1965/02/19 Park and Recreation Meeting February 19, 1965. A meeting of the Park and Recreation Commission was held on Friday, February 19, 1965 at 8 p.m. at the Town Hall. Those present were Chairman Dennehy, Mr. Knapsack, Mr. Roby, Mr. Blake, Mr. Bergstrom, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Greoo and Director of Public Works Mr. Seelye. Mr. Dennehy stated that the agenda of the future meetings will be as follows. Secretary 's report. Committee reports. Old business. New business. Projects good for the town. After the following correction was made the Secretary 's report of the January 15, 1965 meeting was accepted on a motion made by Mr. Seelye and seconded by Mr. Blake. Correction - The following Mr. Johnson, Mr. Bergstrom and Mr. Anderson are to bring to the February meeting a recommendation to fill a position opening up with the park department. Job classifiction committees reports as follows. • Swimming Director - no report. Recreation Director - no report. Park Superintendent - Two meetings held with Director of Public Works Mr. Seelye and Part Superintendent Mr. LaRoaa. A job classification of the functions of the park department was spelt out and a copy was given to all members present. Committee reports. Golf - no meeting held Mr. Bergstrom is waiting for material. Pool - no meeting held Mr. Greco is waiting for material. Application for a position as life guard or swimming instructor at Memorial Pool was received from Pamela Hyde. • Mr. LaRosa park superintendent will attend all Park and Recreation Commission meetings. Director of Public Works Mr. Seelye suggested that the fields be fertilized tie commission felt that it was not needed. Old business : • The park department sub committee recommended to hire Robert McCann to fill the position opened with the park department. starting salary Msrch 1st #100.00 a week after July 1st #105.00 a week as approved by the Finance Board if work is satisfactory. The commission agreed unanimously. Mr. Dennehy instructed Mr. Johnson to inquire about fringe benefits of the park employees. Mr. Dennehy stated that both the Selectmen and the Board of Finance would like some action on a pool. Mr. Greco was instructed to contact Mr. LeMire and Mr. Helenski and call a meeting. Mr. Greco was instructed to draw up a complete statement of need concerning a pool and submit it to 3 the Public Building Committee. New business - On a motion made by Mr. Anderson and seconded by Mr. Blake the secretary was instructed to write a letter to the Land Acquisition Committee inquiring about the land between the Railroad Pond and Percival Field. The commission felt if the town would purchase it the two parks would connect. Carbon copies to Selectman Powers • and Director of Public works. MR. Dennehy stated that the land owner of the land just purchascad in the Blue Hills area of town have the use of the land for two years. Mr. Baylock will be instructed to advertise in the newspaper for the following positions to be opened in the recreation department. Playground instructor, life guards and instructors at Memorial Pool and part time help in the park department. Past time park department employees must be 18 years of age. Dead line for applications will be March 15, 1965. A meeting will be set up in the future with Dave McCain. The secretary was instructed to write alletter to Selectman Powers asking him to contact Mayor Dawson concerning fee 's and season's tickets for the Stanley Golf Course for residences of Berlin', Mr. Dennehy was instructed by members of the commission to contact Mr. D oran stating that the Park and Recreation Commission was behind him in his fight against New Britain 's right to comdemn land in Berlin for park and recreation purposes. Mr. Blake suggested that baton lessions for girls be included in the recreation program. Mr. Roby was instructed to contact the YMCA for information concerning the possibility of the YMCA moving into town. The secretary was instructed to write to the Health Director in town instructing him to test water at the Community Fishing Pond. Carbon Copy to the Selectman. Meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. Park and Recreation Commission Meeting March 19, 1965. Lucille Luddy Secretary