2017-04-18 THE MATTABASSETT DISTRICT - Minutes of April 18, 2017 13'811838 PUBLIC SPEAKERS f Y None 10 Z1 d Ll AI1W till MINUTES OF APRIL 18, 2017 N J313 NMOI 14f1439 040338 80J 03A13338 Roll Call of Members The monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of The Mattabassett District was held Tuesday, April 18, 2017, in the Administration Building. Chairman John Dunham called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. A roll call was taken and a quorum was present. Present from the Town of Cromwell were Directors Bonnie Anderson and Tom Tokarz. Present from the Town of Berlin were Directors Robert Argazzi, John Dunham and James Fallon. Present from the City of Middletown were Directors Dale Aldieri, David Bauer, Joseph Samolis and Tom Serra. Present from the City of New Britain were Directors Peter Centurelli and Mary Marrocco. Also present were Edward T. Lynch Jr. — District Counsel and Arthur Simonian — Executive Director by conference call, Michelle Ryan — District Engineer, Brian Warman — Operations Manager, Bill Adkins — Maintenance Manager and David Stille — Incinerator Manager. Cromwell Director Doug Sienna and New Britain Directors Tonilynn Collins and Timothy Stewart were absent. New Britain Director Paul Catanzaro arrived at 7:08 p.m. and Middletown Director David Bauer left at 7:16 p.m. Approval of March 20, 2017 Minutes MOTION: Mr. Serra moved to approve the minutes of March 20, 2017. Mr. Bauer seconded the motion. Discussion RESOLVED: The motion was approved unanimously. Treasurer's Report MOTION: Mr. Serra moved to accept the Treasurer's Report as presented. Mr. Centurelli seconded the motion. Discussion RESOLVED: The motion was approved unanimously. Budget Statement MOTION: Mr. Serra moved to accept the Budget Statement as presented. 1 THE MATTABASSETT DISTRICT - Minutes of April 18, 2017 1r • Mr. Aldieri seconded the motion. • Discussion RESOLVED: The motion was approved unanimously. Check Register—March, 2017 No motion required. Staff Reports MOTION: Mr. Serra moved to accept the Staff Reports as presented. Mr. Fallon seconded the motion. Discussion RESOLVED: The motion was approved unanimously. Executive Director's Staff Actions: 1) The Executive Director will add the Cromwell Fire Department's request for payment of fire suits to next month's agenda. 2) GAC Unit Warranty - will be addressed once all technical issues are resolved and the District agrees the unit is working at full capacity. At that time a letter will be sent to CHN/Suez stating the start date of the warranty. 3) The Executive Director will discuss with the District's Counsel the issues regarding access to the District's valves/water line on the property next door. Engineering Committee No Report Finance Committee MOTION: Mr. Serra moved to approve the amendments to By-Law, Section 24 as modified on the attached document. Mr. Argazzi seconded the motion. Discussion 2 THE MATTABASSETT DISTRICT - Minutes of April 18, 2017 RESOLVED: The motion was approved unanimously. MOTION: Mr. Aldieri moved to approve and authorizes the Executive Director to enter into contract with the most cost effective vendors considering price and delivery schedule: JCI Jones Chemical, Inc. for supply of Sodium Hypochlorite; H. Krevit & Co. for Sodium Hydroxide; Holland for Aluminum Sulfate; Borden & Remington for Ammonium Hydroxide; and Environmental Operating Solutions for Supplemental Carbon Glycerin; for Fiscal Year July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2019. Mr. Tokarz seconded the motion. Discussion RESOLVED: The motion was approved unanimously. MOTION: Mr. Samolis moved to accept the Finance Committee Report as presented. Mrs. Anderson seconded the motion. Discussion RESOLVED: The motion was approved unanimously. Human Resources Committee MOTION: Mr. Tokarz moved to approve up to 15 days as needed of additional borrowed sick leave request based on a doctor's note and medical needs of Tom Karpinski. Mr. Samolis seconded the motion. Discussion RESOLVED: The motion was approved unanimously. MOTION: Mr. Serra moved to accept the Human Resources Committee Report as presented. Mr. Samolis seconded the motion. Discussion RESOLVED: The motion was approved unanimously. 3 THE MATTABASSETT DISTRICT - Minutes of April 18, 2017 Property Management No Report Public Relations Committee No Report District Project Construction Committee No Report Counsel's Report No Report New Business 1) The Executive Director will hold a Public Relations Committee meeting in May to develop the next newsletter for distribution in June-July. Communications None Adjournment MOTION: Mr. Serra moved to adjourn. Mr. Fallon seconded the motion. RESOLVED: The motion was approved unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:34 p.m. The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on Monday, May 15, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. in the Administration Building, Cromwell, Connecticut. 4