1955/06/06~. of t,~e Meettug ~0~ OF B~TN OFFICE OF TEE SELE6T~ The meet~-g opened at 7:30 P.M. with the three Selectmen present. previous meeting were read and accepte~ Mrs. Mahan and Mr. Covtni of the press were present. Mi~ntes of the Paragraph ~ of the May 31st ninutes was a~mended as follows: A letter from the Town p~,'nn'~ng Commission was received and read in response to an inquiry by the Board of Selec~nen regarding the Hol~st house on Christian Lane, and it was the Planning Commissions reconnendation that this property be ~oquired, which would permit the establishment of suitable street lines etc. The Chief AssessOr estimated the value of the property to be ~6310. Addition to Paragraph ~1 of the May 31st =~-uteo- It was the consensus of opinion that the next time the town dmmp was in need of work that it be put out for bid on a Job price bas~s. Mr. Edward Davis, Town Engineer met with the Selecmen this evening and ~resented Mr. Alex 3toknanis, an engineer who has graduated from the University of Conn. and rec~ended that he be hired as a ~2 Ban. Mr. N~l~son said that he thought the hiring of this man s~ould be left up to the decision of the Town Engineer, to which the other Selec~uen concurred. Mr. Davis said that he explained to Hr. Stokmanis in the presence of Professor Tippy, of the University, that this position was on a contract basis, with no guarantee whatever. The question of Mr. Stokmanis being covered by hospitalization was raised and Mr. ~rahan said that he would check with the Town Counsel amd report b~ok. Mr. Dehan asked Mr. Davis when s~me$~ing was going to be done with the ~ Road Bridge, to which Mr. ~raham replied that p~esently Mr. Davis was tied up with a survey of the schoo 1 site in Berlin. Mr. Davis explained that a plot plan was drawn up from a topo. map and a topo. survey is a general survey. Mr. Dehan asked how much tiue this survey would take, %o which Mr. Davis replied that to date four man da~s have been applied o-~d that it would probably take three ~r four additional man days for the cOUPlets survey. Mr. Dehan stated that he felt that this cost should be charged b~ck to the Board of Education. Mr. ~raham replied that it was engineering for the Tc~rn, and also that it was not in the appropriation for the school. Hr. Nilsson said that he felt the same wa~ as Hr. Dehan and that it should be charged to the cost of the school. Hr. Dehan said that we should acquaint the Board of Education with the cost of this Mr. Davis infoTned the Selectmen that Master Blanehard a high school student who had worked with hiu had worked out very well. A &~cusston re~ardi~, the Planning .Commission reco~nendaticm..to acquire the Ho~y~t H~e on. (~'i~t:l.~n Lane was held this evening. Nr, Nilseon moved, Nr. Deh~n seconded, that Nr. George Ho~t be notified that the Town of Berlin is not interested in purchasing this property as the State Hi~h~ay Dept. has p..laus for this area, and the Board of Selectmen should no~ becc~e involved. motion unanimously carried. Mr. Harold Bcmba met with the Selectmen this evening and introduced a Mr. J. Hanlon, a member of the Valuation Associates crew doing the reassessing in the Tow~ of Berlin. Mr. B~ba presented for the Selectman's approval the new aerial mapo which have been delineated. Mr. Hanlon presented also a progress repor~ on the reassessin~ job. Mr. Graham mowed, Mr. Nilsson seconded that all citi-.en~ be requested~ for the health and safety of the toen~ that no wa~er be used for lummry purposes ~hen the temperature is 80o or above, between the hours of 3:00 P.M. and 8:00 P.M. for the remainder of the summer in compliance with the suggestions made by the chada~nen of the three fire districts. This is also in concurrence with the Health Officer, Dr. L. Chotk~ski's reconmendation~ Motion ~emsly carried. Mr. Grahsm reported that he had authorimed two constables to do traffic duty at the recent open house held by the Credit Union on Nain St. Xe~sington. The Credit Union had hired ~eorge Kan~pka, Jr. to take care of the parking etc. on their property, for which they paid him $10.00 Mr. Graham reported that the two constables working for the town, namely George Eanupa ~b. and Robert Sw~-~er, felt that they should bill the town ~or $10.00 each inst~ead of $6.00 Mr. Dehau moved, Mr. Nilsson seconded that the constables performing this ex~ra duty for the town be paid the prevailing rate, and that if they were not interested in performing this type of duty in the future to notify the Board of Selectmen. Motion unanimously carrl~ Mr. Graham reported that Mr. C.M. Hamilton'a Bill for backhoe time at the High Road Bridge was approved by Grant Skinner for payment. Mr. Graham explained in detail this evening that the swing-shift dispatcher has been neglecting his duty and recommended a replacement. Mr. Graham said that he has had two applicatious for the Job, George Karm~ka Jr. and a Mr. Richard Skinner. Mr. Graham pointed out that George Xanupka, Jr. was in need of this e~a money and that the need should ~e considered. Also that he was experienced and available. ~r. Dehan stated that he felt that Mr. Skinner should Be the one to receive this shift. After some discussion, Mr. ~raham moved, Mr. N~sson seconded, that Mr. ~eorge Kanupka Jr. be hired as a swing-shift dispatcher. Mr. Dehan was opposed. Mr. ~raham moved, Mr. Nilsson seconded that Richard Skinner Be Broken in as a spare dispatcher. Motion unaniaeusly carried. Mr. ~raham reported that Mr. Orne info~med him that he wanted h~spa~ in money, instead of food orders. Mr. ~raham said that Mr. Dennis reports that his werk is satisfactory. Mr. ~raham moved, Mr. Nilsson secor~ed that Mr. 0me be paid in money on a one Week trial basis. Motion unanimously carried. Mr. Graham was asked to speak to Mr. Orae regarding his wisely spending his salary. Action on the town participation under the Unemployment Compensation Act was deferred unt~l data written for ~y the First Selectman has been received. The cleaning of the Tewn Hall oil burner by the Christy 0il Service of New Britain was discussed. Mr. ~raham informed the Selectaen that this service was hired by Mr. Woodruff but that Bruno's Oil Service of Xensington was contracted to service the ~urner. After some discussion, Mr. ~raham moved, Mr. Da~an seconded that the Christy Oil Service bill be approved for payment with a note that any fa~ure work must be approved by the Board of Select-em Motion unanimously carrie& Mr. C~aham reported that there was a drainage problem on Bishops Curve. Mr. Davis reco~aendation is that this water be drained into a catch basin, and thru a culver~ which could Be ~_?.ed into the swanp. Mr. Nilsson suggested that the cost of th:~s project be estimated and the figure~ presented at the nex~ regular meeting. Mr. ~aham reported that he has had a request fro~ the Br~ce family that Br~ce Read and Valley Read be removed frem the ~ mups, Mr. ~reham moved, Mr. Nilsson seconded that this be referred to the Town Planning ~ommission for ~-~ediate study and suggestions. Meeting adjourned at 10=20 P.M.