1977-09-06 Nue BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE OF BERLIN - BOARD arDIRECTORS MEETING SEPTEMBER 6, 1977 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Linda Olson to review an updated progress report by the Main Street Project committee. Those in attendance: Linda Olson, Sally Caliandri, Ingeborg Lukens, Katherine Gianotta, Carol Gandolfo, Helen Gerdis (member of Project committee) . Main Street report : The Kiwanis Club of Berlin stated that they might be interested in donating to the Beautification of Main Street provided that part of the money be used to upgrade the Underpass project undertaken by them some years back. An itemized list would be presented to their club with all proposals listed. The size of the planters was again discussed and a new revision of size will be forthcoming to better proportion boxes to suit individual store- front. Chairman of the Project agreed this would be done before Sept. 30• The High School was contacted but due to vacation nothing was accomplishes and further inquiry would take place now that school had again begun. The idea was met with some enthusiasm however , from the acting principal. The guard rail question was resolved. Since it is on private property, no Town authority is involved. Suggestion was made that the Committee Chairman check with Mr. DeGennaro (owner of Dairy Queen) as to possible improvements to guard rail. Liability for planters was Stathdsoshouldstore coveredowners, underhowever, insurance assumed that at no extra co which is already being carried by the owners. Zoning questions on this point were also clarified and do not stand in the way of any of the proposals thus far presented. The store owners, it was decided, would be contacted individually and not through the Chamber of Commerce at this time. The planting of the first years boxes was fixed as the responsibility of the Project committee. In future years other organizations would be contacted and/or the store owners might be persuaded to aid in the plant- ings. No publicity forthcoming on the Main Street Project at this time, howeve3 public notice of the total committee meeting was directed. Carol Gandolf( would be in charge of the notice. At this time the Ferndale Plaza Project was discussed. Mrs. Lukens, Chairman of the project then gave a report. In response to aleterook sent Aug. 2, 1977 the Mobil Oil Corporation stated that theywould into the ypkeep of the Mobil Station at the corner of High Road and Chamberlain Hwy. , and keep the Committee aware of their progress. Also discussion with the Sussman Brothers as to possible upgrading of the Plaza itself is continuing. Reports will be forthcoming on this issue. The meeting was adjourned to the next full committee Sept. 12, 1977.