1993/03/24 PAGE 1 nLCEIVED FOR FILING MINUTES PENSION COMMITTEE MEETING 9j P +B L. I: MARCH 24, 1993 A Meeting of the Pension Investment Committee was held on Wednesday, March 24, 1993 in the Board of Finance Room, Town Hall . Present were : Dorothy Chase , Gary Clinton, Nancy Lockwood, Joseph Paskowicz, Edward Fishman. The meeting was called to order at 2 :45 P.M. Gary Clinton presented a breakdown of the funds now managed by the Pension Investment Committee . They are : T B 8/15/93 940 , 940 G I C 12/31/93 983 , 136 T B 8/15/94 883 , 750 G I C 12/30/94 1 , 232 , 603 F I C 0 (STRIP) 2/8/96 1 , 009 , 573 F I C 0 5/11/98 74, 618 F I C 0 8/8/98 1 ,408 , 140 Mr . Clinton told the committee members that two funds are maturing in 1993 and that he is looking to invest $2 , 000,000 . Mr. Clinton noted that the present funds are staggered with the last one coming due in 1998 . Mr . Clinton said the Pension Committee is looking for safe investments , being assured that the money will be there when needed . Edward Fishman of Pension Consultants distributed a booklet that presented proposals from four (4 ) financial firms . The firms were asked to quote on U.S . Government instruments whose maturities would range from 1995 to January 1 , 1998 . The four firms are : Shearson Lehman Brothers , Prudential Securities , A.G. Edwards, and Dean Witter . Mr. Fishman noted that rates for Treasury Bonds are low at this time. Mr. Fishman suggested a four (4 ) year Treasury Bond - yield 4. 5%. He suggested not to lock in any longer because interest rates may up. Mr. Fishman discussed the quote from Shearson Lehman. Their proposal calls for investing $1 , 700,000 in either of two funds . REFCO ( A Government Agency) Fund which would yield 4. 88% at maturity on 1/15/97 or U.S. Treasury Strips which yield 5 . 17% at maturity on 11/15/97 . Mr. Fishman then discussed a proposal from Dean Witter. Their suggestion is U.S . Treasury Strips as follows : buying Strips which would mature in three ( 3 ) consecutive years . On 11/15/95 with a yield of 4 .07%. On 11/15/96 with a yield of 4. 71%. On PAGE 2 11/15/97 with a yield of 5 . 13%. Mr. Fishman then discussed the proposal from Prudential Securities . This proposal suggested a purchase of both U.S . Treasury Coupons and a purchase of FHLB (Federal Home Loan Bank) Funds . For U.S . Treasury Coupons that mature on 2/8/95 the yield would be 3 . 857%. Coupons maturing on 1/15/96 would yield 4 . 287 . Coupons maturing on 9/30/97 would yield 5 .027 . FHLB Funds purchased with a maturity date of 3/24/95 would yield 3 . 94%. FHLB Funds purchased with a maturity date of 1/15/96 would yield 4 . 326%. FHLB Funds purchased with a maturity date of 4/25/97 would yield 4. 897%. FHLB Funds purchased with a maturity date of 12/4/97 would yield 5 . 12%. Mr. Fishman then discussed the proposal from A.G. Edwards . This proposal calls for the purchase of five ( 5) year PAC/CMO at the following levels : 6% Coupon - GNME - to yield 5 .85%. 5 . 8% Coupon FNMA - to yield 5 .90%. 5 .4% Coupon - FNMA - to yield 5 .93%. A.G. Edwards also proposed looking into Zero Coupons . Mr. Clinton suggested that the Pension Investment Committee keep away from PAC (Planned Amortization Class ) / CMO (Colleteral Mortgage Obligations ) . Mr. Fishman agreed that the PAC/CMO is too complicated. After a discussion as to the best investments in terms of safety and yield in today ' s market , the Pension Investment Committee recommended that Mr . Clinton ask Ms . Lockwood to get a quote from from three of the firms that made proposals . The firms being Shearson Lehman, Dean Witter and A.G. Edwards . Mr . Fishman noted that Ms . Lockwood should ask for a no wire transfer fee from each company that she is seeking a quote. A recommendation will be made to the Executive Board at their meeting on April 6, 1993 and Ms . Lockwood will bid out on Thursday, April 8 , 1993 . MOTION was made by Dorothy Chase and seconded by Joseph Paskowicz and VOTED to bid out $2 ,000,000 at the best interest rates on Government Bonds and Government Agency Bonds with a maturity date between 8/1/97 to 11/30/97 . ALL VOTED IN FAVOR. MOTION was made by Gary Clinton and seconded by Dorothy Chase and VOTED to adjourn the meeting . ALL VOTED IN FAVOR . The meeting was adjourned at 3 :45 P.M. ' PAGE 3 Respectfully submitted , JoAnn Budzinski Recording Secretary