1957/01/21'" t f~tYlll~eS of the Januar.v 2!, TO~;~ OF BER~IN OFFICE OF TKE SEL~C The meeting opened at 7:30 P.M. with the First and Second Selectmen present. Minutes of the orevlous meeting were acceoted as written. Mrs. Mahan of the press w~s present. Item I i~r. Gral~am read a communication from the Berlin Town P~anning Com~,ission, that a oub!ic hearing would be held on Tuesday, January 22, 1957 8:00 F.~. at the Berlin High School, relative to changing the land use of a oarcel of land1 owned by ~lichael and Eennie Leone, from oublic use by an ammendment to the to~vn ~lan. Item II Mr. Graham read a letter from the Travelers Insurance Co. making r~-~com~uendatious concerning safety covering the skating pond in East Berlin. Mr. Graham moved, Mr. Cistare seconded that these recommendations be forwarded to the Park & Recreation Co,.~nission with a cooy to the Insurance Co~littee. Motion carried. Item Ii~ Mr. Graham revorted that the Selectmen meeting for January 28th would be held at the High School at 7:00 P.i'~. vrior to a oubllc hearing, which is to be held relative to the oroposed Route 72 by-pass. Item IV Mr. Graham reoorted that because of the many complaints received sbout the Berlin Dog Warden, that he would mmove, that the dog oound, oresently located on Mr. Naler's ~rooerty, be moved to Town owned orooerty, with Mr. Maier still holding the job, for the time being. Mr. Cistare seconded, Motion. carried. Mr. Graham to notify the To~m Planning Commission of this action. Item V Mr. Graham reoorted that the garage doors were being installed ~municipal garage and that oro%ress was slow. Item VI Mr. Graham reoorted that he had invited the heads of each of the off~clal deot~, of the Tom~ of Berlin, to meet jointly with the State Highway Deot. and the Board of Selectmen at ~:00 P.M. to discuss the Route 72 by-pass. Meeting adjourned at 7~ P.M.