1954/07/26Minu~es of me Meeting~ July 2~, 195,. T~N OF BERLIN OFFICE OF THE SELECTM~I~ The meeting opted at 'i13~ P.M. wit~ ~n~ firs~ and third ~elec~men T~e minu~es of the previous meeting were read and accepted as ammended. Mrs. Marian and Mr. Covini of the press were present. Prior to the opening of bids for the drainage project for Wincnell Acres, loca'~ed on High Road Kensington, i~ was pointed out ~o ~ne cont~,actox, s ~na~ t~e Town of Berlin required ~na~ lawns and asphalt gu~ter nad ~o be replaced w,~,ere i~ was .found necessary ~o dig up fo~. ~ne ins~alla~ion of ~'e drainage pipe. The bedding of the cc~cre~e pipe was discussed r~is evening oontx, ac~o~*s and it was tn, d~clslon of ~,e Selectmen ~na~ ~n~ concrete pipo be bedded with gravel and t~e remaining pC~tion of ~e ditch be backfilled with. ma=e.r~ial which nad buen excavated. The bids were opened a~ 8:oO P.M. as follows: Mr. Josep~ F..aite£1a- Plainville, Conn. catc= basins $ 2~0. ea. lin. ft. of c~cre~e pi~e a~ ~.80 per f~. To~al.. Rock excavation, if encountered, ~o be charged a~ the ra~e or $1u. per CU. yd. A. Lambo & Ben Inc. Meriden, Corm 4 ca-~cn basins $ $1~O. ea 'ilo lin fee~ of concrete pipe at Rock excav~,~on if encountered ~o be CA~arged a~ t~e rat~ Laurel 0c~st. Co. Rocky Hill, Conn. A catc" basins $ ~. ea '~1~ lin fee~ of concre=e pipe ~.o~ per f~. Total ......... Rcck excavation, if encountered, ~o be c~.ged at t~ ~,mn?rsfi.eld Cons.~ co. We~ersfield Conn. * ca~c~ basins $ $220. ea ?10 lin f~ of concrete pipe a~ $~.tO ~er foot Total........ $$010~ Rock excavation if ~ncoun'~ered ~3o be charged at nhe ra~e of $10 pe~. cu yd. McKeon Brot~"ers Kensing'~on, Conn. 4 cato. baslns ~ 200. ea '~10 lin f~ of concrete ~i~ a~ 3.Or per f~. Total...... Laurel $2988. We ~hersfieAd ~3ulu. Lambo ~_12~. McKe ~ ~ 28~. Fait ella ~99o · Action on ~h~ awarding of the above contrac~ was de~erred un~il Mr. Gra~ wa~ able ~o check ~r.e merl~s of u~e Lau~eA Const. Co. ~d nad an opportunity to speak ~o Mr. Nilsson A~g~'dl~ Enis. It was the Belec~nen*s nope ~na~ de,ails mign~ be woA-ked ou~ as soon as ~ossible in order ,na~ ~nis Job could be finished befo~ end of ~is fiscal year. (Augus'~ 31, .Mr. Graham presented plans and specifications, submitted by~e Town Engineer, A~u~. Bacon, for ~ne p~,oposed drainage proJec~ in Eas~ Berlin, s~ar~l_ng wit~ r~e placing of a ca~c~, basin on Grove B~. a~ u~e intersection of Wilcox Ave., wi~n a s~orm wa~ex· drain ~anning down '' Wilcox Ave. joining a culver~ a~ ~n~ Grove, ~d carrying on ~nra the Grove ~ a ca~c~A basin on Main A mo~ion was made, seconded am1 unanimoua~.y oa~ried au~no~izing Mr. Gran~a to proceed wi~ ~ne prepa~'in~ of mis proJ~c~ fox. bid. Mr. Gran~a informed ~ne selectmen ~na~ August 5rd had been set aside for uae ~elec~men to mee~ jointly wimn ~,~e Board c~ Finance. M~. Graham reported ~na~ ae nas instructed G~an~ Skinne~- ~o place ~emporar~ warning barricades in ~ne ~r~ce ~o r~e ~own owned pas~ way, leading W ~ne abandoned quaA~y f~om We~,.eA. sfield Road as requested by Mr. Reynold Bodak. Mr. Gx.a~am s~a~ed ~,a~ ~e ~oug~ ~AA~ police should be no,if led ~a~ i~ is a s~ep ~o ~x, even~ ~e g~neral public from using ~is pass wa7, and no~ intended ~o kee~ ou~ u~e ~ro~e~-~2 owneA-s, and peA'sons violating ~is restriction a~ould be looked in'~o. Mr. Graham reported '~,~,a~ ~ne railing on ~n~ Burnham S~. Bridge ~a~e~a~n~e~d~nl~ ~e.second ~lme ~is year, =d considerable Constable Strand was notified of ~,~,is and Grant Skinner was ins~.uc~ed ~o x. epo~.~ any fuA.~,,eA- damage to ~nis bridge directly to ~lm, in order ~ha~ an investigation could be carried out. Mr. Graham s~a~ed ~naV it nas been ~'epor~ed ~na~ ~n~ Pane Cons~. Co. has been going over t,,is narrow bA. idg~ wi~n a wide bulldozer, and ~nis possibly could be ~l%e explanation fox, the damage. Mr. Dehan stated ~ha~ ne thought t.,e weight limit anould be enforced to w~,ian Mr. Graham explained ~nat tnex'~ was no other ~oute these heavy vehicles could use, who were unable ~o negotiate ~ne underpass in Kensington. Mr. Graham reported ~na~ Mr. Weaver, wUo nad spbken to ~ne ~o~cmnen previously about tae position ox' Town Engineer, -,ad taken a poP.ion in ~ne sout,,ern portion of '~ne s~a~e. Mr. Grau_~_m sta~ed, ~owever, tna~ ~ gave ~o My. Nilason a place wn~re the town could contact o~er engineex, s ~no might be interested in ~ offer. A repor~ from ~e Park & Recreation Commission was received, read and discussed by ;;n,~ 3electm~n. The Commission brought ~o t,,e a~ten~lon of ~n~ Selectmen '~nat if t.,~ Lions Club Pool Committee continued ~o spend ~eir appropriation at ~e present rat~, tna~ ~ney would b~ out of money scm=time in August. Mr. De-an suggested ~na~ a letter be wri'~t~n ~o ~is committee, bringing ~nis ma~ter to their aUtention. A letter was written ~o Mm. Royal Morse Jr. Chairman of r~e Lions Club Pool Con~nittee, a coyy of waicn is on file. It was agreed ~o arrange a Join~ meeting of vne ~el~cune~ and ~ne Park & Recrea=ion 0o..~ission for ~ne purpose o~' discussing ~neir new budge t. A letter from U~e Police Committee, signed by Willis Hall, Secretary, was received and read, recommending ~na~ a quanti~y of ~ Rules & Re~lations, as approved, be printed and disUribu'~ed ~o ~n~ Constables. Mr. Graham pointed ou~ tna~ t~e Police Committee was planning ~o mee~ on Au~ast 5rd and ~gges~ed ~na~ -~ne Boax. d cf Selecumen mee~ wi~a unem fo~- r~me pux.pose of d~cussing differen~ prob~ens peA-'~aining ~o ~e constabulary~ ~~ ~..,. -~,,... ...... ~..~ ..~.~,.~ ~"j,~,~ Mr. Detmn brougn~ up ~a~ Round Hill Road did no~ appear vo be as wide as stone of ~ne ome~,s recently constructed. Mr. Gransm sva~ed ~nan ~n~ widen of subdivision z,oads has been set up in ~ne subdivision r~gula~ions and to "is knowledge nad not been c~anged from a 30' traveled portion. Mr. Grah-m to contact ~ne Planning Commission and Mr. Dens~ ~o contac~ Mr. Bacon, relative ~o ~nis mauter. Mr. DeAth repo~.~ed ~a~ ~,e received a ~elepnone call from a Mr. Blancne~te of Webster Heights cc~nplaining ~na~ ~,,~ ~urface wa~ex' f~m ~,-,e s~ree~ was~ed ot~ a portion of ,~,i~ yard. Me. Graham stained ~na~ ne would look in~o ~e ~_-_~ter and report. back. Meeting adJoum, ne~ at ~ P.M. The 3electmen spen~ considerable ~ime mAzis evening going ove~ ~ne new budge~; figm· e s.