1960/02/19 MINUTES OF THE PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING February 19, 1960 The Park and Recreation Commission met Friday, February 19, 1960 at 8 p.m.. in the Town Hall. Those present were Chairman Dennehy, Mrs . Murphy, and Messrs, Gurskis, Dodson, Recano, Sargis, Newell, Anderson and Recreation Director Victor Baylock. Mr. Anderson reported that he had ordered the flowers for Memorial Day planting from Sunny Border. He is planning plantings at the Patterson Way triangle and at Robbins Road at Kensington Road. Mr. Pat Caccavale and Mr. Ernest Mika. rum of the Lions Club met with the commission to discuss the operation of Memorial Pool as concerned personnel, the wages being paid by a town budget fund, which is charged to the Recreation budget. Mr. Dennehy explained that there had been disatisfaction by residents over the cost of swimming lessons. It was suggested that the Park and Recreation Committee and two representatives from the Lions Club confer on the hiring of the iwi .i.ng Pool personnel. Mr. Baylock, recreation director, was to "shop around" for a director of Memorial Pool, always endeavoring to hire a local person if possible. Mr. Mildrum was to sent the Park and Recreation Commission a schedule of the work week and previous pay for each employee at the pool. Mrs. Murphy reported that there was need for a hockey area at the skating ponds, away from the small children's area to avoid injury to the youngsters. It was voted to hold a special meeting March 4 at 6:30 p.m. in Town Hall to consider the bids on the Percival Field Comfort House. The Town Engineer to be present. After discussion Mr. Newell moved, and Mr. Gurskis seconded, and it was unanimously voted to purchase four basketball stanchions and stops. These to be used at Treasure Field, Percival Field, Hubbard and Pabst sites. Mr. Baylock was to get prices. Mrs. Murphy deplored the. wanton destruction of so much playground equip- ment. After discussion it was moved by Mrs. Murphy and seconded by Mr. Newelland voted that a letter be sent to Chief of Police Strand requesting better police protection at the town playgrounds. Copies to be sent to Board of Selectmen and the Police Commission. Mr. Baylock suggested a gti.l's softball team for the spring program, also thnnis. He also said he hoped to continue the Church Basketball League with a softball program during the spring and summer. Mr. Recaio reported that he had received no reply form Mr. Bolles, town insurance agent, to his inquiry concerning insurance costs for coverage on proposed recreational programs, with particular emphasis on Archery. Mr. Gurskis moved, seconded by Mr. Recano, and unanimously voted that a. ballfield be bulldozed out at the Pabst site. Mr. Dodson reminded the group that the time to prepare for skating at Willard School was next July, and the construction of two concrete abuttments and plankings to provide a dam, in order to flood the area. be considered. He also inquired if any funds were available to provide trout for the children's fish pond off Farmington Avenue. Mra Dennehy geported that everyone - liked the idea of the children's fishing area but no money was available in the budget. Meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, C /?.` 7,40,1,a,,..‹.._