1961/01/27 MINUTES OF THE MEJTING OF THE PARK AND RECREATION COTe°`ITTEE JANUARY 27, 1961 The Park and Recreation Committee met Friday, January 27 in Towh Hall. Those present were Chairman John Dennehy and Yr. Sargis. Recreation Director Victor Baylock was also present. Since there was not a quoram present the evening; was devoted to discussion. A letter was read from First Selectman rthuryowers, suggesting that the Park and Recreation Committee promote a skating carnival at the town skating rinks. Yr. Baylock was asked to organize such an event. Mr. DeForest Glover appeared on invitation from the corrittee to discuss future plans of the Newell League. After explaining that a complete reor- ganization was underway, Mr. Glover said he felt sure he would be able to present a firm plan for the 1961 season by the Committee ' s next meeting. Mr. Glover and Mr. Baylock brought out the lack of dances at the H igh School this winter, a function usual).* sponsored jointly by the H igh School PTA and the Park and Recreation Committee. Mr. Baylock said he would endeavor to schedule a Valentine Dance for February 18 on a similar basis to those in previous years. Mr. Sargis drew attention to the fact that the bleachers at Percival Field needed repair. It was suggested that Mr. Dennis examine them for needed plank replacement and painting. Mr. Sargis noted particularly the danger from large splinters. He suggested that a roof would serve as protection for the stand. A statement of the Committee ' s budget balance as of December 31, 1960 noted a balance of 7,878.142 in the Park account and X7,557.99 in the Recreation account. A letter from Chief of Police H . Theodore Strand notified the Committee of the appointment of Mr. Baylock as a special policeman in connection with his duties as Recreation Director . The Secretary was asked to write a letter to the Lions Club rer.uesting them to meet with us February 17 to discuss the Memorial Fool program for 1961. Respectfully submitted, Clara B. ssahan Secretary