1958/07/16 Mi1RJT "8 or 'gem ©?*l*16, 1958 The Park and Recreation Commission not Nsdnoirdmy, July 18, at 8 p. m. in tb. $1leita&s Cont.a ai . Rasa with imps. Bergstrom,; Anderson and Rein pees . Mr. Newell iso in but loft iase~diataly aft*r giving fir. Roses acne material. *r. Rosana presided at the meeting. *7.. Bsagrtren tiniest in a list et wart to be done in the parks and goltrouRds. each item of which was listed numorisally in priority Tb. assi.tary was instrtisotid to typo the lists and give to tho First 8.]s off. 800 r.tary a net.- This has bort demo and the list has tee► turned aver to Mr. Dennis by Xr. Firths*, with inatrusticns to prosoodelth eresution. Nr, Rooano received a eep1 of suggested rules to sontrol the operation of adult Town re tion teams in both baseball and basketball. Mr. sseano agrsed to review theca and report at the next mooting. mune the Roxboro prrse nt wore unable to agree on a dab o to meet 'with the Board of Finance it was agreed that *7. Newell should sot a *ate satisfactory to hist. Meeting adjourned at 9 p. ae,.