1953/05/04Ivlinutes cf the "'eeting ~'[ay 4, 1953 TOWN oF BERLIN Board of Sel~ ctmen pres ei!% . accel,ted. 1:he m£.etir'~5 oier, ed at 7:30 P.M. with tha three selectmen The ,'' .~,~nutes oC the previous meelng were read and Mr. Woodruff, Town ~lcrk, discussed with the Selectmen tLls evenflo,._ th~, request of James and ~]~.:ra Dl?etro. lney w~.-'s~'- to purchase lots ,~i~!22, ~723 and ~jf24 on Ulendale Ave., Kdnslngto:~. [~Ir. Nilsson stated that if this prct~erty is sold it skould be incor~'orated in the deed that the town will not be r~sDonsible for buildln~ or matainlng tLe road. It was agreed to turn the matter over to the Planning Corm~isslc. n to the FlanninL Commission a letter was written/and ~.laced on file. A motion was made and passed authorizing the Park Recreation ~o .... ~ssion to f, urchase rubber seats for the swi~s at th~ different !layjrc~d to rep/ace t[:~, present wo:;:den seats. A letter was rece!ved fro','.: thc Berlin Lions Club, -~,(r. Wild!am Pcppel, Secretary requesting ~rmlssion to hold the Derlin Fair or'. the fair src. unds lease~ from Joseph ~mm¢,r:ski on October 2, 3, 4, 1953, oFenln6 0ctcber F., 1!)53 at 4:00 P.M. A :'::etlon was made and L. asseC that thc re.%uest of the berlin Lion's Club be 6ranted. o~re~t nur:Lerln;; was d[scusst-d<:.,~,'' 5~,r. iiall fey;cried that T<.wn ~ounsel stated th:t special 2::t:m~iss[on had to be obta'n frc~.: the ~zoxature tc grant p~r'mlss}on tc the Flanr:Ing ~om~ ,[SSlOl~ to renumber the houses in th~ town. Lip. z[a~ to ,2h~ c~ irit furth~_r and tel:orr bacx. A letter was received from th~ Berlin Ohamber of Oo~m~erce stst~nL th t they favor letting X¢~ Brlt~In dump tem[.orar~ly in the old sewer beds until an incineratc, r is built. a letter was written the ~ommeree t.~nkin~ them for the.ir opinion. ~. co~y of the let:.er is on fi. le. ~,,e,-~t!nj adJ<~urn¢~d at C:O0 P.M.