1953/05/05Minutes of the Meeting May 5, 1953 · TOWN O~ BERLIN ADVISORY GROUP The meeting of the Advisory Coordinating Council opened at V:30 P.M. with the following p~ersons present: J. Godfrey - ~hairman Mrs. Mahan - Civil Defense Mr. L. Porter Mr. G. ¥ost Mr. G. Skene Mr. C. Benson Mr. Myron Goodrich, Jr. (Chamber 'of Commerce member here~ on invitation) Mr. B. Cabelus Mr. L. Hall Mr. G. Kanupka,~ Acting Police Chief (Here on Invitation) Mr. D. Austin Mr. H. homba Mr. R. Covtni (Herald Reporter-~) Mr. Godfrey opened by saying that there were some organization problems that should be cleared up before starting on the next' itmm on the agenda. Mr. Godfrey reported hhat the Berlin' Chamber of Commerce requested that they be invited as a member to this Council. Mr. Godfrey read the resolution that brought this council into being. Mr. Godfrey asked of those present, should we continue to limit members to the agencies mentioned in the resolution~ or should we add~, ~y invitation, members from various organizations in the Tow~ or should we notify service organizations to sit with us and ask them ~o serve on sub-committees or get into discussions? Mr. Hamilton- Who set up the list of agencies? Mr. Godfrey- Berlin. It was set up at the last annualby the people of Mrs. Mahan- I do feel that if there had been a Chamber of Commerce at the time the agencies were named there would be no question that they would have been listed, but if we do begin to add, where do we stop? Mr. Hamilton- How would civic organizations come into this picture. Mr. God~frey- council. Only that one of them has asked to sit in with this Mr. Hamilton- I have no objection to them Joining, but it clearly ~bates in the resolution who its members shall be. Mr. Godfrey.- Then it is the opinion, that we are members of a definite group which we have no right to alter. Mr. C. Benson- Probably one or more members of the Chamber of Commerce would be represented in another group present at th~se council meetings. Mr. Cabelus- If you start letting one or two in now, it should be limited to so many delegates from each organization. Mr. G°dfre~y- Should we limit the membership? If new members are in~i~d Should they participate in the discussion? It was unanimous that the membership be limited as set forth in the resolution. .Mr.Myron Ooodrich~ Jr.- I represent the Berlin Chamber of Commerce and I am here to gather information relative to the Police Commission. It was unanimous that the general public should not be allowed to attend the discussions unless by invi t at i on. Mr. Godfrey- Should there be sub-committee work any person interested and'qualif'led should be engated by the members which the resolution specifies. Mr~ ~odfre~- The objectives of this council is to advise the Board of Selectmen. Would you consider the fUture problems of the town should be discussed at a public hearing o~ a discussion meeti~ng. M~r. HamiltonL- Should this group conduct a public discussion or the selectmen condUct a discussion after the Advisory ~ouncil has come up with an opinion. Mr. Hall- ~ do not feel strongly one way or the other. After the discussion of the public at hand, preliminary to the public meeting, in this manner these people will be better informed. The more the~dvisory'Council will be able to do, the more it will help the Board of Selectmen. However, an open meeting might be of heap. Mr. Godfrey- Does this group consider that it should enter into public discussion or stick to the idea of "Tending our own Knitting". Mr. L. Porter- Should something important arise then we could decided Just what should be do~. Let us hold off for the present. We should not limit ourselves. The majority felt that Mr. Porter was correct. Mr. Godfre~ Will a statement of objectives be ~needed? Mr. Cabelus- It should be left wide open. The majority felt that Mr. Cabelus was correct. Mr. Skeen- Could each member receive a copy of the minutes of the meeting. ~ Mr. Porter- ! do not think a detailed record is necessary. ~rested could consult the original record. Mr. Hamil~ton~ We could have one copy of the minutes left in the Town vlerk's office. Mr. Hall- The Secretary co'~ld make duplicate copies of the minutes ~ could be left where it was thought advisable. ~r. Hamilton- I think a copy should be left at the Berlin Chamber of Commerce office. Mrs. Mahan- At the last meeting it was brought up that persons speaking at these meeting should not be quoted until they have been contacted by the reported and the subject matter cleared. Now we are speaking of letting copies of the minutes be placed in different places for anyone interested to read. Mr. Godfrey- This is a good point. Mr. Ros~so- it might be limited to the high-lights and a copy place in the Town ~lerk's Office and one in the Berlin Chamber of Commerce off lc e. It was unanimous that Mr. Rosso~s suggestion be followed. Mr. Godfrey stated that the next item on the agenda was that of creating a Police Commission in the Town of Berlin: Mr. Hall- I will state the position of the Selectmen and then m Will have to be excused because of another appointment. Probably it would be better if the Selectmen were not present. I have a copy of the Resolution and a copy of the Special Act that was adopted in the legislature in 19~9, which I will turn over to the ~hairman. There has been much misrepresentation and this should be thoroughly~.g one over. he Selectmen feel that we have out grown our constable system and~ other towns of our size have changed over to a Police Commission. I think that the constables h~ve done a wonderful Job with the limited amount of equipment. 1) There is a very seriou legal doubt as to who can tell the constables what to do as they~are elected by the people. Legal question ~as come up as to whether it is proper to pay the constables in the manner which is being done at present, $3.00 for an arrest and $2.00 for an investigation. Legal question has come up as to what the constables can do patrol, traffic duty or anything else. Mr. Kanupka has been assigning the constables to their specific Jobs. The Selectmen feel that this authority should be established and that paid officers be hired. Mr. Hall Con,t- There have been times when it has been difficult '~'o get a constable when it was necessary. ~he problem of asking the constables to patrol in their own cars when it is necessary, and no patrol car at.their disposal, and had been pointed out and the Finance Board has been reluctant to appropriate any money for a patrol car under the present system. The dead-line for the town meeting was set for May 1, 1953 to consider this matter, but we have been waiting for the new high school to be finished so that the auditorium could be used and a larger audience could attend thus eliminating a referendum attached to this bill. ~he first step would be to adopt this act and elect a Police ~ommission, consisting of three persons. It is the feeling of the ~electmen that no other cenmittee should draw up a plan and Just drop it in 'the lad of the Police Commission. The police commission should have one or two years to work on the system and then come up with a proposed budget and then appear before the Board of Finance. This budget would be subject to a town meeting so that everyone will have an opportunity to con~der it. The Police Commission would feel better if they participated in the preparation of the plan instead of Just having a plan dropped in their laps. In the next three or four months it would be the Selectmen's idea that this act be adopted at a Town Meeting. M~. Hall stated that the above is the procedure that the Board of Selectmen would like to have followed and it is a stop in the right direction. This, however, is not criticism of the service our present constables have been rendering. Mr. Godfrey- Has this act ever been adopted~ Mr. Hall- This act was repudiated by the people of the Town once previously. _ It was pointed out at this time that there was no time limit on the act. This special act was drawn up specifically for Berlin and has been gone over carefully, adopted in 19~9 and it was still applicable under the general statutes. Mr. Benson- Womld you have any figures of what the present constabld serv-~ costing for a 12 month period. Mr. Hall- Fire and Police protection for 1951 amounted £o $86V9.10 and this does not include the expense of headquarters which amounted to $6452.72. Two-thirds of this $6452.72 is i'or maintaining fire headquarters. The Police Protection would amount to $I2,000. Mr. Hamilton- Does that mean that we will have to get along this way until ~he Police Commission can came up with a plan. I would sugges~ that a police chief be appointed, with some authority, to hand out these jobs. Let us consider the legal aspect. Mr. Hall- There is no reason why the Police Commission cannot obtain 'the consent of the Board of Finance to have the present elected constables sworn in as policemen. Not necessarily as full-time policemen but as auxiliary policemen and work under orders of the Police Commission. Mr. Porter- Would the Police Oommlsston be a paid Job? Mr. Hall- No. It is clearly stated in the Act that this Commission wou~'~ serve without pay. Mr. Hall left the meeting at 8:48 P.M. Mr. Godfrey- Read aloud the act entitled House ]~ilt No. 1688 "An Act creating a Board of Police Commissioners in the Town of Berlin". Mr. Godfrey read each Section (1 thru 10) and asked for comments at the end of each section. Mr. Hamilton- It looks then as if all we are supposed to do is ~ake the recommendation and the Police Commission will do the rest of it. Mr. Godfrey- Evidently. The question is, is now the time to commence. I would like to have your comments both favorable and unfavorable. Mr. Benson- (Asked of Mrs. Kanupka) George, wou21 you have any 'idea wh~'~ a paid police Dept. would cost? Mr. Kanupka- I have no figures at all as it was a short notice. present we have three men on different school crossings. At Mr. Skeene- How many men would be needed? Mr. Kanupka- Three men are needed on school crossings and one man needed to patrol the town. ~',~rs. Mahan- I have the report of what Farmington's police force cost for the year of 1951 - $18,150. The cost of Newington~s police force was $35,980. Mr. Godfre~- time~ The question is, do we need a police force at this Mr. Hamilton- ~ think that we need at least three men. Mr. ~odfrey- Can we find out if the constable system is outgrown. Do we need a police force or should we continue the present system. ~r. Kanupka- At present we have V men on the force. Previously we had proposed a car equipped with a radio but we were turned down. There are two men at headquarters every night until midnight and if there are no calls they do nothing. If we had a cruiser one of these men could patrol the town roads. At the time we were considering a cruiser the total price wf a cruiser fully equipped was $4000. Mr. Bombs- I think that if the consta,~hles were better equipped they could do a better Job then they are doing at present. ~r. Hamilton- The lack of discipline is still lacking, however, Mr. Godfrey- Let us decide whether or not we agree, that the present ~'onstable service is adequate or inadequate. Mr. Rosso- Would the chief be advised by the Police Commission ~d set 'the policies? Mr. Godf. re~- That is correct - The Police Commission would set ~he policies. Mr. Rosso- Would this Chief be app.ointed by here-say? Mr. Godfrey- Evidently. M~. Porter- (Asked Mr. Kanupka) What services do we get from the Sta~e Police? Someone broke into my home recently while I was away and after I placed a telephone call to the State Police they had a cruiser there in 10 minutes. Since then when I am away they post signs on the property and stop and investigate the property periodically in my absence. Mr. Kanupka- Many times we get good service and then there are times when we get poor service. Mr. Porter- I guess they help when they can or are in the area. Mr. Rosso- (Asked Mr. Kar~pka) Would you say by having a paid ~$~l-i-~pt. the State Police would help any more. M..r. Kanupka- They would stay away then. Mr. Bomba- It depends upon the seriousness of the matter I would Mr. Kanupka- I think this is correct. Mr. Benson- (Asked Mr. Porter) Is there a fee for the service the ~'~-~-~'[ce rendered while you were away. Mr. Porter- It cost nothing. Mr. Hamilton- We have no alternative but to recommend a Police Dept. in as much as no one has the authority to manage the constables. Mr. Godfrey- Could the present constabulary be organized? wa- The present constables cooperate very well and if the ould appoint a chief then' everything would work out satisfactorily. Mr. Godfrey- Who appointed you acting chief Mr. Kanupka? The constables themselves did. Mr. Godfrey- If the townspeople went along with this and proceeded with the appointment of a police commission, and if the present constables were sworn in as temporary policemen would this work any better of Just as well. It would work no better, but Just as well. what is really needed is a cruiser. We enjoy Mr. Supernant- New persons appointed by the Police Commission would have authority to install new men in place of the old constables who have been doing this Job for Years. Mr. Hamilton- The Chief will carry out the orders., n' No one will predict how elected persons will act, would have rules and policies to carry out amd the Chief would have all the latitude of any chief in the county. but Mr. Skeene- Are we in favor of a full time Police Force or a Part ~e Force equipped with a cruiser. Mr. Kanupka- I am in favor of what they have now. I am there all day long to take calls, and from 7:00 P.M. to 12:O0 midnight I could be pa~roling if a cruiser was available. Mr. henson- (Asked of Mr. Kanupka) What is the fine for a stop s'~'gn violation. Mr. Kanupka- Eighteen Dollars, with a percentage going to the State and a percentage going to the Town. Mr. Hamilton- In view of what Mr. Hall said, it would seem that the ~electmen have no authority over the constables so who would have contrel Mr. Godfrey- Presumably the Selectmen have no authority and they pointed out that they wanted this Act of 1939 passed. Mr. Bombs- The Selectmen are the administrating authority. Mr. Godfrey- Shall we tentatively propose that we go on record, that ~he Board of Commissioners be set up and that the Board of Commissioners deal with the constabulary setting up the chief. As I understand it, the constables have been elected by the people and the Selectmen cannot dictate to these constables. Mr. Bombs- The Board of Selectmen have no authority over these ~ Cons tables. I would suggest that we recommend that this Enabling Act be adopted, but not to create a paid police force immediately. Mr. Hamilton- If a Police Commission is appointed and a set of regulations are drawn up for the p~lice dept. to abide by, does the Town have to pass on them and be put to a vote? Mr. Godfrey- Not the way the act is worded. Mr. Godfrey at this time read Section 4 of the enabling Act, pertaining to their duties. Mr. Porter- The Town $overnment Study ~ommittee spent many hours studying this and they came up with the plan that/the 'l'own purchase a Radio-Cruiser as soon as possible, they recommend The question as to who will have the authority seems secondary to the buying of a cruiser. Mr. Godfrey- Would the cruiser be assigned to the present cons. tabulary? Mr. Hamilton- That is mhy the Board of Finance did not go along with the previous recommendation because they had no one to turn it over to. Hr. Bomba- ~hen we should establish an authority and the radio ~imary. M~r. Skeene- In as much as Mr. Kanupka is appointed by the constables it is the same as the Fire Departments having a town owned fire truck turned over to them.  - The fire truck is a gift by the town and has no to see that it is maintained satisfactorily. Mr. Bomba- ~'he fire dept. members are volunteers, but the constables are elected. Mr. Rosso- I recommend the adoption of this Act. Mr. Godfrey- If we do appoint the Police Commission the Town will then grant a cruiser to the Police constablary, as they will then have someone in which to turn this cruiser over to. The constables would then have to be sworn in as policemen immediately. Mr. Rosso- I think that the Police Commission under this Enabling ~ have too much power. Mr. Hamilton- It seems to be the general feeling of this council to ke~p the"~old constables on as policemen. ~Ar. Godfrey- If this Police ~ommission is elected it would have the power To hire a new police force if they so desired. Mr. Hamilton- I would hope that they would retrain most of the Old constables otherwise new men hired as policemen will not be familiar with the town, details etc. ~r. Kanupka- I like my Job and would like to continue doing it. Mr. Skeene- I think an age limit should be placed on constables or porn in consideration of retirement. ~V~r. Bomba- I think that we are loosing site of the act. This ~'~l-i~ission has the Dower to act only as stated in the act. Mr. Porter- I would like to make a motion that we suggest to the ~'~electmen that a town meeting be cal~d for the purpose of setting up a Police Commission. Mr. Bomba seconded this motion. Mr. Godfrey- asked for a vote which is as follows: 3 voted in favor of Mr. Porter's motion 3 were opposed Remainder abstained Mr. Godfrey- I view of the vote the motion is lost. Mrs. Mahan- Policemen will be town employees and eligible for Social Security as they are not as elected constables. Mr. Skeene- I suggest that this matter be table until the next meeting. Mr. Rosso- We are satisfied with the present police constabulary but what is needed is a police cruiser. Mr. Hamilton- This enabling act would have to be adopted first. Mr. ttosso- I do ~ot think the town is ready for t~is sort of thing. I approve of the Board of Commissioner, s but not with the powers that is set forth in the act. Mr. Godfrey- This matter could be put on the agenda and brought up again at the next meeting. Mr. Benson- With the establishing of a plice commission, you will do away with the present constable service. ~nen we get to the meeting would we vote for constables and would they be sworn in immediately as policemen? Godfrey- No. Mr. Benson- ! do not hink that within the next two years that we ~ s~nd $18,000. for a paid ~olice force but I am in favor of a police cruiser. Mr. Godfrey- I do not know what to answer to this. Once the police commission is established they have the power to say no to funds that seem out of line. Mr. Porter- If a police commission is created it would take them one year or so to work out the details. Mr. Godfrey- Everything would be the same except the Board of Finance would be able to gran6 the cots tables authority to have a police cruiser. Mr. Hamilton- All those present seem to want the old timers left on the force. Mr. Porter- This is unjustified. Mr. Godfrey- Would it be Justified for a motion to be made at ~h~ Town meeting calling for this act, and the sense of the town meeting -lO- that the Board of Police ~ommissioners be established to act within the establishment of the present policy for a period of so many years. Mr. Hamilton- This would seem fair to go along with the men. ~r. Rosso- The men on the police force are familiar with what goes on in 'A'own and should remain, that is my feeling on the matter. Mr. _Godfrey- If I were on the Police Commission I would want the same constables to serve on the Police Force. Mr. Porter- I cannot conceve anyone throwing out the experienced persons on the plice force. I thought that it would be in order for us to recommend to the Board of Selectmen that they propose at a town meeting that thc constables be retained with such a recommendation attached to the motion. Maybe we can reconsider the motion which was lost. Mr. Porter- I then vdsh to make a motion that we suggest to the Board of Selectmen that a Town meeting be called for the purpose of adopting this act and set up a Police ~ommlssion. Also, that the present constables be retained. ~his motion was seconded by Harold °omba. Mr.~ Godfrey- That the enabling act be adopted by the Town at a 'A'own meeting, the people would act on the recommendation to guide the first commission and that they utilize the present ~onstables as the first police force. Everyone was unanimously in favor of the above revised motion. Nr. Benson- (Asked of Nfs. Nahan) Do you think there would be an influx of applications from outside of the town coming in and holding the Job as policeman, such an ex-state policemen who have resigned fro~ the force. Mrs. Mahan- The T~wn Government study Committee felt that a similar ~ich Mr. Porter added as a trailer to his original motion should be incorporated. The entire Town Government Study committee felt that a Police Commission had to be established to have authority and have a strong faith in this Commission. Mr. Hamilton- Do any of the present person on the police force pay forSocail Security? Mr. Kanupka- I do not know about theothers, but I myself am. Mrs. Mahan- Mr. Kanupka is a town employee and gets social security because he is on salary. ~he~next meeting was scheduled for May 19th. at which time the proble~ of adequate water supply for the Town will be discussed. Minutes of the ADVISORY COORDINATI~G COUNCIL Meeting - May 5, 1953 7:30 P.M. - With the following members present: Mr. J. Uodfrey- Chair~Lan Mrs. i~ahan - Civil Defense Mr. L. Porter Mr. G. Yost Mr. G~ Skeene Mr. ~. Benson Mr. Myron Goodrich, Jr. (Chamber of Oommerce - here on invitation) Mr. B. Cabelus Mr. L. Hall Mr. G. Kanupka, Acting Police Chief (Here on invitation) Mr. D. Austin Mr. H. Bombs and Mr. R. Conini (Herald Reporter) A motion was made, seconded and carried that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as written. It was the unanimous feeling of those present that the membership be limited as set forth in the resolution. It was the unanimous feeling of those present that the general public should not attend the discussions unless b~y invitation. It was the unanimous feeling of those present that a statement of objectives was not needed. The next item on the agenda is that of creating a Police Co~m~ission in the Town of Berlin. Mr. Porter moved, Mt. Bombs seconded that we suggest to the °oard of Selectmen that a Town Meeting be called for the purpose of adopting this act and setting up a Police Commission. Motion was lost (5 voted in favor - ~ were opposed the others abstained from voting) After much discussion: Mr. Porter moved, Mr. Bombs seconded that the enabling act be adopted by theTown at a Town Meeting;~The people would act on the ~ recommendation to guide the first Con~nission a~ tha~t the~.~ utiliz~ the present constables as the first police force. Motion carried. The next meeting of this council was scheduled for May 19, 198~ at the Town Hall at 7:50 P.M., at which time the next item on the agenda would be discussed, The Problem of an Adequate Water Supply for the Town. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M.