1954/10/18Minutes of the Meeting October 18, 1954 TOWN OF BERLIN OFFICE OF THE SELECTMEN The meeting opened at ?:30 P.M. with the First and Second Selectmen present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted. Mrs. Mahan and Mr. Covini of the press were present. Mr. Graham reported that he met with the Town Planning Commission to inquire as to what had been decided about Hillside Ave. Mr. Graham said that he was informed that a copy of the Planning Commissionfs meeting of September 28, 1954, which was forwarded to the Selectmen would answer his question. Excerpt from that meeting: "7.~ The releasing of the bond on Hillside Avenue was discussed. There was some discourse about the paved portion of the road being 20'. According to the minutes of the regular meeting of May 25, 1953, Mr. Moore asked for permission to make the paved traveled way of Hillside Road narrower than the requirements stated in the regulations. The record discloses that this Commission p~eviously agreed that wheras the lots are large in size, traffic density is low since the street is not a thru way and the paved portion of the streets in the surrounding area is, approximately 20' that Hillside Road be graded the full 50' and that Mr. Moore be permitted, to surface not less than 20' of traveled way with penetration macadam. As soon as the Commission receives a formal report from the Board of Selectmen and the Town Engineer that the road is acceptable the Commission will recommend that the bond be released." After some discussion on the above matter Mr. Nilsson moved, Mr. Graham seconded, not to recommend tha acceptance of Hillside Road pending further study. Motion unanimously carried. It was the consensus of opinion that the town would plow this road as there were tax payers living on this road at present. Mr. Graham reported that Mr. Souther Hanson, age 17, who had co_mmttted suicide had no estate whatever, and that the town paid $100. for a veterans funeral. Mr. Graham reported that a Civil Defense Official visited him recently for the purpose of discussing damage caused by hurricanes Edna and Carol. Mr. Graham stated that our application for aid had ~one in. Mr. Graham reported that there were seven school children crossing W~ thington Ridge and Route 72 and after a discussion with Supt. of Schools, Kenneth MacKenzie, it was found that no temporary solution could be ~ound to relieve the constable at this intersection until such time that the light is installed. Mr. Graham reported that the Christian Lane Bridge Job was not progressing and was being held up by the Conn. Light & Power aas Co. as they have a 24" gas main which goes under the river Just to the west of the Christian Lane bridge. Mr. Graham stated that he has been inTormed that from the intersection of Porters Pass and Christian Lane on Seymour Road is under dispute with the Hartford Gas Co. Mr. Graham informed Mr. Fred Povanie of the C.L.&P. Gas Co. that something would have to be done within l§ days or that we would have to have a complete explanation given to our Town Counsel as to ~y this project had been delayed so long. We have had in~nediate action on this now. I originally requested that we csrr2 their gas main along the head wall and run a temporary line. They said this could not be done without cutting of the gas supply. ~ey are now going to dig it down two (2) feet underneath the stream bed and allow us to proceed with our work and they will make further plaus for carrying it along the head wall. ~r. Graham stated that they have been informed that they can never dig up the concrete tubes to get to those g~s pipes. The gas company's work is expected to be completed by the end of this week according to Mr. Grsham. Mr. C. M. Hamilton reports that the work will proceed immediately. Mr. Graham reported that the road oiling program is one month behind schedule due to the weather, and that there would be no more oiling with the ~6 oil but theft the following roads would be oiled with 44 oil. 1. Mildrum Road 2. Orchard Road - from bridge to Elton Ro~d. 3. Treasure Ave. 4. Newton St. Mr. Graham s~. ~ after the oiling is finished the town crew would be divided with one group painting cross walks, and road lines, and the other installing curbing where water from a road was washing away a property owners land. After an inspection~ the following locations were de~ned bad and curbing was recommended. Mooreland Road - Mr. Warren'$ home Dayle Dr ive Silver Lake - We~thington Point Road Alling St. - Mr. Naldi's home Mr. Nilsson expressed the thought ~hat the installation of curbing in these certain locations would be helping to establish a precedent and might cause the Selectmen considerable grief. gr. Graham replied that these cases were sifted down frc~ approximately forty. Mr. Nilsson raised the question as to ~ho supervised the oiling of roads in sub-divisions. mr. Graham informed him that the Town Engineer was responsible for this. Mr. Nilsson brought to the attention of the Selectmen that the newly built road from Eoute 72 to Webster Heights across the property of ~r. Ravizza w~,s oiled recently, and very sparingly, and there was apparently no supervision' present. Mr. Graham said that Grant Skinner inspects the depth of oil penetration of a newly constructed road and his findings are reported to the First Selectman. Mr. Nilsson stated that Grant Skinner once remarked that if the developer was made to put in a good road base with the town applying the surface that the 'l'own would be better off. Mr. Nilsson stated that he felt this was true. i~r. Grsham pointed out that the new Planning Commission requirements will require a pavement 2" thick on all sub-division roads. Mr. Nilsson asked as to what progress was being made with the hiring of a town engineor. Mr. Grahsm replied that we can do nothing until the appropriation for the setting up of .this office is spproved by the townspeople at the adjourned annual town meeting. ~Ar. Nilsson ssked if anything definite had been heard from the Finsnce Board regarGing the proposed garbage program. ~r. Graham replied that he has not talked with the Finance Board as yet. ~r. Nilsson stated that some action should be taken regarding an appropriation for ~n~. Haffey to continue as dump custodian as it was the consensus of opinion that the Town Dump would be used for clean fill even after the garbage etc. will be handled by the New Britain Incinerator F lant. Mr. Graham to look into and report back. Mr. Graham reported that hehad received clearsnce from the American Legion to use the ~.egion Rooms as a polling place in the forthcoming election. Mr. Graham suggested that ~ signs be made up, one to be erected at the Kensington Fire House informing people of thenew poll.trig place and the other at the Legion Home on Porters Pass. ~r. Graham stated that he would notify the two political parties plus inserting an item in the newspap~rs, of this change in the polling place. meeting adjourned at 8:30 Pol~-