1962/10/19 - .. v1.1:71M5 OF IHi evil( kW. R CALATI &g'13SLA ARATIN* 0C1 $ 19. 1962 The Park and Reereetion Commission met Fridmy. Getober 19. 1962 at 8 p.s. in the Town Ball* Those present were Chairman Dennehy. Mrs. Stewsrd. *r. Greece 1 Mr, Sergio, Mr. Bergstrom Recreatio --al Director Ar. Bayloet, Mr* Dennis and t4r. tricot of the Park an14. Maintenance Departments* 'r. Dennis reported to the oommittee that Webster Hart hes been elosed and the sign has been removed to be repaired. Sliver Lake has been seeded. Mr. Dennis will eontaet the ileetric Light Company to install meters at the followingillsting rinks Paper Cools, Pest Berlin, Treasure Fields end Willard %heel and heve the rinks ready for winter. Mr* Dennis submittal the ',vie* of VO.00 ?er stefl box. Seth box mill be made of 14 gage steel 2 by 3 by 4 painted andhave a pad eye and binges. Ir. Dennis submitted prices on a Snow 3Ird and a IDeler snow blower. WI i motion made by Mr. Greco and seoonded by Mr* Bergstrom that the oommittee reeo2meA the Seleotmen to purehsee a Snow Sird. On a moti:-n made by Mr. Serostrom anl seo . by Mrs* Stumsrd that the eommittee recommend the purthese of a eyolone spreader prise $1500* Mr. Dennis stated that the roof on the comfort station be replaced* r. Deny instructed Mr. Dennis to obtain pries* on a metal or aluminum roof* r• . Dennehy has a request from a gentleman in Pew aritain to use our bleaehers* The volley of the committee is that they do not land the bleachers to our of town people. Mr. Dennehy will approach the Selectman on the ?arches* of a dual sew* ?resent a the meeting was Mr. Robert Langeller. Mr. Lengelier presented the blue prints for a pool and wading pool therefore, the remainder of the meeting was sent in discussion and the asking and answering of questions. gr. Lsnoelier made the following remarks* Cost of pool t90.000.00 to 092.00 .00 inpluding equipment plus wading pool peoksge #102.00C.00 to $105,000.00. £xeluding tense, decking, lightingand bathhouse* Al,. Lanoeller estimated the following00 1,5,00d sq* feet of decking rough figure *600 per eq. foot $9.0004,0, t: 7feet tour foot hi fen*, at 3.00 a foot $2,500.00, lighting 10,000 watts r700.00 to $2.00000 for night use). operational east *020 per sq. foot per day $250.00 (70 day. 6.00040). one halt million gals. of rater to fill pool. three guards and one roaming guard W000.00. bathhouses $17,000.00 to $20.000.00 10,000 eqi foot, bathbouse would iodide male 17 shover heads toilets. 5 senile. female 12 shower heeds* 8 lavatories. $ water Closets 3 drinking fountains. one dressing room and fuoilities end anew. Mr Dennehy will ask the town engineers to take soundings at iersivel Field. mr. Dennehy Will eontaot the Selectman for sp2rovel and than the eommittee will eortaet by letter the Moore Fund requesting a Pen11111taata for a meeting* ?ark and Recreation ' Aseting November 16. 1962 g eating *Clowned at 10115 P.m* Respectfully submitted. Lucille Ludy Secretary