1957/04/08 'T~ ~F B~E~Im OFFI~ ~ T~E S~:wC~H~ The aeetiag e~aeA at 7,30 P.~ with' the first and ee~ad selectmen ~ase~ Mim~es of the pre~ aeeti~g were reaa a~a. accepteA. Mrs. Nabs. of ~he press~ was.. ~reaent. Itea I The rate book was reviewe~, approved By the Seleebaem an~ returaeA %0 the Itea II Mr. ~raham inferaad the Selectaea. that he had planned to h~ve the walls of T'ewn ~ pai~te~ with part ti~e help but because of the heigh~ 'of the ceiling and danger involved~ thought, it best to ask for bids for the painting of said Bids for the ce~14.w~.were, opone~ as folle~w~ A,O, Nilssoa Savage ~ ROa~ s~baitted a bid of $2~0. fe~ one coat. New Britain, Co~m. subaitteA a bid of $89.00 fer o~e coat er $156. for ~eo coats Iw~ercoastal. Const. Robbi~s Road X~tea coat Job. ~oa ~~ ~te~ ~ ~c~ Item IF Mr. ~rahaa brought %o the attenti~ of the Selec~e~ that it. was time to re~ew ~'%--'aading ocntractS with tee ~terola 0e. f~ the raAio c=~uaicat_~a equi~emt presently useA by the T~n. Mr. 0tahara moved, Mr. Cistare seecndeel that this toe. act Be reneweel aad that the Mc~erola Ce. be ~,tructed to s~pply a~ a~tional unit to be im.~-'r~ed, ia a ~ tr~c~ aS directed. Itea VI Mr. ~ahm read a letter rrm Mrs. J.O.Maier of Southington ROaA request&ug that ~/~,.~s on the trees in front of her hc~e, which are ia da~er of falling, be r~aove4. ~e ~ ~ 8~ for ~c t~ ~~o~. ~. ~ ~, ~. ~e se~ t~t ~e Selec~ ~oc~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c~ ~ t~ ~ to ~ s~d p~ ~t a r~ ~ ~e ~ of Itm ~_ ~. ~ ~.. ~. ~e ~e~ ~t the ~r~$ for ~e spr~ ~ e~~ be ~~e ~~8~~. of ~tB~ ~e ~t s~n~ ~ce~ ~%0..~ ~ Fe~;*~ ~, ~t t~ ~ ~0. ~. ~ ~v~, ~. ~e see~ +~t ~ ~n~a~ f~ ~e n~to ~1 ~o~ be ~~ ~e ~ Sp~ ~. for the ~r of ~%7 ~t ~ ~ ~ Xtra X Mr. Davis, Town Engineer met with the Selectmen this evening, to review hi~ r--~ed figures on ProJeo~ ~?-02 Lewer Lane Drainage. Mr. Davis. reported %hat his estimated cos~, including_ 24" pipe. wa~ $~72. Mr. Graham asked ~he Tow~ Engineer to include aa au alteraate a catch ~i~ approximately 1~0t nor'sh ami st~b which could Be used t~ drain the po~d east of I~wer Mr. Davis Tm.prepare Bids, said bids to be in April 22, I%m XX Mr. Grah~ reposed that a serious surface water drainage has,.been caused W ~he ~---~rothers having fille~ in the swlap mom.'t,h of the new pest office, west to Xeasingt~n It was necessax~ to oleee le~siugtoa Ro~d at %his potmt as t~e water was ov~ the roads Mr. ~rahaa move~ Mr. Cistare seconded that the above draiuage problm li~ted a~ on the Priority ~._~-t be engineered i~aediatel7 and appropr~te actien take~ Motion earried. Mr. Qrahaa said that Mr. Davis feels +~t a catch basin loc&%eA o~ the.Manna proper~ to drain into the brook at the ? arches wcGld remedy the flooding ef ][eusing'oon Mr. Davis to report baGk. I%m XII Itt'. Frank Newel.l, Chair, n- of ~ Park & Reoreati. on C,,~..~it%ee .met with the Select~en this evening $~ discuss the proposed budget for this Committee. Mr. Newell recommended that a Recreation d~rectc~ Be hired which person would Be enpleyed on a fall time basis during the smm~r months and om a part time ~asis the remaining portion of ~e year, and further reoo~nende~ he receive a yearl~ salary o£ Mr. Newe~.l was asked to compile a priority list of park pro Jests which would be taken care of ~n that order, Mr, /ir&ham ~o review th~ ~e~menda~o~ and repc~ Back, Mr, (lrahsm moved that Iff. ~ I/eble be ht~ on a part t~ne bast8 to work w~th Mr. Denu~ in ~ain%a/n/~ ~un parks. Mr. Ole%are seconded, Item XXII Mr. ~raham reporte~ that the Te~n of Berli~ was going to have te pa~ a~~tel~O0., to acquire right-of.way, to the East Berli~ drainage project, and moved, Mr. Cis%are seconded,, the First Selectman be anTJaorimed to proceed to acquire Meeting adJourasd at~,45 P.M.