1975-06-03 141100 '111110) N 04(O�RU TOWN OF BERLIN o41~ '7 ) C ES.ign cREview C:.ommittEE mh �. `' � TOWN HALL • BERLIN, CONN. O'PpO R Att9 June -I , 1 r,7f e De m. 'n Review Committee met at 7 :30 P. . Tuesday , June et the Tut all . Present were Sallyi.,acfarlane , .,r �r� 1:75 , 7orothi' De( iilorr , Zmil Carlson , Sebastian Pana, Joserh Ctiaro and 'Randall Judd , l'ditor of the "Rerlin Independent . " .! meTo „as written to T'"Ir. S . Spiel voq''Jel of S . Sp.iel VO: el Pl -aero, Urban Renewal Consultant , Chanel Street , kew Connecticut , entitled "Recommended Revisions to the T-lanninc, and Zoninr'' Re ulations . " (Cory attached . ) 7r. Carlson advised the Committee that I,:r. Charlesenoni- 71a__._ to build a car wash on his rroperty on Totters rats to be loci to . the Cumberland Farms store . 1,1r. Carlson has su -ester_? to . that he have pictures taken of the car wash orerat i-on teat hs dwns in :1`i."torbur.r on which he nlans to pattern this new ore so th=. brim Pictures with 'his site plan when he cones in for revle'.. . -r. eroni has indicated the fact that he would like to subdivide Tre-^or-n, at some future date . i4r. Carlson said he advised him to plan now for later .scab-division. All Committee members are ur-e to look at this property before our next meetin As the town hudwet year ends June 30 , members are reminded to Tet ^.nor remisi tions before that time . hrs . 1V.acfarlane will check arlr :'er.;anowski repar. dingy; materials needed by him for the town hall display . She will check with the ayor' s office concerninT the Committee ' s request for office furniture for, the D. R. C . Conference Room . rs . Deoiorni and Mrs . P:lacfarlane will work on a form letter of encouragement to be sent to the Y.h.C .A. , Prentice , etc . Carlson remorted that the omen house at the new Town ::all is ecr.ected to be in mid-July . Our awards ceremony is scheduled for n d- ertember. Aur;ust should be a good time for tali nF, pictures to be used at that time . 0 next r^eetinq is scheduled for June 17th at 7 :30 30 at the fou__ ._ . �.,.ri_r� the summer, meetings (regularly scheduledfor the 1st ,-.-__ 3rd 'nesdays of the month) will be held as needed . /r.s