2017-12-13 THE MATTABASSETT DISTRICT Memorandum Date: December 18, 2017 Subject: Engineering Committee Meeting Minutes December 13, 2017 Engineering Committee and To: Board of Directors From: Arthur G. Simonian, Executive Director Engineering Committee December 13, 2017 Meeting Minutes The Engineering Committee met Wednesday, December 13, 2017 at The District Offices at 245 Main Street, Cromwell, Connecticut. Chairman John Dunham called the meeting to order at 5:32 PM. In addition to the Chair, present were Committee Members - Bonnie Anderson, Robert Argazzi, Tom Serra, David Bauer and Paul Catanzaro. There was a quorum. Also present were Art Simonian - Executive Director and Michelle Ryan - District Engineer. Following is a summary of the December 13th Engineering Meeting: 1) Odor Control Repairs and Carbon Change Out — The cage that contains the carbon in our odor control system has delaminated and requires replacement. We are pursuing the warranty coverage as this equipment is defective or was damaged during installation. This replacement and carbon change out will happen relatively soon. Going forward the carbon will be changed every two years on this specific odor control equipment. 2) Structural Improvements needed for the Primary Tank Tunnels — Between the primary tanks and the dewatering building, there is a 14 %2 foot wide concrete tunnel with 12" thick concrete walls. On the top of the tunnel the outside is exposed to weather elements, since the 1960's which has corroded and damaged the concrete. DTC Consulting is in the process of giving us a proposal for design and cost estimates. The work encompasses over 3,000 square feet. 3) Primary Tanks Flight Drive Replacements -- The chain conveyor system consists of paddles that moves the primary sludge into a collection trough. The drives at the top of the tank are older and require replacement. We have one conveyor system per tank and four tanks in total. We will replace one system each year until all four are complete. This new system will come from our supplier with the help of our maintenance department for installation. 4) Pneumatic Sand Addition System for Incinerator - A bucket elevator in the incinerator room carries sand from the bottom of the incinerator wing and loads sand monthly into the conveyor system, to maintain a 60" layer of sand inside the incinerator. The bucket elevator conveyor system is extremely slow, hazardous, outdated and inefficient. This system allows for dangerous THE MATTABASSETT DISTRICT Memorandum Engineering Committee Meeting Minutes December 18,2017 Page 2 of 2 airborne silica sand and does not comply with newly updated OSHA requirements. A pressure injection system from a vendor/contractor will allow for maximum efficiency and safety. Our District Engineer is preparing bid documents for advertising in January. 5) Energy Performance Contract Project — Ameresco was on site for two and a half days, during this time they conducted a full evaluation of all the plants lighting systems. They will soon be proposing a plan to save Mattabassett energy and costs. 6) Trunk Sewer Video Inspection and Lining Project — The 8.5-mile trunk line is over 50 years old and should be inspected and possibly coated with cured-in-place liner. This work is in our Capital Improvement Plan. 7) Ash Lagoon Impervious Liner and Embankment Reconstruction — A new liner is needed at our Ash Lagoon site. In portions of the Ash Lagoon clay liner is completely missing, in other sections it is very thin (less than 6"). A new clay layer or liner will prevent treated effluent and ash from seeping into the groundwater. We are currently waiting on a quote from Fuss and O'Neill for design. 8) Outfall Cleaning Project — The cleaning of the outfall will be done between the months of November to March as approved in our CTDEEP 5 year outfall permit. Adjournment: Mrs. Anderson moved, Mr. Catanzaro seconded, and the committee approved unanimously to adjourn at 6:50 PM. RECEIVED FOR RECORD, BERLIN TOWN CLERK Kathryn J.Wall Date: /'Y/�e'7.Time: �� : U`)