1953/09/14~.(inutes of the ~ec,t~.Oer 14, 1953 TOWN OF BERI;IN OFFICE OF THE SEL~CT~,E>~ The meeting opened at 7~30.~'.~i. wit~ the first and second selectmen present. The Town Treasnrer met with the 3elec~nen this ,~ven~n~ to ~scnss matters of finance. ~,~eetin? adjourned at 8:10 The Board agreed to arrange for a sr~eclal ~,m ~et~ng to borro'~ fond~ in antlci~ation of taxes The F~rst Selectm~ and t~ Treasurer met ~itn Nev~ Britain Trust Co. and made arr~gements for funds to tide the to,.vn over until such time ~at a ~ecfal me~tlng could be held.