1954/11/08Minutes of the Meeting November 8, 1954 T0~' OF BERLIN OFFICE OF THE SELECT~EN The meeting opened at 7:30 P.M. with the three Selectmen present. mrs. Mahan and Ur. Covint of the press were present. Mr. Graham arranged this evening a meeting of the Board of Finance and Board of Selectmen as ~. Dehan requested previously, but reported that N~r. Day, Town Auditor had declined to attend this joing meeting. He suggested that if there were questions, that they be submitted in writing to the Ghairman of the Finance Board who would in turn forward them to ~r. Day. Mr. Dehan asked the chairman of the Finance Board Just what did Ur. Day do to the Town books. Mr. Edwardson, chairman, replied that this information could be given to him but not at the present. However, it was pointed out that Mr. Day did nine months of posting. Mr. Edwardson stated that there were no shortages, and that the reading of the Audit Beport would explain everything completely. Mr. Day had to do additional leg work to authenticate the fig~.res, according to ~fr. Edwardson and was charging the Town an additional $300. Mr. Dehan stated that he thought that Mr. Hungerford s~ould be made to pay this additional ~300. for the additional work encountered by Mr. Day. Mr. Edwardson sts. ted that a bill for this amount would be sent to Mr. H-~ugerford. Mr. Edwardson informed the ga up that along with ~tr. Day' s bill came word that the Town would have to seek the services of another ~uditing firm as he was submitting his resignation. N~. Edwardson pointed out that non-fulfillment of duties is not covered by the Treasurers bond. Some time was also spent this evening in discussing the requested $600. appropriation by the ~ark & Recreation Gommittee for softball and basketball. Mr. Phil ~ildrum, Town Insurance Agent, Mr. Dick Smith and Mr. Don Banta of the Travelers Ins. Co. met with the Selectmen this evening for the purpose of discussing the advantages of a blanket bond for town employees, whici~ was estimated to cost $137.81 annually for $25OO.. coverage or $413.43 for three years, which included an honesty bond, and faithful performance of duty bond. ~r. ~tlsson raised the question as to whether this bond would pay attorney's fees in case of a suit, and also whether or not it c~ ld be considored to cover mishaps which occur on town roads, hiEhways and sidewalks. Both the gentlemen from Travelers replied that they would have to stuay the matter before giving an opinion as this was a new coverage. Mr. Graham presented a letter of resignation received from the Town Treasurer, Mr. ~¥illiam Hungerford, dated November 8th, reason being "pressure of personal Ousiness". Letter was placed on file. Mr. Nilsson moved, ~r. Dehan seconded that Mr. Hungerford's resignation be accepted, effective immediately. Mr. Graham recommended the appointment of a successor immediately. Mr. Dehan said that he would like to have an opportunity to think about a replacement for Mr. Hungerford Oefore taking any action. Mr. Graham stated that he would like to have this position filled' i~mediately. Mr. Dehan asked if it would do any harm to wait for another week, ~nd to follow the established policy of oringing in mames for consideration. Mr. Graham said yes it would, I want to get this matter cleaned up at once. I have been taking enough abuse over this treasurer matter. Er. Graham submitted the name of Mrs. Helen Nelson Kron, High Road Kensington. N~s. Eton has worked for Mr. William H. Day, Auditor, for a good many years and is a qualified person for the job. .I think it is wise to have a woman in Government. Mr. Nilsson stated that both Mr. Gresham and himself have thought about this matter more or less for some time, and asked Mr. Dehan if he had given the matter any thought. Mr. Dehan replied that he had not thought of the matter in terms of an immediate successor as the position was not eligible for a successor. My tactics were to bring to light the inefficiencies of the Treasurer. I have not given any thought about anyone to take over the Job. Mr.~ Nilsson- Mr. Graham has called me about submitting the name of Mrs. Helen Kron, previously, and I think it is a good choice, and that she would do a good job. If you want to wait a week, I don't think it would matter. Mr. Graham- Yes it would. I want to get this cleaned up at once. am tired of taking this needless beating. I Mr. Dehan- suggested that it be looked into to see if it were true that Mrs. Kron is acting treasurer behind the scenes in the Town of Newington. Mr. Grsh~an- I don't think that this is my prerogative. Mrs. Kron is, in my opinion, very qualified. Mr. Graham moved, ~lr. Nilsson seconded, that Mrs. Helen Nelson Kron be appointed' Treasurer of the Town of Berlin to fill the unexpired term of William Hungerford, effective immediately. Mr. Dehan voted against. Mr. Graham and ~. Nilsson voted in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Nilsson asked Mr. Laurence Edwardson, Chairman of the Finance Board,who was sitting in at this meeting, that the Board of Finance consider the matter of adding an additional column on the sheets prepared by the Finance Board, which would indicate the amount of money appropriated the previous year. At present, it lists ~mount expended and the new requested app ro pr iat ion. .Mr. Edwardson stated that this had 'been discussed this year, but the time element prevented it from being carried out. Mr. Nilsson moved, ~r. Dehan seconded, recommending that this proceedure be followed in years to come. Motion unanimously carried. A letter was written the Boar~ of Finance recommending the above. Mr. Graham reported that the McKeon Bros. have agreed to do the necess~.ry bulldozing to mske a skating pond in East Berlin, on property adj~cent to the Hu0bard School, charging for the machine but not for the labor. Mr. Graham moved, Ur. Nilsson seconded, approving the above plan. Notion unanimously carried. Mr. Graham reported ths~t the coal stoker at the Municipal Court building was acting up once again. After some discussion on this problem it was agreed that Mr. Graham advertise for bids for a complete reconversion to oil. Bids to be opened at 7:30 P.M. on ~ionday, November 15th, at the High School. Mr. Graham reported that the Christian Laue Bridge job was progressing, and that it would be necessary to close the street while work is in progress. Mr. Graham reported that he had received a request from the Berlin Fire Department to use a Town truck for a scrap drive. After some discussion, Mr. Nilsson,m~Ped~.-LM~m Dehan seconded, that their request be granted, and that a town employee be paid to drive this truck. ~totion unanimously carried. Mr. ~ilsson inquired as to whether or not the polling station at the Americsn Legion Home was satisfactory. ~r.G~aha~ reported that on the whole it was satisfactory. Mr. Grah~n reported that the Town Counsel and Ribicoff, representLug ~. Hall~ were to meet jointly to work out the details regarding the deed for the Hall property to be used as a school site. Mr. Dehan asked ~r. Graham what was being done about establishing a front property line on the property owned by Er. Larry Mangan.~ Mr. Graham stated that evidently the maps were not prepared as yet, 'end it was his understanding that when the State had prepared the maps, ~nd completed the survey, the property ~wners involved would receive a copy. Mr. Dehan presented a letter received from Mr. Clifford Bomba~ of the American Paper Goods Co. asking for the support of the Selectmen, in the Blood program to be held on November 19th at the Berlin High School. Mr. Graham stated that he would contact Supt. of Schools, Kenneth MacKenzie to encourage his teachers to donate blood, and that he would inform the town employees. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.l~.