1961/11/17 MreUT7ee c THe 71,121eTIne CP TI-!: ieeee A-ir FeeO ' ATICei CeMeIT,,eieT, NOVerlee 17, 1961 Those present were Mr. John Dennehy, Chairman; Philip R. Bergstrom, Joseph Gurskis, Aobert Johnson and Recreation Director Victor Baylock and Maintenance Forlisn William Dennis, Dr. J0 C 'Brien President of the Berlin t . le A. and twc teachers repro ting the Berlin High school were also present. The combined group discussel in length the local recreation program. The F . T. A. has made a survey of towns the size of eerlin and presented their findings . The Recreation Commission felt that with the available funds and facilities that they had provided a very adequate erograw. The following joint suegentions were made. More publicity, feature once a week a cloumn in the newspaper, . a weekly schedule be posted in local sehools, a' carteen drop in center senior hlgh school group and preferably Saturday evenings, crammer school opened Priday evenings for recreational purposes, a boy and girl representing the high sohool and a memberrepresenting the local 2, T. A. attend the regular monthly Park an Recreation meetings, an ex perimertal Uri one Saturday night a month Y, M. C. A, pool party and dances for two groups 7th and 8th grades and 9 thru 12 grades.. The Park ar&Recreation Committee will have a special budget meeting December lete The Park and Recreation Committee will meet with. the Land Acquisition Comm ittee December 12th, Mr. John Dennehy reported on the tour taken November 12th by members of the coMniseiet. The following sugeestiens for emprovements were madee Percival Field e clear brush, remove bags from bases, repair dry ditch in right field, move and relocate swings, fill in area around fountain and remove reuntain and paint metal structure of hleaahers. Pabst Playereune — burn chicken. coops ,nd other bullAinge, Silver Laneplantrye and grass and construct a Shelter. Skating — burn weeds* eelL iecreation:Direoter Baylook has filled out an apelication and returned to the euperiatendent of Schools for the Park and Aecreation committee to use the Berlin High School gym Monday and Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings for basketball; The Percival, Willer,' and Kensineton Seammer scheeles Friday evenings for recreational eoreosee. er. V. Bayleek stated that the recreation would consist of checkers, knock hooteyeand ping eong. • On a motion or Surskis and eeconeee by Mr. Bereetrom the committee voted to purehase two basketball backstoes for 00.00 each. Mr. V. S ay?oek stated opening date for the basketball league will be December 9th. , _ e The oommitteeeauthorizel chairman Dennehy and Aecreational Director Victor Block to name the referees for the basketball 1 ()ague. A sueeestiennees meade by the committee to aeeeint a church league director. His duties would be to keep a scheCu1e, the time, and the scores .