1962/09/21 MINUTES OF THE MEING ..F THE PARK AND Rt!CREATI2N a;AMITTEE SE T r'3:jR 21, 1962 The Park and Recreation Committee met Friday, September 21, at 8 p.m. in the Town Hall. Those present were Chairman Dennehy, Meseere Anderson, Gurskis, Greco, Dolan, and Sobneon, Recreation Director Mr. Baylock and Park Superintendent Mr. LeRoda. Mr. Anderson remarked on the fine job done by the Worthington Garden Club at the Berlin Monument. Mr. Anderson requested Mr. LaRosa of the Park Department the following, raise the flower bed at the Monument 12 to 15 inches in the center, remove tulip bulbs and replace in the spring, remove crocus bulbs at the Marine Monument and replace in the spring with tulip bulbs, replace rustic sign at Webster Park and next spring try to water all flower beds. On a motion made by Mr. Gurskis and seconded by Mr. Dolan to authorize Mr. Anderson to purchase flower bulbs for next spring. A letter will be sent to the First Selectman requesting that the town crew remove top soil from Webster Park and transport it to Percival Field. That the town payloader be used at Community Field. Mr. LaRosa stated that the snow blower motor was gone. Mr. Dennehy will instruct Mr. Dennis to obtain prices on a new snow blower. The following projects for the Maintenance and Park Department were discussed, replace damaged shingles on the roof of the comfort station at Percival Field, replace broken windows at the Murrary Heights Community House, remove brush from Percival Field, paint picnic tables at Webster Heights playground, order lumber for bens or boxes to be used at the playgrounds, the touch football fields are to be marked at Percival Field, Percival School, Willard School, and Hubbard School. The commission would like the approval of the Selectman to purchase a dual saw to be used by the Maintenance and Park Department. On a motion made by Mr. Greco and seconded by Mr. Gurskis permission was given to Mr. Baylock to purchase a iron mite for the Little League, Junior League and Legion League using the money from the Arts and Crafts Fund. Discussed was an adult vollyball league as a winter recreation. Mr. Dennehy reported that the blue prints for the pool will be ready by October let. at that time Mr. Langelier and the commission will meet with the Marjorie Moore Fund. A $500.00 1963 budget in letter form was received from the Little League. A note will be sent to Dave McCain thanking the parents of the swim team for the pincic held in honor of the commission. Meeting adjourned at 9145 p.m. Park and Recreation Meeting October 19, 1962Respectfuil Respectfully submitted, Lucille Luddy Secretary