1953/08/03~,;inutes of the },'~eeting Au~t 3, 19~:3 TOWN OF BERLIN OFFICE OF THE SELECTEEN The meeting onened at 7:30 P.I¥'~. with tna first and second selectmen oreCent. The minute~ of the r~revious me-ting were read and acceoted. Mr. Hall reoorted that he had contacted ~ir. 0sterhaudt relative to relocating th.~ ~top light o~mosite the Purttlan ~,~aln Rest~,.~urant on Route ~5 north to the S~ruce Broo~ Eoad crossing. ~,~r. 0sterhaudt stated that he would li~e to have s Nr. eob Willf~ton .handle this ~tter but th, t ~e v,~as on vacation at the ~reseut time. ~;r. 0ste:~,haudt is to contact either Lynch H.~ll or A. N!l~son ~',r. Williston returns, to go over this m~tter thoroughly. A letter ~;~ritten to th~ Co~m:.issioner of State Police w ? read along with tbslr ansv.'er, relative to arran~;ing a meeting with the Commissioner to di~cu~ Berlin's possibilities to obtain tbs services of a resident State Policeman. A letter from the Berlin Safety Com',~ission ctirected to the Tow~ Planning Commisalon with a cop? to the Board of Se]~ ctr, sn was read this evening. It w~s their recommendation that the developers of Kew Gardens located on tbs Old Carlson DroDerty D~ovide ~mother entrance to the development on Fa~raington Ave., nd also that side?/alks be constructed on the inside of the re.~identiml loop to both Farm~ngton Ave. and Patterson Way. A motion v;a~ made and pas~e~! that a soeclal to',m ms etfng be called to ask accer~tance of 5[ouuta~n View Drive a~ net ms~ prepared bF· Er. arth-.~r Bacon Town En_glneer. Thi~ work wo~'ld be done at Town expense ~rovided the tovm Planning Com~,i~ion is agreeable and tt:e propert~ ovmers affected wi?~l donate the neces~ry land to cor~orm to [~ir. Bacon's layout. ~% motion wasmade and passed to reco~muend to the Pl.~nning Commission th-~t ~Droximately g~uu' of Simm~ Road at the east end, fr~mHigh Road to the Khans Develor.~nt, be t.gken over as a Town road. Also that the necessary arr~mgemants be made to call a special t~,~m meeting. A motion was made and masse,~ t~at a portion of the ab~ndone?, road in front of I',b',. T~omas ~!cGrath~s ~rorerty be returned to him. ~!r. Hall exmlatned that ~,~r. kc~rath g~ve to the a oort!on of hi~ p~.or, erty for flue new road "ithout charge. ~Ir. Hall i~ to contact ~;ir. Roland Klatt to see if he ~o~ld be w~llng to may a l!*t. le for the ~.o,'tion of t_~e abandone'! road in foont of h!.~ o,~o~erty, and report back~. ~,~r. Hall re,,'.orted t~at ~f,r. F. Baumberger of West Peak Moad ~,..~anted i~200, i~ fo~" damage to one of hi~ a~pl~ trees by t~e Tov~n. It was agreed that ~r. Haloffer 5~r. Buumberger with a t o~ of fez. of ~lO0. ~Ir. Harve,y Culver and i~r. Ra>~~ Stange appeared before the Selectmen this evening and emolalne~d thn£ they we~e lookin~ for some property i~x~ owned by the To,~n in ?,bfah to t'mild a ho~ for the V. F. W. ~ Stange ~tated that the would like to purchase the old Blue Hills School if th, Town vmuld agree to sellit. ~,r. Hall informed them that the would have to see the Board of Education on this matter [Urst. ~.,~,e.:~,tir~ adjourned at 8:.~0 P.~I. Mr. H~ 1 re~orted that ['~r. Hur~_erford met v.,~th the Board this eyre ~ng mud discussed the matter of whet!,;er the town -~o¥1C t'~l~en over the exreniture of traftc contro~ at the B~rlln Fair this ye :r. Tne Bo~rd of Selectr~en felt th,.-~t in tl~e past organ]zations n<~.eding extra constables paid fo? this service themselves and if this 'oolicy was abo].i~hed the to'.~m wo.~ld t~en to go on in the future.