1990-12-04 4 CONSERVATION COMMISSION MEETING December 4, 1990 Jean Perry Phillips, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 7 : 15 pm. Present were: Karen Albert-Gagliardi , Dave Howe, Jack (Orlando) Ragazzi , Jack Ritter, Dick Schmidt, Bill Welch, Nancy Ferlow-Kingsmark, Danielle Wind-RROPE, Frank Wind- RROPE, Andy Wilcox-RROPE, Martha Wilkie-Recording Secretary. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Bill Welch moved to accept the minutes of the November 1990 meeting, seconded by Jack Ragazzi , passed unanimously. AUDIENCE OF CITIZENS Andy Wilcox of RROFE ( Responsible Residents of Planet Earth ) spoke for a few minutes regarding this recently formed group. He then asked if anyone from the Conservation Commission would be interested in acting as an advisor to RROPE. He explained that they have many projects they are anxious to accomplish, for example: removing the old appliances and tires at Sage Fark and getting garbage picked up around a local grocery store. Jean Perry Phillips suggested that they contact the Department of Public Works regarding the Sage Park problem. Other members gave other ideas and contacts that could be of assistance. NATURAL RESOURCE INVENTORY Nancy Ferlow briefly explained the role of Kingsmark. She explained that their scope is usually limited to a smaller area than town wide. She said they would be happy to help in ways that they are able. Jean Perry Phillips suggested that perhaps they could limit the need for Kingsmark assistance to only area watersheds or Kingsmark could work in an advisory capacity. Ms. Ferlow was open to these suggestions and gave ideas to the group on where infprmation could be obtained for other parts of the natural resource inventory. RECYCLING Dick Schmidt brought the members up to date on what was happening on the citizens advisory board 's past two meetings. ( 2 ) CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES - continued December 4, 1990 RECYCLING Dick said that it would cost the town $150 to have a logo printed on the recycling pails. Dick will find out when the deadline for having a logo put on the pail is. Jean Perry Phillips will ask for authority to allow RROPE to have a contest in the schools stating that the winning logo will be put on the recycling pails. Jean passed around a letter she wrote ( drafted by Fat Watson ) to the Superintendent of Schools asking that a pilot recycling program be implemented in the schools. All members agreed that the letter was excellent. Dave Howe asked about the cost of having mailings sent to each house regarding recycling versus sending the information home with the school children. Dave will contact Gary Clinton regarding mailing costs. Jean then spoke to the commission members regarding Gary Clinton's request for the upcoming budget. Monies were discussed and figures were then noted by Jean. Jean will return the form to Mr. Clinton. STATUS OF 180, 000 Escrow fund belongs to park and recreation who has made the verbal agreement that these funds would be used in East Berlin. ICE POND LANE Fond is currently owned by Raymond Decormier who has been ordered to repair the dam or take it down. If the town was to buy the dam, the state would pay for 1/3 of the repair costs. Commission members agreed that this is not an issue for the Conservation Commission at this time. • 1991 SCHEDULE Commission members have settled on the second tuesday of each month at 6 : 30 pm to be their official monthly meeting time. ( 3 ) CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES - continued The members quickly discussed the next nights meeting in town regarding a possible aquifer disruption in the Orchard Road area. Bill Welch moved that Jack Ritter attend the 12/5/90 meeting on behalf of the Conservation Commission, seconded by Jack Ragazzi , passed unanimously. ADJOURNMENT Karen Albert-Gagliardi moved to adjourn at 9 :45 pm, seconded by Bill Welch, passed unanimously. Respectfully Subm: ' ted, Lid M rtha H. Wilkie enc: 1/3/91 agenda cc: Commission Members Mayor Feters Town Clerk 's Office Joe Faskiewicz Pat Watson ..J jIn r) • C • iz/f!p C C. 9714,eitri dterigia4 / r &7PGerilect=fieA., ,,. ff„.i,ae •, J/ - ell.:iti,e --vir-644`c( ✓ - -- :‘, v,,t4,2„„, L2s:1.0 coi0, -. L, ,...eit...a..A e f,uma.a.., _ie.. ,,,,Liii), „di..,e,. _, d,„20., --__ 2 L— jj ir 3) Q076,64-,,d, - Dee...g4„,, TeC - ,,4. 1 -,;.t.,4 1 e i i -..,<. ?-111-( 6,Lei...k,.. 0 C -c., .ct 4t, ,,, ,a..,,a,4 , „„) v . ._ )� , P Ki.06 - ,..-el-.t e-_. ,- /. I-,6 2,/4-goe y) cc 4,..5,t,e - /1,4.*tat //22_ ' , .;P. -. 14s6(13 . * le &loco x ''7S – IW- zb • - ( 11-114- moi 0C) T?? 6 3: ,,� - :�. '/81? , I ----z---7-----)_. 1)(0 c- 1/3