1955/01/03Minutes of the Board of Selectm~n,s Meeting January 3, 1955 The meeting of the Board of Selectmen opened at 7:30 P. m. with all and Mrs. Mahau of the press present. Mrs. members prement and Mr. Covini _.~./Maha~was W temporary secretary. appointed Two representatives from the Monroe Calculating Machine Co, Inc., demonstrated two calculating machines. Bids for a calculating machine were opened at S p. m. Three.bids wet® received. 1. Marchmt Calculators, 217 Sisson Ave., Hartford One fully automatic Marchant Calculator, Model ABiOFA $775. First ~lternate: Fully automatic l~chant Calculator, Mocl~l iOADX Second alternate: Reconditioned Marchan~ Calculator Model ACR$M $675. $285. Friden Automatic CalCmlator, 152 Meriden Road, WaSer~m~y Friden Model STWi$ Calculator $775. me Monroe Calculator MaChine Co. Inc. 248 Farmington. A~e. Hartford. Monroematic Machine Model CAAiO This model is being succeeded by a later model 8N213 and the price is being reduced to Mon~oematic Calculating Machine $N213 $775. New model deliveries '~ start January 1955 $775. Aetice~ was deferred until later in th~ meeting as the Board of Assessors a~d members of the newly appointed~Reassessme~t Co--hi,tee were present. First Select~ ~~ wel~ mod' ~e ~ttee members and e~lained the p~pose of t~ Joint meet~g was t~ define the f~ction of ~e group in the reas~ssment p~gr~. ~ose present were: Assessors Harold Bombs, Je~ Ad~s ~d W~te~ Berg s trom. Co. tree m~bers: Robert Ritc~e Nicolas Ci~ci P~entice ~oup ~ci's Rio Robert Siisby ~orge Alli~ ~lip ~ld~ Je~ Pe~k~s ~n ~od~ ~~ Br~n ~s. ~a~ C~addock Willie Savage Ri~a~d McK~n ~ed ~kson , ~th~ Bens~ .~ Tae meeti~ was ~ '~ er ~ ~ld ~mba, ~of a~e8oo~, ~ ',.~.-~ diat~ibuted [ ~graDhed copies efa "~e~al ~tl~e ef Work to be A general d/scussion followed in ~bich the duty of the ~mmittee was defined as WTo review the basic lsnd values." Mr. Perkins opened the discu~sic~ with the questi(~ "Couldn,t the Board of Assessc~s do the reassessment Job themselves better and cheaper by hiring an engineer or two to assist them?" Mm. Ad_-_m~ explined appraisal procedumes. Mm. Perkins- Wouldn't such a.n experience be wrth something ~ the assessors? Mr. Adams- Revaluation not perfect but best performed by reappraisal specialist s. Mr. Perkins- Passing the buck chief virtue of outside firm. M~. Bomba- The appraisers to be subject $0 supervisicn of Board of Assessors at all times. ~Paragraph 15 of General 0ut~ines. Estimates reappraisal ran between $17,400 and $25,000. The appropriation for the Job is $20,000. Mr. Ritd~ ie- Reappraisal is a Job for experts; concern employed A~ ould be a rated concern and liable for all suits. A motion Was made by Arthur Benson and seconded by Ph/lip Mildrum that the grou~ go on record in favor of hiring an ouSside firm for the reassessmemt~ Motion carried without opposition. Mr. Ritd~ie- Will assessors have final say? Mr. Bomba- Yes. ~r. Benson- Are hearings provided for? Mr. Bomba- Refer to Paragraph 23. Mr. Benscn- Recommends that hearings be held in different areas as work progress e s. Mr. Perkins-How will peopl~ be notified of change? Nm. Bomba- On or before Jan. 20 of next year all will be notified by mail. Mr. Perkins- How soon will figures be made public? Mr. Bomba- As soon as reassessment complete. Mr. Brc~n- The ©m~ittee will review the reappraisal c~ land values before public hearings. Mr. Adams- Recent sales will be used as a guide for establishing front foot land values. Mr. Cianci- Questions the legal status ~ the experts, Paragraph 17 and 18. Mr. Bomba- Experts would act aS assessors agent before the court. General discussion on how to hire the experts. Mr. Nilsson- Should bids be limited to state firms? Mr. B~own- Limit to hbOSe firms you are familiar wi. th. Mr. Bomba- In favor of state companies. Nm. Adams- In fa~ r of state companies. Mr. Mildrum moved and Mm. Good rich seconded , that bids be confined to state firms. Discussion- Mm. Brown- Recommends advertising for bids. Discussion on disadvantages of hiring distant firms. Mildrum-Goodrich motion withdrawn. Mr. Perkins moved s~t Mr. Brown seconded tbs bidding be by invitation that four bids be sought. Motion carried. (3) Delineation of maps and relation to reappraisal dlscusaed. Mr. Brown moved and Mr. Ritchie seconded that bids be for a complete Job, delineation and reappraisal. Mr. Cianci- Amendment- If any subcontractors are used names of subc~tractors must be submitted. Amendment accepted and motion carried with amendment. A motion was made by Mr. Benin and seconded by Mr. Mildrmm t~t in an endeavor to promote goe~ relations with taxpayers that hearings be held in seperate areas of the town as the reassessment progresses to discuss and expl-~n the reassessme~t. M~tion carried unanimously. Mrs. Craddock- What is the ~ndamental fmaction of the reassessment lima? ~M~r. ~omba- Land values will be established by reappraisal firm and will be presented to the assessors and the committee for review. The Assessors and the Reassessment Committee retired ~nd meeting of the Board of Selectmen resumed. First selectman Grah~m presented the resignation of Harold V~tres from the reassessment committee due to the pressure of business. Resignation accepted. Mr. Graham presented a notice from the Superior Court for the appointment i of a Jury Committee. On request of Selectman Dehan action was tabled for one week. Mr. Gr~ am presented the specifications for al terations in Ton Hall as received from architect Hollis W. Kincaid. Action deferred for one week to allow study of the specifications. On motion of Mr. Graham seconded by Mr. Nilsson Harold T. Strmd and Constables George Ka~ upka ar, William Lennehan, and Howard Conger were reappointed special constables. Mr. Graham presented the name of Herbert Kraus, a eelephcne employee and an officer of the Berlin Fire Dept, to be considered for appointment as a special cc~stable. On reqmest of Mr. Dehan action was deferred for we ek. On motion of Mr. D~han, seconded by Mr. Nilsson, it was voted to p~rchase the tax collector's furniture for $25. After a discussion on the purchase c~ a cal culatiug machine FAr. Nilsson moved and Mr. Dehan seconded that the First Selectman ask t~ Board of Finance for an additional $25 to purchase the Friden Calculator at a price of $775. The machines have increased in price $25 since last year when the appropriation of $750 was granted~ It was ~ te~ to purchase the Frid~n Calculator subject ~ the approval of the Board of Finance. On motic~ of Mr. Graham it was voted to have the police cruiser at local churches Sunday mornings, especially at St. Paul's and Berlin Congregational to assist in parking and crossing the street at peak hours and t~ patrol local streets in the afternoon. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 p. m. Respectfully submitted,