1991-04-09 CONSERVATION COMMISSION MEETING APRIL 9, 1991 Present: Dick Schmidt, Chairperson, Dave Howe, Orlando (Jack) Ragazzi , Jack Ritter, Pat Watson, Bill Welch. E>:cu=ed: Karen Albert--Eagl i ardi Citizens present: Pill Jackson. r . APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the March 12th meeting need the correction on page 1 , paragraph 12 to read "Dick Schmidt also reported. . . " . Dick Schmidt asked that pg. 3, paragraph 7 also include the statement "This was generally supported by the other commission members" . Bill Welch moved to accept the minutes as amended, seconded by Jack Ragazzi , passed unanimously. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Pill Jackson said there was nothing he would like to say at this time. NATURAL RESOURCE INVENTORY Pat Watson reported that Bill Voelker' s planning aide, Tony, is making a creat deal of progress on the mapping. Bill Voelker will be asked to come to an upcoming meeting to report to all commission members on the progress that is being made. NEW BRITAIN MACHINE PROPERTY Dick Schmidt said that he received a memo from Charles Karno, Economic Development, saying the State may have copies of reports in Hartford regarding a cleanup plan for New Britain Machine. Mr Karno has information showing Phase I and Phase II have several areas of contamination. Mr . Karno will look: into further and report back to Pico: Schmidt with obtained information. RAGGED MOUNTAIN Dick Schmidt said that he had not received a response from the Mayor regarding the access area at Ragged Mountain. Andy Wilcox joined the meeting at 7:OO pm. Bill Welch reports that he can say "first hand" that this area is a me55. t Conservation Commission Minutes April 9, 1991 FAGGED MOUNTAIN - continued Ragged Mountain may be one of the target cleanup areas for_ RROPE' s cleanup day. Joe Paskiewicz joined the meeting at 7: 1O pm LAMENTATION MOUNTAIN Dick Schmidt said that the three Conservation Commissions sent the speaker at the recent lamentation mountain acquisition meeting at thank you notice, with a copy to Mayor Peters. It was mentioned that the Town Planners from all three towns should meet regarding this effort to ensure all plans are consistent. Pill Welch asked why the Conservation Commission was not contacted eegarding the open space issue on Lamentation Mountain from a local developer. Hill asked if it really in the Town' s best interest to accept this piece or property? Jack Raoazzi agreed that there are many unanswered questions. Dick.: Schmidt will speak to the Mayor and express the commission' s concerns. RECYCLING Dave Howe voiced his disconcert regarding the recycling information he prepared to printed in The Herald. Dave said that the material he prepared varied greatly from the printed information. Andy Wilcox brought a group of posters that his group picked out to amongst the best with recycling being the theme. The commission members looked over the posters and after a long del it-,eration chose the winner of the poster contest. It was unanimously agreed by all commission members that although the posters were very good that none seemed appropriate to be the logo for the town' s recycling pails. ,lou F`aski ewi c2 had a selection of logo possibilities. Commission members voted on one of these logo' s (see attachment) asking that only minor changes be made. Joe Paskiewicz will bring this selection to Mayor Peters. J CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES April 9, 1991 NFW Rl IS I NES S Dick Schmidt said that bc;t:.h he and Karin Gagliardi plan to ,:ttc nd Rt;OPE' s, cleanup day on April 70th. Dick mentioned that the Connecticut River Water Network is looking for volunteers to help watch the rivers. This may be a good project for chemistry or biology students. Jack Ragan:i suggested that a letter be sent to Andy Wilcox thanking him for his help with the poster contest. Dick Schmidt to send him a letter . Jack Ritter said that he recently attended a conference and found it over priced for the information he obtained. He said the only thing he got out of the conference was that plate glass can not be put in with recyclable glass because plata glass contains lead. Fat Watson reported that the did a «orkshop for the second grade who seemed to enjoy it. CORRESPONDENCE Environmental 2000 workshop April 19th. ADJOURNMENT Jack Ragoazzi moved to adjourn at 9: 00pm, seconded by Jack Ritter , unanimously passed. Respect fully submitted, i2-251a--/g// a_le./ 4_ M .rtha H. Wilkie Recording Secretary attachments: Logo Selection Recycling Subcommittee Minutes Action Items Ai B Qu o. BE TOWN (l t' BERLIN � 0 coti /• 30 A�i� R PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT o �: ti� /2 +, \r' 240 KENSINGTON RD. 3cm ' a` O ,C !, 1 BERLIN, CONN. 06037 p c { e tr ; N 15Avlb A. 'TUC" , -:-.... ‘: i.';e. R 'tic.` _ l� �0h �_ tir .. EC OR ORAZE�\ 4 1 �k'EV Fy� YCLES ri'{ + ''; ~ Lo C/ 0 6 /o.Sc R� ( U 4.I.SE-.eUti' Ry - P .„ ‹-,, E__ RIIN TOWN OF BERLIN ERu" 8O��. 0 O� 07.z0E--.IL �-1, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT , ok. '`'1�, ��,+ 240 KENSINGTON RD. '2 ` ,� r.4 1. 3 t,-,A4--.: c i BERLIN, CONN. 06037 p i '.,1 'i . r2, pAv iv :MomC. , , F. ''.'e* II 'cL�5 rcLeS S1 4. _., GRAS • w �J eiAIIN C--- ,i1>%,,) TOWN OF BERLIN �( .1_...N ® o`` i ti� PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT o`` :'"\tip�3 2 �' I; 240 KENSINGTON RD. 2 1 \CA 0 ,'i. �',fit`' F iBERLIN, CONN. 06037 ,;�'i 4i\e � 'lk n e e { 5z- e h ki -31-c' hi'.."''' ii ,,,, 1E' AI' CIP PORA1E PORA1E cgc2 0990 Itt PER I N CONSERVATION COMMISSION ACTION ITEMS - Revised 4/09/91 No. Date Name (s) Description/Target Dates 1 1 /7/91 BCC ('qt_t re/develop land or Perlin (ongoing) ! /7/ .471 T.t(TI (:t.i.(J:Ttlif_'{id plc':: -c ('.'t''F.i_ C:r 3 a. k and dt urn:ine Ioc_;_,tion o her 1S000 (5/ 1/91 ) 1 /7/91 P. Watsen Natural Resources Inventory (4/1/91 ) 4 1 /7/91 J.Ritter PCC l i anon with RROPE (ongoing) 1/7/91 BCC Joint land aqui si t i on with Middletown and Meriden - Lamentation Mountain 2/17/91 BCC Annual Report 7 2/17/91 PCC Establish mechanism for obtaining info on state laws & regs regarding open space RITC YCLINC 1 1/7/91 DH,OF ,BW Recycling Subcommittee - work with DPW en Perlin' s implentation (ongoing) 2 1 /7/91 J. Ritter TROC recycling-Berlin' s alternate member (ongoing) 9/90 R.Schmidt TROC-Citizen' s Advisory Group rep (ongng) 4 1/7/91 ^. Schmidt TROC recycling-education residents (7/1 ) 5 7/17/91 F'.Watson TROC recycling-education schools b 1/7/21 BCC Education on the handling of all waste (7/ 1 /91 )