter as it affects the BCC and forward it to the Charter Revision Commission. Seconded by Commissioner Spacek. All in favor. Motion carried. A discussion followed this motion. CORRESPONDENCE The BCC received the following correspondence: 1. A letter from the DEP to the Town Clerk concerning maps available to the Town with regards to the Endangered Species Mapping Project. 2. A letter from the DEP containing the accepted and approved Water Quality Certificate for Pistol Creek Golf Course Development from the DEP for regulated activities. 3. A letter from the Middlesex Water Conservation District concerning the Riverside Landscaping Conference. 4. The DOT Statewide Drainage Maintenance Plan 5. Green Circle Program Application 6. "From the Land"publication 7. "Connecticut Wildlife"publication ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Spacek moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:55 p.m. The motion was seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, ,Z)7' /2,e- Tina M. DeGrandi Recording Secretary cc: BCC Members BCC file Bonnie Therrien, Town Manager Linda Olson, Mayor