1956/12/03Mizates ef the ~eeti~g December 3, 19~6 7 OFFICE OF THE SELECTMEN The ~esting opene~ at 7s30 P.L wi~ the First and Second Select~m preseat. Minutes of the pre~ o~s meeting were read a~d accepted as writtm. Mrs. Mahaa of the press was present~ Ite~ I As advertised, bids for a 1957 four-wheel drive damp tr~ck were opted as Far~n Avenue Garage Far~ Ave. Berlin, Oo~n. SuBmitted a price of $~1)!: 75 for a 1~%? International, Model S-150 dump truck, less allowance of $714.75 for 1~34 truck, leaving a balance ~ $6~400. Optional additional equipment amounted to ~9.75 Wilcox-Ran Chevrolet Xensington, Conn. A letter from said co~pmy thanking the B~ard of Selectmen f~ the opportunity to bid~ but that there was not enough time. Mr. ~rah~a ~ove~ Mr. Cistare seoonded, that 1~7 International Model S-180 be p~rchased at a price of $6400.00 plus the a~_ _~tional equipeent $l~9.75 making a to~al of $65%9.75 frc~ the Farmington Ave. Garage as per specifications. Motion carried. Item II Mr. Graham reported that he has received complaints fr~m the Berlin Mr. & Mrs. ub~,p~ple who were renting the C~m=-~nity H~use had brokea the lock on the cabinet which houses the large coffee maker a~d lef~ it dirty as well as their dishe~ Mr. Graham m~ed, Mr. Cistare seconded that in view of these and o~her violatic~s caused by different outside groups renting this property, that its facilities be used only by Berlin Civic and social organizations which meet with the Board of Select~an's approval. Motion carrie~ It~ III Mr. ~rahan reported that being unable to obtain any other Bids for the ~leCtrical work on the traffic light at the intersection of Farmington Ave. and MAin St. Kensington, that he had awarded the contract to the only bidder, Mr. Re, ann for the sum of $120. Motion carried. Itm IV Mr. Grahm reported that Miss Sn~ders car is in need of sn~ tires. Mr'. ~raham mthorized to obtain three bids and ~ard it to the l~est bidder. Item ¥ Mr. Graham read a survey of additto~__~! li~t ing thrsughout the toga and moved that thee Coma. Light & P~er Co. Be anthorized to proceed with this work at an additional annual cost of $201~. Total cost of lighting to date amounts to $25,676.78 ann~, appropriation Being $26,000. Mr. Cistare secc~dec~ Motion carried. Ite~ VI Mr. Graham reported that the sidew~k advisory c'~.~ittee w~uld ~set Tuesday, December 4th 8:00 P.M. Town Ball. Itm VII The Board of Selectmen entered into execative session at 8:00 P.M. and the case ~f ~r. Edward WrobeleelcL was ~e~ec~e~ cor~rred ~at ~ ~tt~ Be ref~r~ to ~e T~ ~~ ~r h~ ~e~ate c~erat ~on, It~ ~I ~. '~ re~ a ~t~ ~m ~ ~e ~~ ~tt~n~ a b~11 for ~ a brok~ s~ to h~ au~o~e ~r~ on ~d Ave. Ke~~n. ~. ~ e~ed ~at ~e re~ we~ ~e ~ the ~o~ S~ce Station ~ ~ St. ~d ~ ~e~g fo~d ~t ~ ~d no re~'s ~ce~e. ~. ~ m~ ~at ~is be t~ ~ ~ ~e T~ ~t~ for stu~. ~. Cist~e se~nd~ ~ti~ c~. It~ ~ ~. ~ m~, ~. Ci~a~ seco~ ~t ~. ~ W~i, O~enter, be h~ at a ~te ~ ~.50 ~r ho~ to ~d~ the ~~si~ of Ho~ K~c~d, M~i~ c~i~. Itm X ~. ~ N~lm~~ ~eS~t~ ~ ~~ ~ r~o~~at he h~ a re~'~t for the F~e D~t. ~ ~o~ ~e~ for s~. ~. ~ said ~at ~ ~ of the preset ~ter ~t~e ~at ~is ~ ~t be ~~. Meet~g ~~ at 8:~ P.~