2012-08-07 �Rt1N co. TOWN OF BERLIN friNAQUIFER PROTECTION COMMISSION RECEIVED FOR FILING y BERLIN TOWN HALL * ROOM 8 OCT4: 02 ��` F MEETING MINUTES T -2 Pi91OFFlTHURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 2012 TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE PERLIN. CT. TOWN CLERK_------- ATTENDANCE: Present: Chairman Michael Balinskas, Commissioners Marc Laviana, Michael Cassetta, Mark Rochette, and Scott Skates. Staff: James Horbal. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Balinskas called the meeting to order at 10:12 P.M. NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Horbal explained the purpose of the Aquifer Protection Commission and distributed the map showing the area that will require any Industrial and/or Commercial Development in that area to be permitted. He explained that the Commission can anticipate little or no activity requiring permitting based upon the residentially zoned area within the designated Aquifer Protection Zone. Mr. Horbal had previously distributed copies of the State Model Regulations for Aquifer Protection Areas and requested that the Commissioners become familiar with them to add specifics to the Town of Berlin (specifically setting a fee schedule). A Public Hearing will then be necessary to adopt the Regulations. This should be accomplished by the end of the calendar year. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Cassetta made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:22 PM, seconded by Commissioner Rochette. The motion was unanimously approved. Lecia J. Paonessa Recording Secretary