1953/07/06Minutes of the Meeting July 6, 1953 TOVS~ OF BERLIN OFFICE OF THE SELECTMEN The meeting opened at 7:30 P.M. with the first and second s~lectmen present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted. Mr. Hall reported that Mr. Oliver Porter was out of town and could not be reached on the matter of postponing the town meeting in which action would be taken pertaining to the Police Commission. A motion was made and passed that the Town meeting to hear and act on th~ BuildIn~j ~ode and the Police Conm~ission be postporied until after labor day in view of the fact that people are away on vacation, and in the hopes that the new high school will be available in the fall. Mr. Harold bomba reported to the Selectmen that Mr. Andrew Barnak made known that he would llke to purchase lot #119. and a triangular piece known as Strip "G". ~ .... ~. ~r. Barnak was asked to submit his request in writing and the amount he wished to pa~' for this property. Mr. Nilsson asked if anything nad been done relative to his suggestion to relocate the traffic light on Route 5 to Spruce Brook ~oad. Mr. Ha~l stated that he had not talked to Osterhaudt as yet. Mrs. Cha.~rles Johnson, c~,airlady of the Visiting N~rse Committee, ~iss Viola Snyder, visiting nurse, and George Hamlln met with the Selectmen t~is eveni~k~ to see if some arrangements co~ld be made to have this committee operate on a more legal basis. RIrm. Johnson presented a cof~y of the original resolution da~ed October 27, 192U w~.ich was read to the Selectmen. Mrs. Johnson stated that she wanted everything technically correct and to dste~ it ,~ms been oi~erated in a ha~hazard manner. Mr. Hamlin stated that it is his feeling that the authority of this Committee h.'~a ceased at the end of the first year, and asked on what authority had t~is Ooramittee been going on. Miss Snyder stated thst at each annual town meeting the matter was brought up and a committee appointed. The Resolution was checked and nothing was mentioned that would prove Miss Snyder's me correct. However, Mr. Hall stated that ~'l~ss Snyder*s recollection might ~:e the feeling of the committee. l~r. Hamlln asked ~irs. Johnson if down thru the years they had set up by-laws or a set of rules to govern themselves. ~Irs. Johnson replied No, but this is what they wanted. Mr. Hamlin stated that an ordinance should be drawn u!~ by which the Visiting Nurse Committee would be governed. Y,r. Hamlin stated that there were two plans whic~ could be put into effect. Plan 1- Cnder ~ectioz 390 (6i9 at present) of the General Statutes an ordin: nce could be set up with by-laws etc. Plan 2- '~he Town would contribute money to this committee and they in turn would or~anize themselves, govern t~emselves and not be subjected in any way to town control unless, however, they are contrary to health regulations. ~rs. Johnson was asked to check with other towns who operate under the general statutes to see how they operate their nursing co--.it tee. Mr. Hall stated that he thought that the first plan of ~[r. Hsm~lin's would be easier to sell to the towns people. Meeting adjourned at, 9:40 P.M.