1955/11/07Minutes of the Meeting Nove,,~ber '!, 1955 TOWN OP BERLIN Office of the Selectmen The meeting opened at '!:30 P.M. with the three Selectme~ present. Minutes of t~e previous meeting were re~d and accepted. The press was represented by Mrs. Mahan, Mr. 0ov,~ni and Mr. Wallace. Mr. Graham reported that he would check the price of Salt for use or_. town roads from suppliers other than the Pure Ice & 0oal 0o. and report back at the next re~ular meeting. M~.Arthur C. Dur~.ty, Tax Collector, met with t~e Selectmen this evening asking that they consider the installation of better llg!~ting in the Tax Collector's office at the Municipal Build.~.ng. After discuss~ng the matter, Mr. Graham moved, ~r. De,an seconded authorizing Mr. Durity to purcl~ase the ~ecessary fl~erescent fixtures. Installation of same would be by Mr. William Dennis. Motion unanimously carried. Mr. Graham moved, Mr..Oistare seconded, that work commence on Wednesday, November 9, 1955 to remedy a long standing drainage problem on Newton ~t. as recommended by the Town Engineer. Mr. Dehan opnosed- Reason; Felt that t~e flooding of cellars in the tow~ caused by surface water s~ould take preference to protect the Wealth, welfare and safety of the citizens. Motion carried. Mr. Graham expla~med that the necessary pipe was on ha~d and the town crew would install the pipe. Mr. Dehan ~eco~mended that a "dra~_nage project~ priority be ~stablished, ~o which Mr. Grahm~ said that such a priority had been set up. Bids from local dealers were opened this evening for furnishing forty one gallon cans of antifreeze, one drum of hydraulic oil and one drum of motor oil as follows$ D & M Amoco Berlin 40 one gal. cans of Peak ant.~.freeze ....... $98.00 1 drum (58.8 gal s) Hydraulic oil at .?0 per gal.: $$9.76 Rackliffe Bros. 0il Co. Eensington, 0cnn. AC one gal. cans of Peak antifreeze a~ $2.1? per gal .... ..........,~.. ..... ' .... ...~$S~ 1 drum of motor oil at .81~ per gal.....'''.$43.VA al $19~.52 Bob' s Service Cen~er Wc~t~ington Ridge Berlin, Conn. 40 one gal cans of antifreeze at $2.25 per gal .$~9,20 1 drum of hydraulic oil at .86~ per gal...... ~.$47.5u No bid on the motor oil A question was raised as to whether Rackliffe Bros was considered a dealer or a distributor. Mr. Dehan moved that Rackltffe Bros. bid be rejected as their being a distributor rather than a local dealer. No second to the motion. Mr. Graham moved, Mr. Cistare secc~ded that the matter be tabled. Mr. Dehan opposed. Motion carried. Mr. Davis met with =ne Selectmen as requested by Mr. Denan for the purpose of discussing a drainage problem exist.~ng on Cole Lene, Kensington. Mr. Davis replied to Mr. Dehan's q~.~estion regarding a "drainage project" px, iority, that an inventory of the e~tire town is necessary first and that it was his intention to establish such a priority which will be based on street and house numbering. A discuss~o~ followed on the flooding of cellars in the town and ~ solution for an acute flooding condition to a property owner on Cole Lane · Mr. Davis said that the ~.~ater on Cole Lane could poss_~bly be controlled with a bituminous concrete ~mutter. Mr. Dehan recommended tha~ a sum of money be earmarked to correct this water problem on Cole Lane. Mr. Dehan excused himself at 8:30 to attend another a~oointmen~. Mr. Grahau informed the Selectmen that they would meet with Mr. Jo~n of the New Britain Sewage Disposal Commission on Thursday, Byzmanski November 10tn at 10:00 A.M. Mr. Cistare pointed out that contractors were not back-filling trenches dug on town property, for either sewer or water conmectic~s, with gravel, and as a result settlement was evident. Mr. Oistare reccmmeuded that contractors be asked to s~bm~t a bond ~en~ it was necessary for them to do such digging. Mr. Graham replied that this could be taken up at the town mee~iug to be held on November 28tn. Mr. Graham reported that the Selectmen visited the different manufacturers of garbage bodies and received the following b~ ds. E.L. Beerworth Inc. Hartford Garwood Body submitted a price of $50§5.00 for a 20 cu. yd. Wilhelm Davies 0o. Watlingford, Conn. Rotc Pac body submitted a price of $58?2.00 for a 20 cu. yd. Jo~n A Angus Inc. Lakeville, Oonn submitted a price of $5652.00 for a 20 cu. yd. body. Mr. Graham noved, Er. Cistare seconded, that a GarWood 20 cu. yd. garbage body be pureA~ased from the E.L.Beerworth, Inc. for Motion carried. The ~electmen went on record ~his evening as being opposed to New Britain Broadcasting Co. reques~ for permission to paint a sign on the ra~!lroad bridge of Farmington Ave., Kensington, and notified the Zoning Board of Appeals of such. Mr. Graham asked the press to publish that the garbage collection pro,ram will ~o into effect January l, 1986 ao.d that a letter w.lll be sent to eac~ dwelling. Cap~cit~ of the gar~a~$ cane ~ ~ either 2~ of ~0 gallon cap. ar~ that further rules and regulations would be forthcoming. Mr. Graham. reported that Mr. U~ebster has agreed to lease to the town for the sum of one dollar the area in East Berlin used for skating. Mr. Graham moved, Nr. Oistare seconded t~at the necessary o~pers for the leasing of this property for t~e winter season be drawn up to protect Mr. Webster. Motion carried. Mr. Graham reported that he has had a req~est from the J.J.Miller 0ompany of Route 5 for permission to hold a one day auction for the sale of Construction equipment on November 1~, 1~5. Mr. Graham moved, Mr. Cistare seconded granting the above request of the J.J. Miller Construction Co. Mr. Graham reported that vandals are causing damage to the old Percival School, but that to da~e the Board of Education has not turned this building over to The town. Mr. Graham moved, Mr. Cistare seconded, a~t~oriz~ng the first selectmen to appear before the Board of Education for the purpose of finding out when this building will be ~urned over to ~ne Town. Motion carried. A reply was received from the Town Counsel dated October 31, 1955 wit~ regard to the responsibility of the town Should it plow or collect garbage from streets which have not been accep=ed as town s~r~ets. Town counsel further stated tnat in case of an emergency the tow n could take appropriate action to protect the Health, Welfare and Safety of its citizens. Mr. Graham moved, ~. Cistare ~econded that town trucks will nos plow ~u unaccepted street in the town of Berlin, ~mles~ the Health, Welfare and Safety of the citizens on tha~ street is in Jeopardy. Motion carried. Discussion on the awarding the contract for the furnishing of the antifreeze and oil was opened again this evening after be~.n~ tabled earlier. It was the opinion of the first and second Selectmen that Rackl.!ffe Bros. Oil Co. would be considered as a Jobber. It was tne opinion of tne Selectmen that the Rackliffe Bros. Oil. 0o. bid be rejected as they are classified as a Jobber ami not a dealer. Mr. Graham moved, Mr. Cistare seconded that D & M Amoco Station be asked to furnlsn one drum of hydraulic oil for $39.'76 and one drum of motor oil at $51.14. Also that Bob's Service Center be asked to furnish the forty one gallon cans of antifreeze at $2~ per gallon, total price being $89.~0. Motion carried. Mr. Cistare moved, Mr. Graham seconded authorizing the purchase of a new Royal typewriter for the sum of $19'~.50 from the New Britain dealer. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M.